WArhammer league Campaigns
Current Stage
Round 1 ongoing. Round 2 start date on Feb 23, unless all participants end early.
Round 1 ongoing. Round 2 start date on Feb 23, unless all participants end early.
Current Season
Campaign Rules
Warhammer league campaigns will be divided into three separate rounds, each a campaign of its own, with players building points from one round to the next.
Warhammer league campaigns will be divided into three separate rounds, each a campaign of its own, with players building points from one round to the next.
ROund 1 - Varied Game Times
Round 1 Setup
- Players each choose a Warhammer race (see Faction Groups at the bottom of this page) to represent for the season. If two players wish to play the same race, roll to randomly determine which player must make an alternative selection. Due to the current number of lords available to certain groups, the below races will be considered as a single combined selection option.
Daemons of Chaos - (Daemons of Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh)
The Lost and the Damned - (Norsca and Chaos Dwarfs)
The Far East - (Grand Cathay and Ogre Kingdoms)
- Each player is randomly paired against another player for a head-to-head campaign. If there is an odd number of players, one 3-player campaign may exist.
- If all players' races are playable options on the Realms of Chaos campaign, this campaign map should be used unless all players wish to use the Immortal Empires map, even though this may reduce faction options. Otherwise, players must use the Immortal Empires campaign map.
- An AI held Key Stronghold is randomly determined by the host. The AI faction may not match the faction group of any player in that match-up. Options include: Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof, Karaz-a-Karak, Couronne, King's Glade, Lothern, Naggarond, Hexoatl, Skavenblight, Khemri, Kislev, Wei-Jin, Zharr-Naggrund, The Awakening, Karak Eight Peaks, Doomkeep. (Immortal Empires or Realms of Chaos without rifts only)
Warpstone: After the Key Stronghold is determined, any player may spend 1 Warpstone to re-roll the Key Stronghold, and may do so more than once. After each roll, players must decline to reroll in order starting from the player with the most faction options, and once they decline they cannot change their mind. If players have the same number of factions, then the player with the most Warpstone much decline first.
- For each pairing/group, the player with the most faction options (after banning, see below) will choose their Legendary Lord for Round 1 first, and the remaining players choose in descending order.
Warpstone: Before the first faction is selected, any player may ban one of the other players' factions if that player has more than 4 factions still available, prohibiting it from being selected in this round, for the cost of 1 Warpstone. Players must decline to ban in order starting from the player with the most faction options, and once they decline they cannot change their mind. If players have the same number of factions, then the player with the most Warpstone much decline first.
Daemons of Chaos - (Daemons of Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh)
The Lost and the Damned - (Norsca and Chaos Dwarfs)
The Far East - (Grand Cathay and Ogre Kingdoms)
- Each player is randomly paired against another player for a head-to-head campaign. If there is an odd number of players, one 3-player campaign may exist.
- If all players' races are playable options on the Realms of Chaos campaign, this campaign map should be used unless all players wish to use the Immortal Empires map, even though this may reduce faction options. Otherwise, players must use the Immortal Empires campaign map.
- An AI held Key Stronghold is randomly determined by the host. The AI faction may not match the faction group of any player in that match-up. Options include: Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof, Karaz-a-Karak, Couronne, King's Glade, Lothern, Naggarond, Hexoatl, Skavenblight, Khemri, Kislev, Wei-Jin, Zharr-Naggrund, The Awakening, Karak Eight Peaks, Doomkeep. (Immortal Empires or Realms of Chaos without rifts only)
Warpstone: After the Key Stronghold is determined, any player may spend 1 Warpstone to re-roll the Key Stronghold, and may do so more than once. After each roll, players must decline to reroll in order starting from the player with the most faction options, and once they decline they cannot change their mind. If players have the same number of factions, then the player with the most Warpstone much decline first.
- For each pairing/group, the player with the most faction options (after banning, see below) will choose their Legendary Lord for Round 1 first, and the remaining players choose in descending order.
Warpstone: Before the first faction is selected, any player may ban one of the other players' factions if that player has more than 4 factions still available, prohibiting it from being selected in this round, for the cost of 1 Warpstone. Players must decline to ban in order starting from the player with the most faction options, and once they decline they cannot change their mind. If players have the same number of factions, then the player with the most Warpstone much decline first.
Round 1 Scoring
- A player's starting capital is considered their Stronghold. In the case of a horde faction that begins with no settlements, or a Legendary Lord that starts in an alternate province than their starting settlement, they treat the settlement/region they begin the game in as their Stronghold. If a player's Stronghold is ever razed (even if they do not directly control it, such as the Changeling), they are eliminated from the game.
