Final Rankings - Prestige
Tier 1 - Rule Brittania
"Albion's Chosen"
Wyatt L - U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 32
Weston - G. Princedom of Norway - 26
Pixel - P. Principality of Northumberland - 25
Brad - Princedom of Wales - 24
Spencer - Earldom of Desmond - 23
Logan - Kingdom of Normandy - 22
Parafrost - Lordship of Scotland - 21
Wallbert - Earldom of Ulster - X
"Albion's Chosen"
Wyatt L - U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 32
Weston - G. Princedom of Norway - 26
Pixel - P. Principality of Northumberland - 25
Brad - Princedom of Wales - 24
Spencer - Earldom of Desmond - 23
Logan - Kingdom of Normandy - 22
Parafrost - Lordship of Scotland - 21
Wallbert - Earldom of Ulster - X
Tier 2 - Rule Hispania
"Viceroy of the West" Blake S - Empire of Tarascan - 25 Eric/Mike - Sultanate of Andalusia - 19 Blake G - Empire of Zapotec - 18 Brian T - U. Provinces of Catalonia - 17 Josh - P. Republic of Port Royal - 16 Jordan - P. Principality of Sardinia - 15 Cort - P. Republic of Marrakesh - 14 Braxton - Empire of Maya - 13 Jack - Princedom of Gascony - X |
Tier 3 - Rule Germania
"Shield of the Princes" Elijah - Kingdom of Bavaria - 17 Jiokuy - Bishopric of Prussia - 11 Quinton - Empire of Burgundy - 10 Alec (SB 2) - G. Republic of Italy - 9 Andrew - G. Republic of Hanover - 8 Christian - Duchy of Hungary - 7 William - Duchy of Avignon - 6 Adam (SB 1) - G. Republic of Lubeck - 5 |
Tier 4 - Rule Gurkaniya
"The Hegemon" Wyatt T - Empire of the Mughals - 9 Marik (SB 2) - Empire of the Mamluks - 3 Brian S. - Empire of the Ming - 2 Chris - F. Republic of Vijayanagar - 1 Chex - Empire of the Ottomans - X Youssef (SB 1) - G. Republic of Russia - X Michael - Princedom of Bengal - X |
rule britannia - Starting ConditionsNation Selection: Saturday, Dec 29 8:00pm EST
Starting Session: Sunday, Jan 06 7:00pm EST |
Campaign Sessions - Sun 7-10pm EST
Discord: Twitch: |
The British Empire, a monarchy that first united English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish cultures, would grow to directly control and influence nations across the world on an unprecedented scale, rivaled only by a similar union that arose from the competing kingdoms of Iberia. In contrast, the nations of the Holy Roman Empire remained fractured while the British and Spanish consolidated their respective realms, and German political ambitions remained confined to Europe during this period, giving evidence to the power gained from political unification. This campaign focuses on divergent British and Spanish peoples, to answer the questions regarding what effect these maritime cultures would have on the world if they themselves never united. Will petty rivalries trap their people in constant strife, or will competition and ambition stimulate many diverse empires in the place of few? Will the Holy Roman Empire find a visionary leader that can consolidate the vast German resources in order to grasp Europe's fate for its own? Or will a vast unforeseen threat emerge from the East to dominate the coming era?
Scoring and House Rules
Video rules discussions:
Rules 2 and 3:
Rule 6:
1. Points - Victory Cards and Tier Objectives (Campaign Specific)
In-game points will be ignored for this campaign. Instead, players may accumulate points as described below.
Victory Cards - The arbitrary demands of your people. Victory cards will only be scored at the end of each age. At the end of each age, players will gain an amount of points equal to the in-game value of each victory card owned (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000) and half this value will be subtracted from any other players that once held the province (this will be determined by the in-game related malus). As usual for ownership related objectives, occupation will be ignored for this determination.
Tier Objectives - Each Tier will have unique objectives and players may usually only gain these points if they begin the game as a member of the specific tier that these objectives are described in below. Unless otherwise stated, objectives that are specific provinces can be scored by directly owning them or by controlling them through a non-tributary subject. If the subject is a another player and both player's are capable of gaining score from that objective, the overlord decides who will gain the score.
Tier 1 - Ruling the isles and the waves. Tier 1 can score by controlling objective provinces on the isles, with the province of London worth twice as much as the other three. In addition, Tier 1 can gain points by spreading their control over the seas. As long as their capital is in Europe, for every colonial/company region in which a tier 1 player owns 5 provinces in a trade company or has a colony with at least 5 provinces, they will score 500 points. If no other European power (player or AI with their capital in Europe) owns 5 provinces in a trade company or has a colony with at least 5 provinces in that colonial/company region, then this colony/company counts as Uncontested and the score is multiplied by 2. These scores are multiplied by the number of the Age (1, 2, 3, or 4).
Tier 2 - Ruling Hispania and Hispaniola - While controlling Toledo will be the most immediate source of points for European Tier 2 players, most of this Tier's points will be available in the future locations of Spanish trading hubs in the Caribbean and Mexico. Here they will find Native pagan opponents, possibly united to repel foreign invaders and conquer their colonies, or possibly vulnerable to foreign invasion. These objectives are multiplied by the number of the Age (1, 2, 3, or 4).
Tier 3 - Ruling the princes. Tier 3 can score by influencing the Holy Roman Electorate, scoring 500 points for each elector they are able to hold an alliance with at age end. They can also gain points by holding the seats of past imperial dynasties, with Aachen worth twice as much as the others. Along with these Age Objectives, Tier 3 players will immediately gain 1000 points each time their nation is elected as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and 2500 points if a player passes the Renovatio Imperii reform. Both Age Objective and Unique Objective scoring is multiplied by the Age they take place in.
Tier 4 - Ruling in the footsteps of Tamerlane. Tier 4 players can gain score by capturing the listed provinces, representing significant population centers at the cultural crossroads of Tamerlane's empire with Samarkand outweighing the others. In the tradition of this region's past conquerors, Tier 4 players can also gain score by creating puppet kingdoms that govern in their name. For each Vassal (not Personal Union or March), that a player has that is at least 300 development that player will gain 1000 points, with the exception that only one vassal kingdom per Region can be counted. Vassal kingdoms count as being in the region in which their capital is located. These scores are also multiplied by the number of the Age (1, 2, 3, or 4).
2. Pirates and Pagan Raiding (Campaign Specific)
In this campaign nations that are either a Pirate Republic or have a state religion in the Pagan group will have special rules regarding province occupation when scoring takes place at the end of an age. When scoring Age Objective provinces, any province that is both occupied by a Pirate or Pagan nation and has at least one non-mercenary army unit of the occupying nation present in it will not count towards its owner's score. If the Pirate or Pagan nation is a player, the score for that province will instead go to the Pirate/Pagan player regardless of tier. This means that a Tier 1 pirate nation can steal the score of a tier 2 objective and vice versa. Similarly, the score for a Victory Card held by a nation can be stolen by a Pirate/Pagan nation by occupying and having an army in at least one province of the Victory Card. Similarly again, the score for both Contested and Uncontested colonies/companies in Tier 1 can be stolen by Pirates/Pagans who occupy and have an army in at least one province of the colony/company at the end of the Age. Though less likely, Tier 3 and 4 Age Objectives and Victory Cards are also open to be stolen by Pirates/Pagans.
Keys to becoming a Pirate Republic nation:
- Own 6 provinces or less
- All provinces must be considered to be 'on an island' or culture must be Berber
- Stability of 2 or higher
- Must have a number of ships greater than 90% of your force limit
- Must control at least 10% of trade power in your capital trade node by privateering
- Nations not on islands can meet the requirements by releasing and playing as colonial nations or vassals with only island provinces. Not normally advisable.
