Faction Creation and First Session: 19 Jun 2022, 3:00-6:00 PM EST
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/mvD8vAR
FINAl Ranking - Prestige
Neborite Unified Clans - 13 "Stellar Sovereign"
Holy Dragonic Order - 7
Foundation of Seyta - 6
Misharian Order - 5
Black Pearl of Salorim Cove - 4
Holy Yaanari League - 3
Prince-Electorate of the Bhiiri - 2
Parikarnassus - 1
Holy Dragonic Order - 7
Foundation of Seyta - 6
Misharian Order - 5
Black Pearl of Salorim Cove - 4
Holy Yaanari League - 3
Prince-Electorate of the Bhiiri - 2
Parikarnassus - 1
FAction Selection Rules
All Empire options are determined by the steps below during a selection session before the game begins. All cosmetic options, species options, and homeworld options are freely chosen and may be chosen before or after the selection session.
1. Origins
Origins selection in this campaign will draw from the final rankings of each player's most recent Gametactica campaign. These rules are detailed at the bottom of this section*.
Players may select any Origin not already selected by a preceding player. Origin choices are imbalanced in strength or options, so earlier selection positions may be valuable for grabbing the "best" choices.
1. Origins
Origins selection in this campaign will draw from the final rankings of each player's most recent Gametactica campaign. These rules are detailed at the bottom of this section*.
Players may select any Origin not already selected by a preceding player. Origin choices are imbalanced in strength or options, so earlier selection positions may be valuable for grabbing the "best" choices.
Overlord Origins
Imperial Fiefdom Necrophage Clone Army Here Be Dragons Ocean Paradise Progenitor Hive Subterranean Slingshot to the Stars Teachers of the Shroud |
2. Traits
Two species traits will be assigned randomly for each player.
- First Trait will be randomly assigned - roll a visible d42 and apply the according Trait from the list counting from top to bottom.
- Second Trait will be randomly assigned - roll a visible d41 and apply the according Trait from the list counting from top to bottom and re-roll if the result is an invalid option.
- Other traits are by choice - After the first two traits, each player may then choose as many additional traits as they want
3. Ethics
Government ethics will be randomly assigned
- First Ethic - roll a d9 and apply the according Ethic with Militarist corresponding to a result of 1 and continuing clockwise around the ethics selection. A roll of 9 corresponds to Gestalt Consciousness and the player will not choose further ethics. This is the only point where a player can gain the Gestalt Consciousness ethic since it requires all ethic points. This roll may be rerolled once, and the new roll must be accepted.
- Second Ethic - roll a further d8 and apply the according Ethic, upgrading the trait to Fanatical if the same result from step 1 is rolled.
- Third Ethic - roll a further d8 and apply the according Ethic, upgrading the trait to Fanatical if the same result from step 1 is rolled. Reroll this die if the trait is already Fanatical
4. Government and Civics
- Government is by choice - each player may choose any government from his available types
- Civics are by choice - each player may choose any civics from his available choices
- Homeworld - each player may choose any homeworld type from his available choices
5. Other
Any cosmetic and species options may be chosen as long as they fit within the prerequisites of options already determined above.
Prestige Awards - Accumulated by participating in Gametactica campaigns, Prestige can be "spent" during Nation Selection to allow for certain alternative options or gain a certain bonus. A player can never purchase any of the below benefits more than once during a nation selection session, but may purchase multiple benefits. Prestige can be used in the following ways:
Fiefdoms - 30 Prestige - Declared before empire selection officially begins. Fiefdoms are designed for players who are introducing another player to the game or to Gametactica and wish to start on a "team" with them in a nearby location. The player spending the prestige and any other player of his choice (with their permission) will automatically be assigned the Imperial Fiefdom Origin and will therefore both start near each other as vassals of the same advanced AI empire. This can be purchases multiple times.
Usurper - 50 Prestige - Declared before empire selection officially begins. The player using Usurper will advance in the selection order by 1. This can be effectively nullified by the passed-over player also using Usurper. This can be purchases multiple times.