- The game ends as soon as one of the following objectives is fulfilled:
Only one player remains (all other player Strongholds have been razed)
A player holds the Key Stronghold upgraded to Level 5 (Immortal Empires or Realms of Chaos without rifts).
Any player holds more daemon prince souls than the other(s) while the rifts are closed* (Realms of Chaos only).
The time limit expires and a player wins the Final Battle. The Final Battle will be a Land Battle skirmish between the two players with 15000 funds for each side. Each side must include their Legendary Lord and no other Legendary characters. The default battlefield will be the Praag map unless both players agree on another.
- Any player who fulfils one of the above objectives will take the role of Ascendant in Round 2 and is additionally rewarded with 1 Warpstone.
*Special rules will be provided for certain factions and lords that do not participate in the primary campaign objective, such as Chaos Dwarfs.
- The game ends as soon as one of the following objectives is fulfilled:
Only one player remains (all other player Strongholds have been razed)
A player holds the Key Stronghold upgraded to Level 5 (Immortal Empires or Realms of Chaos without rifts).
Any player holds more daemon prince souls than the other(s) while the rifts are closed* (Realms of Chaos only).
The time limit expires and a player wins the Final Battle. The Final Battle will be a Land Battle skirmish between the two players with 15000 funds for each side. Each side must include their Legendary Lord and no other Legendary characters. The default battlefield will be the Praag map unless both players agree on another.
- Any player who fulfils one of the above objectives will take the role of Ascendant in Round 2 and is additionally rewarded with 1 Warpstone.
*Special rules will be provided for certain factions and lords that do not participate in the primary campaign objective, such as Chaos Dwarfs.
Round 2 - Sundays 13:00-17:00 Eastern US
Round 2 Setup
- Players continue to represent the race(s) they selected in Round 1
- Each Ascendant is randomly paired against another as the first two players of a multiplayer campaign. If there is an odd number of Ascendants, one campaign may exist with an additional AI held Ascendant Stronghold. Each remaining player is randomly assigned to a multiplayer campaign that does not contain the Ascendant they were defeated by in Round 1.
- If all players' races are playable options on the Realms of Chaos campaign, this campaign map should be used unless all players wish to use the Immortal Empires map, even though this may reduce faction options. Otherwise, players must use the Immortal Empires campaign map.
- An AI held Key Stronghold is randomly determined by the host. The AI faction may not match the faction group of any player. Options include: Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof, Karaz-a-Karak, Black Crag, Couronne, King's Glade, Lothern, Naggarond, Hexoatl, Skavenblight, Khemri, Kislev, Wei-Jin, Zharr-Naggrund, The Awakening, Karak Eight Peaks.
- Any player may ask for a reroll before factions are selected for 2 Warpstone. Any player may pay 2 Warpstone to ban a Legendary Lord option of an Ascendant player, and Ascendants must clarify there are no bans before selecting a Lord.
- Players choose any of their Legendary Lords, in order of number of Lord options available, descending, and should note that being distant from the Key Stronghold will make it difficult to contest them.
- Each Ascendant is randomly paired against another as the first two players of a multiplayer campaign. If there is an odd number of Ascendants, one campaign may exist with an additional AI held Ascendant Stronghold. Each remaining player is randomly assigned to a multiplayer campaign that does not contain the Ascendant they were defeated by in Round 1.
- If all players' races are playable options on the Realms of Chaos campaign, this campaign map should be used unless all players wish to use the Immortal Empires map, even though this may reduce faction options. Otherwise, players must use the Immortal Empires campaign map.
- An AI held Key Stronghold is randomly determined by the host. The AI faction may not match the faction group of any player. Options include: Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof, Karaz-a-Karak, Black Crag, Couronne, King's Glade, Lothern, Naggarond, Hexoatl, Skavenblight, Khemri, Kislev, Wei-Jin, Zharr-Naggrund, The Awakening, Karak Eight Peaks.
- Any player may ask for a reroll before factions are selected for 2 Warpstone. Any player may pay 2 Warpstone to ban a Legendary Lord option of an Ascendant player, and Ascendants must clarify there are no bans before selecting a Lord.
- Players choose any of their Legendary Lords, in order of number of Lord options available, descending, and should note that being distant from the Key Stronghold will make it difficult to contest them.
Round 2 Scoring
- An Ascendant player's starting capital is considered an Ascendant Stronghold. In the case of a horde faction that begins with no settlements, or a Legendary Lord that starts in an alternate region than their starting settlement, they treat the settlement/region they begin the game in as their Stronghold.
- The game ends as soon as one of the following occurs:
Any player holds two Ascendant Strongholds at the start of a turn and has completed their short campaign objectives (Immortal Empires only)
Any player holds one Ascendant Stronghold and holds more daemon prince souls than any other player while the rifts are closed (Realms of Chaos only).