Keys to becoming a Pagan nation:
- Start as a Pagan nation
3. Starting Area Protection
Players may not own any province in the area of anothers player's starting capital. Players may not annex, or directly cause the annexation of any of the provinces owned by another player in the area of that player's starting capital in any treaty they control, nor can they return a province or cause the release of a nation that would return a province from a player's capital area in any treaty they control. Players may vassalize or otherwise subjugate a player, but may not diplomatically annex a player. A player's protected area will never change and does not move if a player moves his capital by choice, national decision, or switching to a subject nation. Should a player change nations or fail to return to the game, the starting area of the player's abandoned nation will remain protected in this way and will never be available for annexation. If this rule is accidentally violated, the province must be given back to its rightful owner at no cost as soon as possible. If it is purposely violated, the offending player will be kicked.
4. Endless Player Resurrection
If a player is eliminated by the AI, his starting capital, and all provinces in his capital's area that still have cores of his nation, will be released at the start of the next session as a vassal of the nation that now owns his starting capital province.
5. One-Time Absence Protection
During a missed session, a player may invoke protection for their nation one time. Other players may not attack a protected nation, and may not demand any peace terms from their nation if they find themselves at war by other means. Otherwise absent players' nations are not protected in missed sessions and players cannot take advantage of protection after the year 1750 regardless. If a war continues into a player's protected session, his enemies may not demand the ceding/release of land they did not occupy at the start of the protected session, or release nations that do not entirely exist within land they occupied at the start of the protected session, but other treaty terms that have no direct effect on province ownership are allowed in this situation. This protection is ignored in any wars initiated by the protected nation that target another player, so players are responsible for ensuring their nation is passive during their absence in their AI settings. Please inform one of the game hosts anytime before the start of a session if you will be absent and would like to use your protection. Protection may be used if arriving late but not for departing early.
6. Switching to a Subject Nation
A player may use the vassal release mechanic or colonial nation release mechanic to switch to playing another nation. Protected Areas in the campaign will not be changed.
7. The 30% Rule
In order to encourage more frequent, shorter wars that do not devolve into world-spanning conflicts, we will be using the 30% Rule in this campaign. At any point in a war that the primary aggressor/defender has 30% or more war-score, they may send a peace treaty demanding a white peace or the annexation of one province that they occupy, that is owned by the primary defender/aggressor, and that they share a border with by land or sea, and this peace treaty cannot be refused. To be unrefusable, the treaty must contain no other conditions except a white peace or the annexation of the single province and the province must not be a nation's capital. The sending player may pause the game for this treaty, so that the war-score will not change and the rule can be enforced. For this rule, provinces owned or occupied by non-tributary subjects count as being owned or occupied by their overlord.
8. Nation Selection
Selection Order - Nation selection in this campaign will draw from the final rankings of the Third Rome campaign (using the previous rewards description). Excluding the winners of each tier (who will be selecting last), all players returning from the Third Rome campaign will be able to to select nations in order of their final ranking descending from top score to lowest score, followed by any new players in a randomly determined order, followed by the winners of each tier in order of final ranking. A player who has played in earlier campaigns but did not participate in Third Rome will be allowed to use the final ranking of their latest campaign to determine their selection placement, and will be placed directly behind the player of equivalent ranking from Third Rome. Any players who missed more than 50% of sessions in their last campaign will not pick according to score and will place placed at the end of the selection order in a random ranking determined by d100. A roll of 80 or higher will also place them before the 'winners' group', just to make things a bit less predictable.
Tiers - Please remember to choose a tier that reflects the challenge and intensity that you wish to experience. While you will interact and compete for the same resources with all other players, your score will only be compared to players from within your own tier. Tier 1 is rewarded with first choice from the (undisclosed) prize pool (winner only) and earliest choices in nation selection in the next campaign (according to the latest "rewards" update seen below), and is intended for players seeking difficult starts, intense diplomacy and intrigue, and experienced competition. Tier 4 is intended for players seeking more secure starts, more room to learn, more leniency for absences, and a fair amount of cooperation alongside their competition, but will have later placement for the next nation selection and its winner gets last selection from the prize pool. With four tiers, it is hoped that each player will be given some chance to customize their game experience.
Imbalance - Obviously, even within tiers, the nation choices are imbalanced in strength, making earlier selection positions very valuable for grabbing the "best" nations in any one tier. The choices available have been selected to allow each player good opportunities to use diplomacy and intrigue to compensate for any lacking in raw military or economic might. Any viewing of the previous campaign final rankings should be sufficient evidence to support the fact that starting nation strength does not predict final ranking.
Secret Nations - Once any tier has had all nations claimed, any secret nations for that tier will become available with possibly drastic changes to that tier's balance of power. Yes, this means that these secret nations will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks. These new nations could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a tier is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is banned from selecting one of these secret nations if any other choice is available.
9. Discord - War Camps
Please do not enter occupied War Camp channels unless invited by an occupant. These channels are available for both plotting in peacetime and coordination during wartime. Refusing to respect War Camp privacy will lead to being kicked from the Discord.
10. Shared Bloodlines - Mentoring
In order to mitigate the steep learning curve of EU4 for new players and to prevent the worst forms of manipulation, it is helpful to have at least one player that any newer player can know is a trustworthy source of advice. Towards that end, two players may agree to play in a Shared Bloodlines format in this campaign, conferring the below unique mechanics:
- Both players will choose their nation together, at the earliest selection position of the two players.
- The players must choose two nations in different Tiers, and neither may choose a nation in Tier 1. The player in the higher tier will be considered the "Mentor".
- The Mentor's nation selection must own 10 provinces or less and the Mentor may never exceed ownership of more than 10 provinces throughout the course of the campaign. Ownership for this purpose will include all Personal Unions, due to their inheritance mechanics, but excludes Vassals, Colonial Nations, and provinces assigned to a Trade Company. Willful violation of this rule will cause the independent release of all foreign cores within the Mentor's nation and all subjects at the end of the session. Violation of this rule outside of the Mentor's control must be immediately rectified by province release in-game.
- All score from Victory Cards and the specific provinces designated as Age Objectives will be combined from both players and split evenly between them. Other objectives will not be split due to possible improportionalities between Tier scoring systems.
- Any victory cards from either nation that fall on land that would penalize their partner will be rerolled.
Rules 2 and 3:
Rule 6:
1. Points - Victory Cards and Tier Objectives (Campaign Specific)
In-game points will be ignored for this campaign. Instead, players may accumulate points as described below.
Victory Cards - The arbitrary demands of your people. Victory cards will only be scored at the end of each age. At the end of each age, players will gain an amount of points equal to the in-game value of each victory card owned (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000) and half this value will be subtracted from any other players that once held the province (this will be determined by the in-game related malus). As usual for ownership related objectives, occupation will be ignored for this determination.
Tier Objectives - Each Tier will have unique objectives and players may usually only gain these points if they begin the game as a member of the specific tier that these objectives are described in below. Unless otherwise stated, objectives that are specific provinces can be scored by directly owning them or by controlling them through a non-tributary subject. If the subject is a another player and both player's are capable of gaining score from that objective, the overlord decides who will gain the score.
Tier 1 - Ruling the isles and the waves. Tier 1 can score by controlling objective provinces on the isles, with the province of London worth twice as much as the other three. In addition, Tier 1 can gain points by spreading their control over the seas. As long as their capital is in Europe, for every colonial/company region in which a tier 1 player owns 5 provinces in a trade company or has a colony with at least 5 provinces, they will score 500 points. If no other European power (player or AI with their capital in Europe) owns 5 provinces in a trade company or has a colony with at least 5 provinces in that colonial/company region, then this colony/company counts as Uncontested and the score is multiplied by 2. These scores are multiplied by the number of the Age (1, 2, 3, or 4).