Scrying - 10 Prestige - Declared during empire selection, after a dice roll. The player using Scrying can reroll a dice rolled during Empire Selection. This can be purchased multiple times.
*Excluding recent title-winners (who will be selecting last), all players returning from previous campaigns will be able to to select nations in order of their final ranking descending from top score to lowest score, followed by any new players in a randomly determined order, followed by recent title-winners in order of final ranking. A player who has played in earlier campaigns but did not participate in the most recent campaign will be allowed to use the final ranking of their latest campaign to determine their selection placement, and will be placed directly behind the player of equivalent ranking from the most recent campaign. Any players who missed more than 50% of sessions in their last campaign will not pick according to score and will be placed in the random pool with new players.
Scoring and House Rules
Game Length
The game will end in 2500.
At each score interval, players will gain score equal to the sum of a players Empire Size, Subject Size, and AI Alliances, multiplied by year-based multiplier as described below:
Empire Score - The Empire Size value of the player's empire before any reduction modifiers. Empire Size with breakdown is visible in the top banner of the Stellaris UI.
Subject Score - Each Subject of the player will give 20% of their own points from Empire Size to their Overlord. Vassals with a positive Loyalty score will give 50% of their points to their Overlord. For player's that are Subjects, this score will be negative to represent the points given to their Overlord.
Diplomatic Score - Players will gain score equal to 20% of the Empire Systems held by any AI empires they have as Defensive Allies or as Federation members (not subjects of members). If an AI empire has multiple players as Allies or Federation members, the Empire System score value will be split between them.
Multiplier - The multiplier will begin as x1 for all players and increase based on the game year (see Scoring Intervals) and one-time accomplishments (see Bonus Objectives).
Scoring Intervals
Each players score will be recorded every 50 years beginning in 2250 until the game ends in 2500. Starting with scoring in 2350, the score multiplier will increase to x2 for all players. Starting with scoring in 2450, base score will increase to x3 for all players. The final score for each player will be the cumulative value of the player's recorded scores.
Multi-Player Federations
If any Federation contains at least three players as members, then all players in the Federation will count as having an Empire Size equal to the average Empire Size of all players while ignoring the player in the Federation with the lowest Empire Size. For example, if a Federation has 4 players in it, and their Empire Sizes from the number of Empire Systems controlled are 50, 42, 40, and 22, all four players will be considered to have a Base Score of 44 before applying any multipliers. For the last 50 years of the game (2450-2500) Federations will be considered to be locked and player scores will be shared even if a member leaves a Federation or a Federation disbands (this provides at least one scoring session to respond to any defections).
Bonus Objectives
Any scoring session in which a player achieves one of the following goals, his score multiplayer will get +1 for each goal completed in that session. Each goal can only be achieved once, so only the first player to achieve the goal gets the bonus and can only claim it once. The player must inform the host of the achievement by sending a screenshot with the date.
- Uncover, steal, or otherwise acquire an Ancient Relic
- Complete the first level of a multi-level Megastructure
- Defeat a Leviathan/Guardian creature
- Visit an L-Cluster
- Lead a Federation with at least 4 other members (AI or players)
- Have 2 Specialist Vassal empire.
- Host the seat of the Galactic Market
- Construct a Juggernaut class ship
- Become a level 5 Crisis
Protected Area/Sector
Players may not annex another player's homeworld system or any system they own within 1 system from their homeworld system. If a player violates this rule and is unable to immediately restore the system to its previous owner undamaged, compensation will be determined by the host at the end of the session (generally the transfer of additional systems/pops). All protection ends in 2400.
Absence Protection
Once each campaign, players may notify the host that they wish to be protected during a session that they will be absent. Other players may not declare war on players that are protected and may not enter the protected player's systems if they find themselves at war due to other reasons (such as by declaring war on the protected player's allies). If the protected player's AI declares a war, it does not count as protected in that war. All protection ends in 2400.
Prestige - Earn 1 Prestige for your name on the Campaign Player List for participating in the campaign plus 1 Prestige for each player that you place higher than. The highest scoring player will earn an additional 5 Prestige.
Titles -The highest scoring player will earn a title for their name on the Campaign Player List.