Any player holds one Ascendant Stronghold and has completed more rituals than any other player while no other factions have a ritual underway of the same level (Eye of the Vortex only).
All of a player's opponents are eliminated from the game.
The time limit expires and a player wins the Final Battle. The Final Battle will be a Land Battle skirmish between the two players who hold the most Ascendant Strongholds with 20000 funds for each side. Each side must include their Legendary Lord and no other Legendary characters. The default battlefield will be the Praag map unless both players agree on another.
- A player who completes one of the above objectives will take the role of Paragon in Round 3 and is additionally rewarded with 3 Warpstone
- The game ends as soon as one of the following occurs:
Any player holds two Ascendant Strongholds at the start of a turn and has completed their short campaign objectives (Immortal Empires only)
Any player holds one Ascendant Stronghold and holds more daemon prince souls than any other player while the rifts are closed (Realms of Chaos only).
Any player holds one Ascendant Stronghold and has completed more rituals than any other player while no other factions have a ritual underway of the same level (Eye of the Vortex only).
All of a player's opponents are eliminated from the game.
The time limit expires and a player wins the Final Battle. The Final Battle will be a Land Battle skirmish between the two players who hold the most Ascendant Strongholds with 20000 funds for each side. Each side must include their Legendary Lord and no other Legendary characters. The default battlefield will be the Praag map unless both players agree on another.
- A player who completes one of the above objectives will take the role of Paragon in Round 3 and is additionally rewarded with 3 Warpstone
Round 3 - SUNDAYS 13:00-17:00 EASTERN US
Round 3 Setup
- Paragons continue to represent the faction group they selected in Round 1. Other players will now join the faction group of the Paragon that defeated them in Round 2.
- If both Paragon races are playable on the Realms of Chaos campaign, the players should play on this campaign map. Otherwise, players must use the Immortal Empires campaign map.
- The two Legendary Lords from either group that are closest to each other, determined visually on the map, are automatically selected as each team's first faction. Afterward the two teams alternate in selecting one additional faction, starting with the team that has more players, or more faction options if player numbers are equal, until all players have selected a faction.
- If both Paragon races are playable on the Realms of Chaos campaign, the players should play on this campaign map. Otherwise, players must use the Immortal Empires campaign map.
- The two Legendary Lords from either group that are closest to each other, determined visually on the map, are automatically selected as each team's first faction. Afterward the two teams alternate in selecting one additional faction, starting with the team that has more players, or more faction options if player numbers are equal, until all players have selected a faction.
Round 3 Scoring
- A player's starting capital is considered their Stronghold. In the case of a horde faction that begins with no settlements, or a Legendary Lord that starts in an alternate region than their starting settlement, they treat the capital of the province they begin the game in as their Stronghold.
- The game ends as soon as one of the following occurs:
Any team holds two of the opposing team's Strongholds.
Any team holds one of the opposing team's Strongholds, all their own team's Strongholds, and has completed all their short campaign objectives (Immortal Empires only).
Any team completes the final campaign objective, or holds all their own team's Strongholds and two more daemon prince souls than any player on the other team (Realms of Chaos only)
- Each player of the winning team is awarded 3 Warpstone.
- The game ends as soon as one of the following occurs:
Any team holds two of the opposing team's Strongholds.
Any team holds one of the opposing team's Strongholds, all their own team's Strongholds, and has completed all their short campaign objectives (Immortal Empires only).
Any team completes the final campaign objective, or holds all their own team's Strongholds and two more daemon prince souls than any player on the other team (Realms of Chaos only)
- Each player of the winning team is awarded 3 Warpstone.
Other Rules
Settings - Campaign options will be default except for 10 minute turn timers and 30 minute battle timers.
Holding a settlement - In regards to victory objectives, a player holds a settlement in the following conditions:
- The player controls the settlement
- The player's vassal controls the settlement
- The player has a hidden settlement (undercity/cult/etc.) in the settlement and no player or vassal of a player controls the settlement.
Battle Rules
Accidental violation of any of these rules gives the opposing players/team the right to demand the violating player abandon a settlement as a penalty, chosen by the violator's enemies. The violating player may then reoccupy the ruined settlement if they wish.
Autoresolve - Autoresolve is available and may be used by primary attacker or defender. Reinforcing, supporting, or spectating players in a battle may not select Autoresolve. The campaign mod has increased the losses that will be incurred from autoresolving. Supporting players in a battle may not choose Autoresolve.
Taking control of the enemy - Other than during a player's first battle of the campaign., other players may, and are encouraged to take control of or join the enemy army. If multiple players control an AI army in this way, starting control of units must be split evenly or to the agreement of the players. Obviously, this should never be used to hurt the AI and help the opposing player. During Round 2, players must either be at war with a player to take control of their enemy or be allied to a player to support them.