Tier 2 - Ruling Hispania and Hispaniola - While controlling Toledo will be the most immediate source of points for European Tier 2 players, most of this Tier's points will be available in the future locations of Spanish trading hubs in the Caribbean and Mexico. Here they will find Native pagan opponents, possibly united to repel foreign invaders and conquer their colonies, or possibly vulnerable to foreign invasion. These objectives are multiplied by the number of the Age (1, 2, 3, or 4).
Tier 3 - Ruling the princes. Tier 3 can score by influencing the Holy Roman Electorate, scoring 500 points for each elector they are able to hold an alliance with at age end. They can also gain points by holding the seats of past imperial dynasties, with Aachen worth twice as much as the others. Along with these Age Objectives, Tier 3 players will immediately gain 1000 points each time their nation is elected as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and 2500 points if a player passes the Renovatio Imperii reform. Both Age Objective and Unique Objective scoring is multiplied by the Age they take place in.
Tier 4 - Ruling in the footsteps of Tamerlane. Tier 4 players can gain score by capturing the listed provinces, representing significant population centers at the cultural crossroads of Tamerlane's empire with Samarkand outweighing the others. In the tradition of this region's past conquerors, Tier 4 players can also gain score by creating puppet kingdoms that govern in their name. For each Vassal (not Personal Union or March), that a player has that is at least 300 development that player will gain 1000 points, with the exception that only one vassal kingdom per Region can be counted. Vassal kingdoms count as being in the region in which their capital is located. These scores are also multiplied by the number of the Age (1, 2, 3, or 4).
2. Pirates and Pagan Raiding (Campaign Specific)
In this campaign nations that are either a Pirate Republic or have a state religion in the Pagan group will have special rules regarding province occupation when scoring takes place at the end of an age. When scoring Age Objective provinces, any province that is both occupied by a Pirate or Pagan nation and has at least one non-mercenary army unit of the occupying nation present in it will not count towards its owner's score. If the Pirate or Pagan nation is a player, the score for that province will instead go to the Pirate/Pagan player regardless of tier. This means that a Tier 1 pirate nation can steal the score of a tier 2 objective and vice versa. Similarly, the score for a Victory Card held by a nation can be stolen by a Pirate/Pagan nation by occupying and having an army in at least one province of the Victory Card. Similarly again, the score for both Contested and Uncontested colonies/companies in Tier 1 can be stolen by Pirates/Pagans who occupy and have an army in at least one province of the colony/company at the end of the Age. Though less likely, Tier 3 and 4 Age Objectives and Victory Cards are also open to be stolen by Pirates/Pagans.
Keys to becoming a Pirate Republic nation:
- Own 6 provinces or less
- All provinces must be considered to be 'on an island' or culture must be Berber
- Stability of 2 or higher
- Must have a number of ships greater than 90% of your force limit
- Must control at least 10% of trade power in your capital trade node by privateering
- Nations not on islands can meet the requirements by releasing and playing as colonial nations or vassals with only island provinces. Not normally advisable.
Keys to becoming a Pagan nation:
- Start as a Pagan nation
3. Starting Area Protection
Players may not own any province in the area of anothers player's starting capital. Players may not annex, or directly cause the annexation of any of the provinces owned by another player in the area of that player's starting capital in any treaty they control, nor can they return a province or cause the release of a nation that would return a province from a player's capital area in any treaty they control. Players may vassalize or otherwise subjugate a player, but may not diplomatically annex a player. A player's protected area will never change and does not move if a player moves his capital by choice, national decision, or switching to a subject nation. Should a player change nations or fail to return to the game, the starting area of the player's abandoned nation will remain protected in this way and will never be available for annexation. If this rule is accidentally violated, the province must be given back to its rightful owner at no cost as soon as possible. If it is purposely violated, the offending player will be kicked.
4. Endless Player Resurrection
If a player is eliminated by the AI, his starting capital, and all provinces in his capital's area that still have cores of his nation, will be released at the start of the next session as a vassal of the nation that now owns his starting capital province.
5. One-Time Absence Protection
During a missed session, a player may invoke protection for their nation one time. Other players may not attack a protected nation, and may not demand any peace terms from their nation if they find themselves at war by other means. Otherwise absent players' nations are not protected in missed sessions and players cannot take advantage of protection after the year 1750 regardless. If a war continues into a player's protected session, his enemies may not demand the ceding/release of land they did not occupy at the start of the protected session, or release nations that do not entirely exist within land they occupied at the start of the protected session, but other treaty terms that have no direct effect on province ownership are allowed in this situation. This protection is ignored in any wars initiated by the protected nation that target another player, so players are responsible for ensuring their nation is passive during their absence in their AI settings. Please inform one of the game hosts anytime before the start of a session if you will be absent and would like to use your protection. Protection may be used if arriving late but not for departing early.
6. Switching to a Subject Nation
A player may use the vassal release mechanic or colonial nation release mechanic to switch to playing another nation. Protected Areas in the campaign will not be changed.
7. The 30% Rule
In order to encourage more frequent, shorter wars that do not devolve into world-spanning conflicts, we will be using the 30% Rule in this campaign. At any point in a war that the primary aggressor/defender has 30% or more war-score, they may send a peace treaty demanding a white peace or the annexation of one province that they occupy, that is owned by the primary defender/aggressor, and that they share a border with by land or sea, and this peace treaty cannot be refused. To be unrefusable, the treaty must contain no other conditions except a white peace or the annexation of the single province and the province must not be a nation's capital. The sending player may pause the game for this treaty, so that the war-score will not change and the rule can be enforced. For this rule, provinces owned or occupied by non-tributary subjects count as being owned or occupied by their overlord.
8. Nation Selection
Selection Order - Nation selection in this campaign will draw from the final rankings of the Third Rome campaign (using the previous rewards description). Excluding the winners of each tier (who will be selecting last), all players returning from the Third Rome campaign will be able to to select nations in order of their final ranking descending from top score to lowest score, followed by any new players in a randomly determined order, followed by the winners of each tier in order of final ranking. A player who has played in earlier campaigns but did not participate in Third Rome will be allowed to use the final ranking of their latest campaign to determine their selection placement, and will be placed directly behind the player of equivalent ranking from Third Rome. Any players who missed more than 50% of sessions in their last campaign will not pick according to score and will place placed at the end of the selection order in a random ranking determined by d100. A roll of 80 or higher will also place them before the 'winners' group', just to make things a bit less predictable.
Tiers - Please remember to choose a tier that reflects the challenge and intensity that you wish to experience. While you will interact and compete for the same resources with all other players, your score will only be compared to players from within your own tier. Tier 1 is rewarded with first choice from the (undisclosed) prize pool (winner only) and earliest choices in nation selection in the next campaign (according to the latest "rewards" update seen below), and is intended for players seeking difficult starts, intense diplomacy and intrigue, and experienced competition. Tier 4 is intended for players seeking more secure starts, more room to learn, more leniency for absences, and a fair amount of cooperation alongside their competition, but will have later placement for the next nation selection and its winner gets last selection from the prize pool. With four tiers, it is hoped that each player will be given some chance to customize their game experience.
Imbalance - Obviously, even within tiers, the nation choices are imbalanced in strength, making earlier selection positions very valuable for grabbing the "best" nations in any one tier. The choices available have been selected to allow each player good opportunities to use diplomacy and intrigue to compensate for any lacking in raw military or economic might. Any viewing of the previous campaign final rankings should be sufficient evidence to support the fact that starting nation strength does not predict final ranking.
Secret Nations - Once any tier has had all nations claimed, any secret nations for that tier will become available with possibly drastic changes to that tier's balance of power. Yes, this means that these secret nations will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks. These new nations could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a tier is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is banned from selecting one of these secret nations if any other choice is available.
9. Discord - War Camps
Please do not enter occupied War Camp channels unless invited by an occupant. These channels are available for both plotting in peacetime and coordination during wartime. Refusing to respect War Camp privacy will lead to being kicked from the Discord.