Top score - "Stellar Sovereign"
The game will end in 2500.
At each score interval, players will gain score equal to the sum of a players Empire Size, Subject Size, and AI Alliances, multiplied by year-based multiplier as described below:
Empire Score - The Empire Size value of the player's empire before any reduction modifiers. Empire Size with breakdown is visible in the top banner of the Stellaris UI.
Subject Score - Each Subject of the player will give 20% of their own points from Empire Size to their Overlord. Vassals with a positive Loyalty score will give 50% of their points to their Overlord. For player's that are Subjects, this score will be negative to represent the points given to their Overlord.
Diplomatic Score - Players will gain score equal to 20% of the Empire Systems held by any AI empires they have as Defensive Allies or as Federation members (not subjects of members). If an AI empire has multiple players as Allies or Federation members, the Empire System score value will be split between them.
Multiplier - The multiplier will begin as x1 for all players and increase based on the game year (see Scoring Intervals) and one-time accomplishments (see Bonus Objectives).
Scoring Intervals
Each players score will be recorded every 50 years beginning in 2250 until the game ends in 2500. Starting with scoring in 2350, the score multiplier will increase to x2 for all players. Starting with scoring in 2450, base score will increase to x3 for all players. The final score for each player will be the cumulative value of the player's recorded scores.
Multi-Player Federations
If any Federation contains at least three players as members, then all players in the Federation will count as having an Empire Size equal to the average Empire Size of all players while ignoring the player in the Federation with the lowest Empire Size. For example, if a Federation has 4 players in it, and their Empire Sizes from the number of Empire Systems controlled are 50, 42, 40, and 22, all four players will be considered to have a Base Score of 44 before applying any multipliers. For the last 50 years of the game (2450-2500) Federations will be considered to be locked and player scores will be shared even if a member leaves a Federation or a Federation disbands (this provides at least one scoring session to respond to any defections).
Bonus Objectives
Any scoring session in which a player achieves one of the following goals, his score multiplayer will get +1 for each goal completed in that session. Each goal can only be achieved once, so only the first player to achieve the goal gets the bonus and can only claim it once. The player must inform the host of the achievement by sending a screenshot with the date.
- Uncover, steal, or otherwise acquire an Ancient Relic
- Complete the first level of a multi-level Megastructure
- Defeat a Leviathan/Guardian creature
- Visit an L-Cluster
- Lead a Federation with at least 4 other members (AI or players)
- Have 2 Specialist Vassal empire.
- Host the seat of the Galactic Market
- Construct a Juggernaut class ship
- Become a level 5 Crisis
Protected Area/Sector
Players may not annex another player's homeworld system or any system they own within 1 system from their homeworld system. If a player violates this rule and is unable to immediately restore the system to its previous owner undamaged, compensation will be determined by the host at the end of the session (generally the transfer of additional systems/pops). All protection ends in 2400.
Absence Protection
Once each campaign, players may notify the host that they wish to be protected during a session that they will be absent. Other players may not declare war on players that are protected and may not enter the protected player's systems if they find themselves at war due to other reasons (such as by declaring war on the protected player's allies). If the protected player's AI declares a war, it does not count as protected in that war. All protection ends in 2400.
Prestige - Earn 1 Prestige for your name on the Campaign Player List for participating in the campaign plus 1 Prestige for each player that you place higher than. The highest scoring player will earn an additional 5 Prestige.
Titles -The highest scoring player will earn a title for their name on the Campaign Player List.