Joining as an ally - Players may also join on a player's side and be allocated units if they are allied in the campaign or on a team.
Pausing - Pausing during a battle is never allowed, though I am sure players may accidentally do so out of panic. Please respect the other players time and do not pause even when fighting AI. Egregious or pausing for obvious benefit will be considered a violation.
Ending the battle - All battles must be ended as soon as the End Battle button is available and taking time to chase the enemy from the field is not allowed. Not ending the battle for obvious benefit will be considered a violation. Choosing not to kill remaining Unbreakable units to extend a battle is also not allowed.
Withdrawing - To withdraw from a battle, players must withdraw via the map edge and may not use the Concede Defeat menu option, unless they have only Unbreakable units remaining (not Undead/Daemons).
Campaign Rules
Accidental violation of any of these rules gives the opposing players/team the right to demand the violating player abandon a settlement as a penalty, chosen by the violator's enemies. The violating player may then reoccupy the ruined settlement if they wish.
Settlement trading - If a player receives a settlement from another player, they may not trade that settlement back or to any other player (control reset exploit).
Protected Absence - In a campaign of 3 or more players, if a player is unable to show up to at least one session in a week, he may use a protected absence once during a campaign. During this absence, none of their settlements may be besieged or attacked by another player. In Round 1 or 2, if there is a second absence, the player will no longer count as a player for victory conditions and will forfeit that Round, though they can still be awarded points as described for players that do not accomplish their victory conditions. Substitute players may be asked to fill in for any absence.
Settings - Campaign options will be default except for 10 minute turn timers and 30 minute battle timers.
Holding a settlement - In regards to victory objectives, a player holds a settlement in the following conditions:
- The player controls the settlement
- The player's vassal controls the settlement
- The player has a hidden settlement (undercity/cult/etc.) in the settlement and no player or vassal of a player controls the settlement.
Battle Rules
Accidental violation of any of these rules gives the opposing players/team the right to demand the violating player abandon a settlement as a penalty, chosen by the violator's enemies. The violating player may then reoccupy the ruined settlement if they wish.
Autoresolve - Autoresolve is available and may be used by primary attacker or defender. Reinforcing, supporting, or spectating players in a battle may not select Autoresolve. The campaign mod has increased the losses that will be incurred from autoresolving. Supporting players in a battle may not choose Autoresolve.
Taking control of the enemy - Other than during a player's first battle of the campaign., other players may, and are encouraged to take control of or join the enemy army. If multiple players control an AI army in this way, starting control of units must be split evenly or to the agreement of the players. Obviously, this should never be used to hurt the AI and help the opposing player. During Round 2, players must either be at war with a player to take control of their enemy or be allied to a player to support them.
Joining as an ally - Players may also join on a player's side and be allocated units if they are allied in the campaign or on a team.
Pausing - Pausing during a battle is never allowed, though I am sure players may accidentally do so out of panic. Please respect the other players time and do not pause even when fighting AI. Egregious or pausing for obvious benefit will be considered a violation.
Ending the battle - All battles must be ended as soon as the End Battle button is available and taking time to chase the enemy from the field is not allowed. Not ending the battle for obvious benefit will be considered a violation. Choosing not to kill remaining Unbreakable units to extend a battle is also not allowed.
Withdrawing - To withdraw from a battle, players must withdraw via the map edge and may not use the Concede Defeat menu option, unless they have only Unbreakable units remaining (not Undead/Daemons).
Campaign Rules
Accidental violation of any of these rules gives the opposing players/team the right to demand the violating player abandon a settlement as a penalty, chosen by the violator's enemies. The violating player may then reoccupy the ruined settlement if they wish.
Settlement trading - If a player receives a settlement from another player, they may not trade that settlement back or to any other player (control reset exploit).
Protected Absence - In a campaign of 3 or more players, if a player is unable to show up to at least one session in a week, he may use a protected absence once during a campaign. During this absence, none of their settlements may be besieged or attacked by another player. In Round 1 or 2, if there is a second absence, the player will no longer count as a player for victory conditions and will forfeit that Round, though they can still be awarded points as described for players that do not accomplish their victory conditions. Substitute players may be asked to fill in for any absence.
Season 2
Season 1
Faction Groups
Factions gain 2 score from claming Warmaster or 1 score from claiming Paragon in a season.
Players must pay an amount equal to the faction score in Warpstone to choose the faction.
Factions gain 2 score from claming Warmaster or 1 score from claiming Paragon in a season.
Players must pay an amount equal to the faction score in Warpstone to choose the faction.