10. Shared Bloodlines - Mentoring
In order to mitigate the steep learning curve of EU4 for new players and to prevent the worst forms of manipulation, it is helpful to have at least one player that any newer player can know is a trustworthy source of advice. Towards that end, two players may agree to play in a Shared Bloodlines format in this campaign, conferring the below unique mechanics:
- Both players will choose their nation together, at the earliest selection position of the two players.
- The players must choose two nations in different Tiers, and neither may choose a nation in Tier 1. The player in the higher tier will be considered the "Mentor".
- The Mentor's nation selection must own 10 provinces or less and the Mentor may never exceed ownership of more than 10 provinces throughout the course of the campaign. Ownership for this purpose will include all Personal Unions, due to their inheritance mechanics, but excludes Vassals, Colonial Nations, and provinces assigned to a Trade Company. Willful violation of this rule will cause the independent release of all foreign cores within the Mentor's nation and all subjects at the end of the session. Violation of this rule outside of the Mentor's control must be immediately rectified by province release in-game.
- All score from Victory Cards and the specific provinces designated as Age Objectives will be combined from both players and split evenly between them. Other objectives will not be split due to possible improportionalities between Tier scoring systems.
- Any victory cards from either nation that fall on land that would penalize their partner will be rerolled.
Tier 1 - "Albion's Chosen" - Any Paradox DLC <$20 + Special Gift
Tier 2 - "Viceroy of the West" - Any Paradox DLC <$20
Tier 3 - "Shield of the Princes" - Any Paradox DLC <$15
Tier 4 - "The Hegemon" - Any Paradox DLC <$10
- Prestige!
- Nation selection in a future campaign will go in order of tier participation, followed by final score ranking in this campaign, except players who received prizes will pick last (in order of final score). In effect, this will mean all players from tier 1, except the tier's winner, will pick first in order of score, followed by all players from tier 2, except the tier's winner, in order of score, etc...
Tier 1 - "Albion's Chosen" - Any Paradox DLC <$20 + Special Gift
Tier 2 - "Viceroy of the West" - Any Paradox DLC <$20
Tier 3 - "Shield of the Princes" - Any Paradox DLC <$15
Tier 4 - "The Hegemon" - Any Paradox DLC <$10
- Prestige!
- Nation selection in a future campaign will go in order of tier participation, followed by final score ranking in this campaign, except players who received prizes will pick last (in order of final score). In effect, this will mean all players from tier 1, except the tier's winner, will pick first in order of score, followed by all players from tier 2, except the tier's winner, in order of score, etc...
The nations available are listed below, in order of most desirable starting conditions within each grouping.
Clarifications on scoring can be found in House Rule 1 above.
Available nations and Tier Objectives are expected to change based on confirmed player count.
Each tier has a secret nation selection that will only become available if all other nations in that tier have been claimed!
Clarifications on scoring can be found in House Rule 1 above.
Available nations and Tier Objectives are expected to change based on confirmed player count.
Each tier has a secret nation selection that will only become available if all other nations in that tier have been claimed!
Tier 1 - Rule Brittania
Norway - Weston Holland - Wyatt L Northumberland - Carsten Normandy - Logan Wales - Brad Ulster - Wallbert Desmond - Spencer The Isles - Guillermo Age Objectives: London - 2000 Hampshire - 1000 Lothain - 1000 Mide - 1000 Contested Colony/Company - 500 Uncontested Colony/Company - 1000 |
Tier 2 - Rule Hispania
Catalonia - Brian T Gascony - Jack Sardinia - Jordan Granada - Eric/Mike Galicia - Josh Tarascan - Blake S Zapotec - Blake G Xiu - Braxton Marrakesh - Cort Age Objectives: Toledo - 2000 Bani - 1000 Havana - 1000 Trinidad - 1000 Boriken - 1000 Cartagena - 1000 Panama - 1000 Mexico - 1000 Cuetlaxtlan - 1000 |
Tier 3 - Rule Germania
Hungary - Christian Burgundy - Quinton Teutonic Order - Jiokuy Milan - Alec (SB 2) Bavaria - Elijah Lubeck - Adam (SB 1) Cleves - Andrew Avignon - William Age Objectives: Aachen -2000 Wien - 1000 Magdeburg - 1000 Heidelberg - 1000 Allied Elector - 500 Unique Objectives: Imperial Election - 1000 Pass Renovatio Imperii - 2500 |
Tier 4 - Rule Gurkaniya
Ottomans - Chex Ming - Brian S. Muscovy - Youssef (SB 1) Mamluks - Marik (SB 2) Vijayanagar - Chris Timurids - Wyatt T Bengal - Michael Age Objectives: Samarkand - 2000 Delhi - 1000 Multan - 1000 Baghdad - 1000 Teheran - 1000 Hormuz - 1000 Vassal Kingdom - 1000 |
britannia - Tier 1
Ruling the isles and the waves - Tier 1 can score by controlling objective provinces on the isles, with the province of London worth twice as much as the other three. In addition, Tier 1 can gain points by spreading their control over the seas. As long as their capital is in Europe, for every colonial/company region in which a tier 1 player owns 5 stated provinces or has at least one subject with 5 stated provinces, they will score 500 points. If no other European power (player or AI with their capital in Europe) owns 5 stated provinces or controls a subject with 5 stated provinces in that colonial/company region, then this colony/company counts as Uncontested and the score is multiplied by 2. These scores are multiplied by the number of the Age (1, 2, 3, or 4).
The Kingdom of Norway - Union under King Christopher III von Wittelsbach
- Starting Development: 84
- Provinces: 18
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins in a Personal Union under the Kingdom of Denmark
The Duchy of Holland - Union under Duke Philippe III de Bourgogne
- Starting Development: 45
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins in a Personal Union under the Duchy of Burgundy
The Duchy of Northumberland - Duke Henry Grey
- Starting Development: 33
- Provinces: 5
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of England
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Duchy of Normandy - Duke Edouard II de La Tremoille
- Starting Development: 34
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of England
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
- Immediate threat of annexation by France
The Duchy of Wales - Duke Trahaearn II Kernew
- Starting Development: 16
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of England
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Earldom of Ulster - Earl Art Roe Magginis
- Starting Development: 8
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 1
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
The Earldom of Desmond - Earl James FitzGerald
- Starting Development: 6
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 1
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
The Lordship of the Isles - Lord Alasdair MacDonald
- Starting Development: 6
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of Scotland
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Kingdom of Norway - Union under King Christopher III von Wittelsbach
- Starting Development: 84
- Provinces: 18
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins in a Personal Union under the Kingdom of Denmark
The Duchy of Holland - Union under Duke Philippe III de Bourgogne
- Starting Development: 45
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins in a Personal Union under the Duchy of Burgundy
The Duchy of Northumberland - Duke Henry Grey
- Starting Development: 33
- Provinces: 5
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of England
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Duchy of Normandy - Duke Edouard II de La Tremoille
- Starting Development: 34
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of England
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
- Immediate threat of annexation by France
The Duchy of Wales - Duke Trahaearn II Kernew
- Starting Development: 16
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of England
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Earldom of Ulster - Earl Art Roe Magginis
- Starting Development: 8
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 1
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
The Earldom of Desmond - Earl James FitzGerald
- Starting Development: 6
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 1
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
The Lordship of the Isles - Lord Alasdair MacDonald
- Starting Development: 6
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of Scotland
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
Hispania - Tier 2
Ruling Hispania and Hispaniola - While controlling Toledo will be the most immediate source of points for European Tier 2 players, most of this Tier's points will be available in the future locations of Spanish trading hubs in the Caribbean and Mexico. Here they will find Native pagan opponents, possibly united to repel foreign invaders and conquer their colonies, or possibly vulnerable to foreign invasion. These objectives are multiplied by the number of the Age (1, 2, 3, or 4).