Top score - "Stellar Sovereign"
Holy Yaanari League
Weldo Origin: Teachers of the Shroud Species: Yaanari Habitat Preference: Tropics
Black Pearl of Salorim Cove
Alec Origin: Ocean Paradise Species: Sathweer Habitat Preference: Ocean
Holy Dragonic Order
Dr Decoy Origin: Here Be Dragons Species: Drakonid Habitat Preference: Desert
Misharian Order
Blyatt Origin: Clone Army Species: Mishar Habitat Preference: Continental
Official M. Scruff Origin: Slingshot to the Stars Species: Shitake Habitat Preference: Tundra
Prince-Electorate of the Bhiiri
Demiwar Origin: Imperial Fiefdom Species: Bhiir Habitat Preference: Continental
Neborite Unified Clans
SpicyLunchBox Origin: Subterranean Species: Neborite Habitat Preference: Arctic
Bonus Objectives
(Details in rules) Ancient Relic - 2259 by Neborite Unified Clans Megastructure - 2287 by Parikarnassus Leviathan - 2393 by Foundation of Seyta L-Cluster - 2316 by Misharian Order Federation - Open Specialist Vassals - Open Host the Galactic Market - Open Construct a Juggernaut - 2366 by Neborite Unified Clans Crisis - 2444 by Foundation of Seyta |
Foundation of Seyta
Iron Origin: Necrophage Species: Rihi'Nar Habitat Preference: Arid
Score 1 - Galactic Year 2250
Neborite Unified Clans Misharian Order Holy Dragonic Order Foundation of Seyta Black Pearl of Salorim Cove Holy Yaanari League Parikarnassus Prince-Electorate of the Bhiiri |
179 173 159 147 141 135 130 32 |
179 173 159 147 141 135 130 64 |
-32 |
x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 |
Score 2 - Galactic Year 2300
Neborite Unified Clans Black Pearl of Salorim Cove Holy Yaanari League Misharian Order Foundation of Seyta Parikarnassus Holy Dragonic Order Prince-Electorate of the Bhiiri |
837 514 484 480 434 434 391 106 |
411 271 349 307 249 190 290 92 |
-82 38 -38 -58 -18 |
102 |
x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 |
Score 3 - Galactic Year 2350
Misharian Order Neborite Unified Clans Foundation of Seyta Holy Yaanari League Holy Dragonic Order Black Pearl of Salorim Cove Parikarnassus Prince-Electorate of the Bhiiri |
1950 1837 1380 1360 1159 1074 660 260 |
490 625 360 547 479 350 226 96 |
-125 113 -109 -95 -70 -113 -19 |
x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 |
Score 4 - Galactic Year 2400
Neborite Unified Clans Foundation of Seyta Misharian Order Holy Dragonic Order Holy Yaanari League Black Pearl of Salorim Cove Prince-Electorate of the Bhiiri Parikarnassus |
3706 3399 3362 2597 2420 1858 1488 956 |
778 526 706 711 662 489 767 295 |
-155 147 -142 -132 -97 -153 -147 |
x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 |
Score 5 - Galactic Year 2450
Foundation of Seyta Misharian Order Neborite Unified Clans Holy Dragonic Order Holy Yaanari League Black Pearl of Salorim Cove Prince-Electorate of the Bhiiri Parikarnassus |
8119 6089 6076 4859 3551 3037 2868 956 |
1180 909 987 942 471 786 574 0 |
-197 -188 -94 -393 -114 |
x4 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 |
Score 6 - Galactic Year 2500
Neborite Unified Clans Holy Dragonic Order Foundation of Seyta Misharian Order Black Pearl of Salorim Cove Holy Yaanari League Prince-Electorate of the Bhiiri Parikarnassus |
9757 8657 8119 6089 5257 3920 2868 956 |
1227 1582 0 0 458 245 0 0 |
-316 -122 |
282 |
x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 |
Confirmed Players - Origin Selection order
Legacy Placement:
1- Weldo - Placement from "Emperor II"
2 - Alec - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"
3 - Dr. Decoy - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"
4 - Blyatt/Wyatt - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"
5 - Official Mr. Scruff/Brad - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"
6 - Demiwar - Placement from "Mandate of Heaven III"
7 - SpicyLunchBox/Weston - Placement from "Mandate of Heaven III"
8 - Iron/Brian - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"
1- Weldo - Placement from "Emperor II"
2 - Alec - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"
3 - Dr. Decoy - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"
4 - Blyatt/Wyatt - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"
5 - Official Mr. Scruff/Brad - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"
6 - Demiwar - Placement from "Mandate of Heaven III"
7 - SpicyLunchBox/Weston - Placement from "Mandate of Heaven III"
8 - Iron/Brian - Placement from "Cradle of Civilization II"