Player Roster - Prestige and titles
Total Prestige Earned/Prestige Spent - Name/ID
(1) - Tier 1 or highest scoring title winner
(2) - Tier 2 or 2nd highest scoring title winner
(3) - Tier 3 or 3rd highest scoring title winner
(4) - Tier 4 or 4th highest scoring title winner
Total Prestige Earned/Prestige Spent - Name/ID
(1) - Tier 1 or highest scoring title winner
(2) - Tier 2 or 2nd highest scoring title winner
(3) - Tier 3 or 3rd highest scoring title winner
(4) - Tier 4 or 4th highest scoring title winner
305/110 - Brian - Iron
"Warden of Harappa" (3) "Grand Master of Santiago" (2) "The Last Crusader" (1) "The Pilgrim" (2) "Ironheart" (1) "The Partisan" (2) "Paragon of Ganesha" (1) 201/60 - Brad - Official Mr. Scruff "Shield of the Middle Kingdom" (3) 64 - Jake - The Great Gibblet M... "Hochmeister" (3) 243 - Blake S - lookatall26 "Viceroy of the West" (2) "Khagan" (1) "The Pentarchist" (3) 119 - Quinton - JesusSaurusRex "Grand Master of the Templars" (1) 52 - Logan - Staviz 22 - Carsten - Lord_Corwin "Governor-General of the East" (2) 157/60 - Wyatt L - Blyatt "Albion's Bane" (1) "Blood of Alfred the Great" (2) "Sword of the Chrysanthemum Throne" (4) "The Magnate" (2) 49/30 - DrDecoy 23 - Morosaurus 9 - bbaron 16 - Bottech "Inquisitor" |
28 - Zane - AzimuthL
64 - Kassidy - CherryGarcia 157/50 - Weston - MissingNo28 "Keeper of the Keys" (1) "Stellar Sovereign" (1) 65 - Jordan - jeudy100 29 - Micheal - mchester2 27 - Chris - Deadsky 16 - Ryan - GooseOfGlory 48 - Blake G - Shalashaska "Scion of Sumer" (1) 86 - Wyatt T - oriemaster198 "The Hegemon" (4) "The King-Unmaker" (2) "Hammer of Samsara" (4) 38 - Jack - Jack Harvey "Galactic Ascendant" (1) 63 - William - Biggus Dickus W... "Spear of Hachiman" (3) "Sovereign of the Silk Road" (3) 31 - Parafrost 15 - Grant - AGenuineHuman 18 - RJ - daRthJELLO 35 - Jorge - Cycoboy "The Puppet Master" (1) 31 - Weldo - Imperator "The Paladin" (2) 33 - Nate - YoFlyMyGuy 16 - shoober 50 - DiePie "Hammer of Hammurabi" (1) |
140 - Eric - chaching812
150 - Alec - Alec LeGrega "The Conqueror" (3) "Avatar of Alexander" (2) 149 - Josh - Captain Dickers M... 41 - Mike - Z3NF1N1TY 71 - Robby - talietan 227/190 - Braxton - MoneyMaker3389 "Heir of the Xia" (4) "Blood of Ragnar Lodbrok" (1) "Sealord" (2) "Charlemagne's Heir" (2) "Dynasty of Tian" (2) "Lion of the North" (2) 51 - Brian S - A Dirty Morderd 40 - Jiokuy - Jiokuy 14 - Adam - Longshadow99 50 - Elijah - Johan/LaughableTundra "Shield of the Princes" (3) 70 - Pixel 13 - Christian - madprofessorpotato 85 - Erik - Ekcrbe "The Autarch" (3) "The Ironborn" (1) 23 - bread "The Inquisitor" (1) 23 - piano 34 - Requiem 13 - Aqulan "The Architect" (3) 19 - Too374 "Prince of the Hansa" (1) |
New players will be added to the roster once they confirm for their second campaign.
Gametactica prestige is gained by participating in Gametactica campaigns. For each campaign, the lowest scoring player in the lowest tier will gain 1 prestige point, the second lowest in the lowest tier will gain 2 prestige points, etc. Winners of any tier will gain a bonus 5 prestige points. Notice that participation in games with more players can therefore warrant higher prestige. It helps a lot to also have started and run the league ;)
Player Expectations
The Rights of Man
1. Absences are unavoidable, but missing the majority of a campaign's sessions or quitting a campaign disrupts the balance of the campaigns no matter the current state of the nation in question. The other players within each bracket rely on your participation, and it is not fair to occupy competitive nation selections and then leave them to the AI. Any player who misses more than half of a campaign, even if resigning, will be restricted in the selection order of future campaings, usually being relegated to the final slots.
2. Players' internet connection should not prevent the game from running at speed 3. If you are receiving messages that you are holding back the game speed, this is being noted by the host and you are expected to take steps to improve your internet connection.
3. Anyone incapable of keeping respectful in all communications will be immediately removed from any campaign without warning. Please inform the host or Brian (Iron) of any disrespectful, hostile, or disruptive behavior inside or outside of the game.
7. Mr. Scruff's Treatise on the Effect of Player Mentality on the Dynamics of Campaign Enjoyability
1. Absences are unavoidable, but missing the majority of a campaign's sessions or quitting a campaign disrupts the balance of the campaigns no matter the current state of the nation in question. The other players within each bracket rely on your participation, and it is not fair to occupy competitive nation selections and then leave them to the AI. Any player who misses more than half of a campaign, even if resigning, will be restricted in the selection order of future campaings, usually being relegated to the final slots.
2. Players' internet connection should not prevent the game from running at speed 3. If you are receiving messages that you are holding back the game speed, this is being noted by the host and you are expected to take steps to improve your internet connection.
3. Anyone incapable of keeping respectful in all communications will be immediately removed from any campaign without warning. Please inform the host or Brian (Iron) of any disrespectful, hostile, or disruptive behavior inside or outside of the game.
7. Mr. Scruff's Treatise on the Effect of Player Mentality on the Dynamics of Campaign Enjoyability