The Duchy of Catalonia - Duke Lluis de Cardona
- Starting Development: 46
- Provinces: 5
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of Aragon
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Duchy of Gascony - Duke Edmond de Gramont
- Starting Development: 31
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of England
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
- Immediate threat of annexation by France
The Duchy of Sardinia - Duke Mariano VI Fieschi
- Starting Development: 17
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of Aragon
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Emirate of Granada - Emir Muhammad IX Nasrid
- Starting Development: 30
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 3
- Immediate threat of annexation by Castile, Portugal, or Aragon
The Duchy of Galicia - Duke Ordono III de Menezes
- Starting Development:
- Provinces:
- Fort Level:
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of Castile
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Altepetl of Tarascan - Tlatoani Tangaxuan Uacusecha
- Starting Development: 30
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 1
- Pagan
- Ineligible for advanced government forms unless the national religion is reformed
The Altepetl of Zapotec - Tlatoani Zaachilla II Tehuantepec
- Starting Development: 22
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 1
- Pagan
- Ineligible for advanced government forms unless the national religion is reformed
The Kuchkabal of Xiu - Halach Uinik Ah Xiu
- Starting Development: 25
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 1
- Pagan
- Ineligible for advanced government forms unless the national religion is reformed
The Emirate of Marrakesh - Emir Muhammad Hintata
- Starting Development: 20
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Sultanate of Morocco
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
The Duchy of Catalonia - Duke Lluis de Cardona
- Starting Development: 46
- Provinces: 5
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of Aragon
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Duchy of Gascony - Duke Edmond de Gramont
- Starting Development: 31
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of England
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
- Immediate threat of annexation by France
The Duchy of Sardinia - Duke Mariano VI Fieschi
- Starting Development: 17
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of Aragon
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Emirate of Granada - Emir Muhammad IX Nasrid
- Starting Development: 30
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 3
- Immediate threat of annexation by Castile, Portugal, or Aragon
The Duchy of Galicia - Duke Ordono III de Menezes
- Starting Development:
- Provinces:
- Fort Level:
- Begins as a Vassal under the Kingdom of Castile
- Immediate threat of annexation by overlord
The Altepetl of Tarascan - Tlatoani Tangaxuan Uacusecha
- Starting Development: 30
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 1
- Pagan
- Ineligible for advanced government forms unless the national religion is reformed
The Altepetl of Zapotec - Tlatoani Zaachilla II Tehuantepec
- Starting Development: 22
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 1
- Pagan
- Ineligible for advanced government forms unless the national religion is reformed
The Kuchkabal of Xiu - Halach Uinik Ah Xiu
- Starting Development: 25
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 1
- Pagan
- Ineligible for advanced government forms unless the national religion is reformed
The Emirate of Marrakesh - Emir Muhammad Hintata
- Starting Development: 20
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Sultanate of Morocco
- Situated well to become a Pirate Republic
Ruling the princes - Tier 3 can score by influencing the Holy Roman Electorate, scoring 500 points for each elector they are able to hold an alliance with at age end. They can also gain points by holding the seats of past imperial dynasties, with Aachen worth twice as much as the others. Along with these Age Objectives, Tier 3 players will immediately gain 1000 points each time their nation is elected as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and 2500 points if a player passes the Renovatio Imperii reform. Both Age Objective and Unique Objective scoring is multiplied by the Age they take place in.
The Kingdom of Hungary - Interregnum
- Starting Development: 210
- Provinces: 27
- Fort Level: 13
The Duchy of Burgundy - Duke Philippe III de Bourgogne
- Starting Development: 144
- Provinces: 10
- Fort Level: 11
- Begins with Personal Unions: Holland, Flanders, and Brabant (Development: 132)
- Begins with Vassals: Nevers (Development: 27)
The Teutonic Order - Hochmeister Konrad von Erlichshausen
- Starting Development: 97
- Provinces: 10
- Fort Level: 7
- Ineligible to be elected as Holy Roman Emperor unless government is reformed
- Immediate threat of annexation by Poland
The Duchy of Milan - Duke Filippo Visconti
- Starting Development: 85
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 3
The Duchy of Bavaria - Duke Albrecht III von Wittelsbach
- Starting Development: 58
- Provinces: 5
- Fort Level: 5
The Republic of Lubeck - Syndic Niklas Rosendahl
- Starting Development: 17
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
- May form a Trade League
- Ineligible to be elected as Holy Roman Emperor unless government is reformed
The Duchy of Cleves - Duke Adolf von der Mark
- Starting Development: 21
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
The Bishopric of Avignon - Bishop Clemens VIII de Lyon
- Starting Development: 10
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Papal State
The Kingdom of Hungary - Interregnum
- Starting Development: 210
- Provinces: 27
- Fort Level: 13
The Duchy of Burgundy - Duke Philippe III de Bourgogne
- Starting Development: 144
- Provinces: 10
- Fort Level: 11
- Begins with Personal Unions: Holland, Flanders, and Brabant (Development: 132)
- Begins with Vassals: Nevers (Development: 27)
The Teutonic Order - Hochmeister Konrad von Erlichshausen
- Starting Development: 97
- Provinces: 10
- Fort Level: 7
- Ineligible to be elected as Holy Roman Emperor unless government is reformed
- Immediate threat of annexation by Poland
The Duchy of Milan - Duke Filippo Visconti
- Starting Development: 85
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 3
The Duchy of Bavaria - Duke Albrecht III von Wittelsbach
- Starting Development: 58
- Provinces: 5
- Fort Level: 5
The Republic of Lubeck - Syndic Niklas Rosendahl
- Starting Development: 17
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
- May form a Trade League
- Ineligible to be elected as Holy Roman Emperor unless government is reformed
The Duchy of Cleves - Duke Adolf von der Mark
- Starting Development: 21
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
The Bishopric of Avignon - Bishop Clemens VIII de Lyon
- Starting Development: 10
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
- Begins as a Vassal under the Papal State
Ruling in the footsteps of Tamerlane - Tier 4 players can gain score by capturing the listed provinces, representing significant population centers at the cultural crossroads of Tamerlane's empire with Samarkand outweighing the others. In the tradition of this region's past conquerors, Tier 4 players can also gain score by creating puppet kingdoms that govern in their name. For each vassal that a player has that has at least 300 development that player will gain 1000 points, with the exception that only one vassal kingdom per Region can be counted. Vassal kingdoms count as being in the region in which their capital is located. These scores are also multiplied by the number of the Age (1, 2, 3, or 4).
The Empire of the Ming - Emperor Qizhen Zhu
- Starting Development: 1101
- Provinces: 111
- Fort Level: 25
- Begins as Emperor of China with the Mandate of Heaven
- May have Tributaries
The Sultanate of the Ottomans - Sultan Mehmed II Osmanoglu
- Starting Development: 319
- Provinces: 35
- Fort Level: 11
The Grand Principality of Muscovy - Grand Kniaz Vasiliy II Rurikovich
- Starting Development: 197
- Provinces: 22
- Fort Level: 7
- Begins with Vassals: Beloozero, Yaroslavl, Pskov, Perm, and Rostov (Development: 83)
The Sultanate of the Mamluks - Sultan Jaqmaq Burji
- Starting Development: 339
- Provinces: 44
- Fort Level: 13
- Begins with Vassals: Fadl and Hejaz (Development: 45)
The Kingdom of Vijayanagar - Maharaja Devaraya II Sangama
- Starting Development: 263
- Provinces: 32
- Fort Level: 7
- Begins with Vassals: Jaffna (Development: 6)
The Empire of the Timurids - Great Sultan Shah Rukh Timurid
- Starting Development: 142
- Provinces: 25
- Fort Level: 5
- Begins with Vassals: Transoxiana, Sistan, Fars, Khorasan, Afghanistan (Development: 265)
- Immediate threat of rebellious vassals
The Sultanate of Bengal - Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud
- Starting Development: 177
- Provinces: 19
- Fort Level: 5
The Empire of the Ming - Emperor Qizhen Zhu
- Starting Development: 1101
- Provinces: 111
- Fort Level: 25
- Begins as Emperor of China with the Mandate of Heaven
- May have Tributaries
The Sultanate of the Ottomans - Sultan Mehmed II Osmanoglu
- Starting Development: 319
- Provinces: 35
- Fort Level: 11
The Grand Principality of Muscovy - Grand Kniaz Vasiliy II Rurikovich
- Starting Development: 197
- Provinces: 22
- Fort Level: 7
- Begins with Vassals: Beloozero, Yaroslavl, Pskov, Perm, and Rostov (Development: 83)
The Sultanate of the Mamluks - Sultan Jaqmaq Burji
- Starting Development: 339
- Provinces: 44
- Fort Level: 13
- Begins with Vassals: Fadl and Hejaz (Development: 45)
The Kingdom of Vijayanagar - Maharaja Devaraya II Sangama
- Starting Development: 263
- Provinces: 32
- Fort Level: 7
- Begins with Vassals: Jaffna (Development: 6)
The Empire of the Timurids - Great Sultan Shah Rukh Timurid
- Starting Development: 142
- Provinces: 25
- Fort Level: 5
- Begins with Vassals: Transoxiana, Sistan, Fars, Khorasan, Afghanistan (Development: 265)
- Immediate threat of rebellious vassals
The Sultanate of Bengal - Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud
- Starting Development: 177
- Provinces: 19
- Fort Level: 5
Session 1
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
Duchy of Northumberland - 0 (4000) Earldom of Ulster - 0 (1000) Kingdom of Norway - 0 Duchy of Holland - 0 Duchy of Normandy - 0 Duchy of Wales - 0 Earldom of Desmond - 0 Lordship of the Isles - 0 Duchy of Catalonia - 0 Duchy of Gascony - 0 Duchy of Sardinia - 0 Emirate of Granada - 0 Duchy of Galicia - 0 Altepetl of Tarascan - 0 Altepetl of Zapotec - 0 Kuchkabal of Xiu - 0 Emirate of Marrakesh - 0 Duchy of Bavaria - 2000 Kingdom of Hungary - 0 Duchy of Burgundy - 0 Teutonic Order - 0 Republic of Milan - 0 Republic of Lubeck - 0 Duchy of Cleves - 0 Order of Avignon - 0 Empire of the Timurids - (5000) Kingdom of Bengal - (1000) Empire of the Ottomans - 0 Empire of the Ming - 0 G. Principality of Muscovy - 0 Sultanate of the Mamluks - 0 Kingdom of Vijayanagar - 0 |
Victory Cards
Bohemia (Boh) Luristan L. Doab Syria (Mam) Finland (Swe) Rum (Ott) Maidan (Bah) |
Political - 1479
Religion - 1479
Holy Roman Empire - 1479
Session 2
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
Duchy of Northumberland - 3000 Duchy of Wales - 1000 Lordship of the Isles - 1000 Earldom of Ulster - 0 Kingdom of Norway - 0 Duchy of Holland - 0 Duchy of Normandy - 0 Earldom of Desmond - 0 Altepetl of Tarascan - 2000 Duchy of Galicia - 1000 Duchy of Catalonia - 0 Duchy of Gascony - 0 Pirate Republic of Sardinia - 0 Emirate of Granada - 0 Altepetl of Zapotec - 0 Kuchkabal of Xiu - 0 Pirate Republic of Marrakesh - 0 Duchy of Bavaria - 6000 Kingdom of Hungary - 2500 Duchy of Cleves - 2500 Republic of Milan - 2000 Duchy of Burgundy - 500 Teutonic Order - 500 Republic of Lubeck - 500 Duchy of Avignon - 500 Empire of the Timurids - 5000 Kingdom of Bengal - 1000 Empire of the Ottomans - 1000 Empire of the Ming - 0 G. Principality of Muscovy - 0 Sultanate of the Mamluks - 0 Kingdom of Vijayanagar - 0 |
Victory Cards
Bohemia Wallonia (Hol) Luristan L. Doab Syria (Mam) Finland (Swe) Rum (Ott) Maidan (Bah) |
Europe - 1515
Caribbean - 1515
Religion - 1515
Session 3
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Political - 1555
Caribbean - 1555
Religion - 1555
Session 4
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
P. Principality of Northumberland - 3000 Duchy of Wales - 1000 (3000) Kingdom of Scotland - 1000 (3000) Kingdom of Norway - 0 (4500) Duchy of Normandy - 0 (4000) Earldom of Desmond - 0 (2000) Earldom of Ulster - 0 U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 0 Altepetl of Tarascan - 2000 (4000) Duchy of Galicia - 1000 (3000) Empire of Maya - 0 (9000) U. Provinces of Catalonia - 0 (6000) Altepetl of Zapotec - 0 (2000) Duchy of Gascony - 0 P. Principality of Sardinia - 0 Emirate of Granada - 0 P. Republic of Marrakesh - 0 Duchy of Bavaria - 10000 Duchy of Hungary - 4500 Kingdom of Hanover - 2500 (8500) Republic of Milan - 2000 (3500) Duchy of Prussia - 500 (2500) Republic of Lubeck - 500 (1000) Kingdom of Burgundy - 500 Duchy of Avignon - 500 Empire of the Mughals - 5000 (16000) Empire of the Ottomans - 1000 (2500) Kingdom of Bengal - 1000 Sultanate of the Mamluks - 0 (1500) Kingdom of Vijayanagar - 0 (1000) Tsardom of Russia - 0 (500) Empire of the Ming - 0 |
Victory Cards
Mixteca (Zap), Guanajuato (May, Zap) Tierra Caliente (Tar), W. Cuba (Nor) Toledo (Cas), Languedoc (Avi, Gas) Mexico (Tar), Tierra Caliente (Tar) Algiers (Cat), N. Morocco (Gra, Cat) C. Italy (Mam, Pap, Nap), Bohemia Frisia (Net), Bohemia (Hun) W. Prussia, Sandomierz (Hun) Flanders (Net), Wallonia (Net) L. Doab (Ben), Luristan Bulgaria (Hun), Syria (Mam) U. Doab (Mug), L. Doab (Mug) E. Adriatic (Hun), Rum (Ott) Orissa (Ben), Maidan Shirvan (Mug), Finland S. Kyushu (Jap), Kashgaria (Mug) |
Europe - 1593
Caribbean - 1593
Institutions (Printing Press) - 1593
Session 5
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
Kingdom of Norway - 5500 Kingdom of Normandy - 4000 P. Principality of Northumberland - 3000 Duchy of Wales - 3000 Kingdom of Scotland - 3000 Earldom of Desmond - 3000 U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 2000 Earldom of Ulster - 0 Empire of Maya - 9000 U. Provinces of Catalonia - 8000 Altepetl of Tarascan - 4000 Altepetl of Zapotec - 4000 Princedom of Galicia - 3000 Duchy of Gascony - 0 P. Principality of Sardinia - 0 Emirate of Granada - 0 P. Republic of Marrakesh - 0 Kingdom of Bavaria - 16000 Kingdom of Hanover - 13500 Duchy of Hungary - 5500 Republic of Milan - 4500 Duchy of Prussia - 3500 Republic of Lubeck - 2000 Kingdom of Burgundy - 1500 Duchy of Avignon - 1500 Empire of the Mughals - 18000 Empire of the Ottomans - 2500 Sultanate of the Mamluks - 1500 Kingdom of Vijayanagar - 1000 Tsardom of Russia - 500 Kingdom of Bengal - 0 Empire of the Ming - 0 |
Victory Cards
London (Norm, Nort, Wal), E. Anglia (Nom, Sco, Nort) Wessex (Wal), W. Midlands (Wal, Sco) Picardy (Bur), Wallonia (Bur, Han) Tierra Caliente (Tar), W. Cuba (Nor) Toledo, Languedoc (Avi, Gas) Mixteca (Zap), Guanajuato (May, Zap) Mexico (Tar), Tierra Caliente (Tar) Dominica (May), W. Cuba (May, Norw) Algiers (Cat), N. Morocco (Gra, Cat) Switzerland (Swi, Mil), Palatinate (Han) Frisia (Net), Bohemia (Hun) C. Italy (Mam, Pap, Nap), Bohemia W. Prussia, Sandomierz (Hun) Flanders (Net), Wallonia (Net, Han) L. Doab (Ben), Luristan Bulgaria (Hun), Syria (Mam) E. Adriatic (Hun), Rum (Ott) Orissa (Ben), Maidan Shirvan (Mug), Finland U. Doab (Mug), L. Doab (Mug) S. Kyushu (Jap), Kashgaria (Mug) |
Europe - 1634
Caribbean - 1634
Holy Roman Empire - 1634
Session 6
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
Kingdom of Norway - 5500 (22000) Kingdom of Normandy - 4000 (10000) Duchy of Wales - 3000 (6000) Kingdom of Scotland - 3000 (6000) Earldom of Desmond - 3000 (6000) P. Principality of Northumberland - 3000 U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 2000 (6500) Earldom of Ulster - 0 Empire of Maya - 9000 (12000) U. Provinces of Catalonia - 8000 (11000) Altepetl of Tarascan - 4000 (10000) Altepetl of Zapotec - 4000 (10000) Princedom of Galicia - 3000 (6000) Emirate of Granada - 0 (6000) P. Principality of Sardinia - 0 (3000) P. Republic of Marrakesh - 0 Duchy of Gascony - 0 Kingdom of Bavaria - 19000 (22000) Kingdom of Hanover - 13500 (25500) Duchy of Hungary - 5500 (6500) Republic of Milan - 4500 (6500) Duchy of Prussia - 3500 (5500) Republic of Lubeck - 2000 Kingdom of Burgundy - 1500 Bishopric of Avignon - 1500 Empire of the Mughals - 18000 (36000) Empire of the Ottomans - 2500 (2000) Sultanate of the Mamluks - 1500 (6500) G. Republic of Vijayanagar - 1000 (2000) Tsardom of Russia - 500 Kingdom of Bengal - 0 Empire of the Ming - 0 |
Victory Cards
V. Svaland (Pru), London (Norm, Nort, Wal), E. Anglia (Norm, Sco, Nort) E. Anglia (Nor, Sco, Nort), Wessex (Wal, Nort), W. Midlands (Wal, Sco, Nort) Leinster (Des, Sco), London (Norm, Nort), W. Midlands (Norm, Sco, Nort) W. Midlands (Sco, Norm, Nort, Wal), Wessex (Wal, Nort), Lowlands (Sco, Nort) Flanders (Bur), Picardy (Bur), Wallonia (Bur, Han) Mexico (Tar), Tierra Caliente (Tar), W. Cuba (Sar, Norw) Vasconia (Gal, Gas), Toledo (Gra) , Languedoc (Avi, Gas) Puebla (May, Zap), Mixteca (Zap), Guanajuato (May, Zap) Venezuela (May, Gal), Mexico (Tar), Tierra Caliente (Tar) Alentejo (Gra), Dominica (May), W. Cuba (May, Norw) Gharb (Mar), Valencia (Cat), Toledo (Cat) Niger Bend (Mac), Algiers (Cat), N. Morocco (Gra, Cat, Sar) Bohemia (Hun), Switzerland (Han, Mil), Palatinate (Han) Wielkopolska (Pru), Frisia (Net), Bohemia (Hun) L. Bavaria (Bav), C. Italy (Mam, Pap, Nap), Bohemia Malopolska (Hun), W. Prussia, Sandomierz (Hun) O. Gotaland (Pru), Curonia (Pru), Frisia (Net, Han) Frisia (Net, Han), Flanders (Net), Wallonia (Net, Han) Liguria (Mil), Languedoc (Gas, Cat), Piedmont (Mil) Astrakhan (Rus), L. Doab (Ben), Luristan Rum (Mam), Bulgaria (Hun), Syria (Mam) Kurdistan (Mug, Ott), E. Adriatic (Hun), Rum (Ott) L. Doab (Mug, Ben), Orissa (Ben), Maidan O. Gotaland (Pru), Shirvan (Mug), Finland Gondwana (Vij). U. Doab (Mug), L. Doab (Mug) S. Kyushu (Ryu), Kashgaria (Mug) |
Europe - 1667
Caribbean - 1667
Asia - 1667
Session 7
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
Kingdom of Norway - 5500 (17500) Kingdom of Normandy - 4000 (10000) Earldom of Desmond - 3000 (10500) Duchy of Wales - 3000 (6000) P. Principality of Northumberland - 3000 (6000) Kingdom of Scotland - 3000 U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 2000 (9500) Earldom of Ulster - 0 Empire of Maya - 9000 (18000) U. Provinces of Catalonia - 8000 (11000) Altepetl of Tarascan - 4000 (10000) Altepetl of Zapotec - 4000 (10000) P. Republic of Port Royal - 3000 Emirate of Granada - 0 (6000) P. Principality of Sardinia - 0 P. Republic of Marrakesh - 0 (3000) Duchy of Gascony - 0 Kingdom of Bavaria - 22000 (25000) Kingdom of Hanover - 13500 (25500) Duchy of Hungary - 5500 (6500) Republic of Milan - 4500 (6000) Kingdom of Prussia - 3500 (5500) Republic of Lubeck - 2000 Bishopric of Avignon - 1500 (2500) Kingdom of Burgundy - 1500 Empire of the Mughals - 18000 (36000) Empire of the Ottomans - 2500 (2000) Empire of the Mamluks - 1500 (6500) G. Republic of Vijayanagar - 1000 (4000) G. Republic of Russia - 500 Empire of the Ming - 0 (5000) Kingdom of Bengal - 0 |
Victory Cards
V. Svaland (Pru), London (Norm, Nort, Wal), E. Anglia (Norm, Sco, Nort) E. Anglia (Nor, Sco, Nort), Wessex (Wal, Nort), W. Midlands (Wal, Sco, Nort) W. Midlands (Sco, Norm, Nort, Wal), Wessex (Wal, Nort), Lowlands (Sco, Nort) Leinster (Des, Sco), London (Norm, Nort), W. Midlands (Norm, Sco, Nort) Flanders (Bur), Picardy (Bur), Wallonia (Bur, Han) Mexico (Tar), Tierra Caliente (Tar), W. Cuba (Sar, Norw, Gra) Vasconia (Gal, Gas), Toledo (Gra) , Languedoc (Avi, Gas) Puebla (May, Zap), Mixteca (Zap), Guanajuato (May, Zap) Venezuela (May, Gal), Mexico (Tar), Tierra Caliente (Tar) Alentejo (Gra), Dominica (May), W. Cuba (May, Norw, Gra) Gharb (Mar), Valencia (Cat), Toledo (Cat) Niger Bend, Algiers (Cat), N. Morocco (Gra, Cat, Sar) Bohemia (Hun), Switzerland (Han, Mil), Palatinate (Han) Wielkopolska (Pru), Frisia (Net), Bohemia (Hun) L. Bavaria (Bav), C. Italy (Mam, Pap, Nap), Bohemia Malopolska (Hun), W. Prussia, Sandomierz (Hun) O. Gotaland (Pru), Curonia (Pru), Frisia (Net, Han) Liguria (Mil), Languedoc (Gas, Cat), Piedmont (Mil) Frisia (Net, Han), Flanders (Net), Wallonia (Net, Han) Astrakhan (Rus), L. Doab (Ben), Luristan Rum (Mam), Bulgaria (Hun), Syria (Mam) Kurdistan (Mug, Ott), E. Adriatic (Hun), Rum (Ott) L. Doab (Mug, Ben), Orissa (Ben), Maidan O. Gotaland (Pru), Shirvan (Mug), Finland N. Zungaria (Rus), S. Kyushu, Kashgaria (Mug) Gondwana (Vij). U. Doab (Mug), L. Doab (Mug) |
Europe - 1694
Caribbean - 1694
Asia - 1694
Session 8
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
Kingdom of Norway - 11000 U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 9500 Duchy of Wales - 9000 P. Principality of Northumberland - 7500 Earldom of Desmond - 6000 Kingdom of Normandy - 3500 Kingdom of Scotland - 2500 Earldom of Ulster - 0 Altepetl of Tarascan - 18500 U. Provinces of Catalonia - 11000 Emirate of Granada - 9000 Altepetl of Zapotec - 8000 Empire of Maya - 7000 P. Republic of Marrakesh - 6000 P. Republic of Port Royal - 6000 P. Principality of Sardinia - 0 Duchy of Gascony - 0 Kingdom of Bavaria - 28000 Kingdom of Prussia - 21000 Kingdom of Hanover - 16500 Duchy of Hungary - 11000 Kingdom of Burgundy - 9000 Republic of Milan - 9000 Republic of Lubeck - 5000 Duchy of Avignon - 4000 Empire of the Mughals - 39000 Empire of the Mamluks - 6500 Empire of the Ming - 5000 G. Republic of Vijayanagar - 4000 Empire of the Ottomans - 2000 G. Republic of Russia - 0 Kingdom of Bengal - 0 |
Victory Cards
V. Svaland (Pru), London (Norm, Nort, Wal), E. Anglia (Norm, Sco, Nort) Flanders (Bur), Picardy (Bur), Wallonia (Bur, Han) Leinster (Des, Sco), London (Norm, Nort), W. Midlands (Norm, Sco, Nort) W. Midlands (Sco, Norm, Nort, Wal), Wessex (Wal, Nort), Lowlands (Sco, Nort) E. Anglia (Nor, Sco, Nort), Wessex (Wal, Nort), W. Midlands (Wal, Sco, Nort) Puebla (May, Zap), Mixteca (Zap), Guanajuato (May, Zap) Vasconia (Gal, Gas), Toledo (Gra) , Languedoc (Avi, Gas) Gharb (Mar), Valencia (Cat), Toledo (Cat) Venezuela (May, Gal), Mexico (Tar), Tierra Caliente (Tar) Mexico (Tar), Tierra Caliente (Tar), W. Cuba (Sar, Norw, Gra) Niger Bend, Algiers (Cat), N. Morocco (Gra, Cat, Sar) Bohemia (Hun), Switzerland (Han, Mil), Palatinate (Han) Malopolska (Hun), W. Prussia, Sandomierz (Hun) Wielkopolska (Pru), Frisia (Net), Bohemia (Hun) L. Bavaria (Bav), C. Italy (Mam, Pap, Nap), Bohemia Frisia (Net, Han), Flanders (Net), Wallonia (Net, Han) O. Gotaland (Pru), Curonia (Pru), Frisia (Net, Han) Liguria (Mil), Languedoc (Gas, Cat), Piedmont (Mil) Astrakhan (Rus), L. Doab (Ben), Luristan Kurdistan (Mug, Ott), E. Adriatic (Hun), Rum (Ott) N. Zungaria (Rus), S. Kyushu, Kashgaria (Mug) L. Doab (Mug, Ben), Orissa (Ben), Maidan Rum (Mam), Bulgaria (Hun), Syria (Mam) O. Gotaland (Pru), Shirvan (Mug), Finland Gondwana (Vij). U. Doab (Mug), L. Doab (Mug) |
Europe - 1722
Caribbean - 1722
Asia - 1722
Session 9
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
G. Princedom of Norway - 11000 (26000) U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 9500 (37500) Duchy of Wales - 9000 P. Principality of Northumberland - 7500 (11000) Earldom of Desmond - 6000 (8000) Kingdom of Normandy - 3500 (3000) Kingdom of Scotland - 2500 (2000) Earldom of Ulster - 0 Altepetl of Tarascan - 18500 (34500) U. Provinces of Catalonia - 11000 (20000) Sultanate of Granada - 9000 (12000) Altepetl of Zapotec - 8000 (19000) Empire of Maya - 7000 (2500) P. Republic of Marrakesh - 6000 (9000) P. Republic of Port Royal - 6000 P. Principality of Sardinia - 0 Princedom of Gascony - 0 Kingdom of Bavaria - 28000 (40000) Kingdom of Prussia - 25000 (35000) Kingdom of Hanover - 16500 (16000) Duchy of Hungary - 11000 (7500) Kingdom of Burgundy - 9000 (17000) Republic of Milan - 9000 (13000) Republic of Lubeck - 5000 (4500) Duchy of Avignon - 4000 (7000) Empire of the Mughals - 39000 (65000) Empire of the Mamluks - 6500 (11000) Empire of the Ming - 5000 (15000) G. Republic of Vijayanagar - 4000 (7000) Empire of the Ottomans - 2000 (1500) G. Republic of Russia - 0 Kingdom of Bengal - 0 |
Victory Cards
Wessex, V. Svaland, London, E. Anglia Crimea, Flanders, Picardy, Wallonia Wessex, Leinster, London, W. Midlands Highlands, W. Midlands, Wessex, Lowlands Brittany, E. Anglia, W. Midlands, Wessex Louisiana, Puebla, Mixteca, Guanajuato Castile, Vasconia, Toledo, Languedoc L. Andalucia, Gharb, Valencia, Toledo Puebla, Venezuela, Mexico, Tierra Caliente Chiapas, Mexico, Tierra Caliente, W. Cuba U. Volta, Niger Bend, Algiers, N. Morocco Thuringia, Bohemia, Switzerland, Palatinate Erzgebirge, Malopolska, W. Prussia, Sandomierz Wielkopolska, Frisia, Bohemia Wielkopolska, L. Bavaria, C. Italy, Bohemia Netherlands, Frisia, Flanders, Wallonia Liguria, Piedmont, Romandie, Venetia Netherlands, O. Gotaland, Curonia, Frisia Savoy, Liguria, Languedoc, Piedmont Rum, Astrakhan, L. Doab, Luristan Mahra, Kurdistan, E. Adriatic, Rum Aceh, N. Zungaria, S. Kyushu, Kashgaria Purvanchal, L. Doab, Orissa, Maidan Macedonia, Rum, Bulgaria, Syria Smolensk, O. Gotaland, Shirvan, Finland Gondwana, U. Doab, L. Doab |
Europe - 1754
Caribbean - 1754
Asia - 1754
Session 10
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
G. Princedom of Norway - 11000 (20000) U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 9500 (41500) Princedom of Wales - 9000 P. Principality of Northumberland - 7500 (11000) Earldom of Desmond - 6000 (8000) Kingdom of Normandy - 3500 (3000) Lordship of Scotland - 2500 (2000) Earldom of Ulster - 0 Empire of Tarascan - 18500 (34500) U. Provinces of Catalonia - 11000 (23000) Sultanate of Granada - 9000 (10500) Empire of Zapotec - 8000 (19000) Empire of Maya - 7000 (2500) P. Republic of Marrakesh - 6000 (9000) P. Republic of Port Royal - 6000 P. Principality of Sardinia - 0 Princedom of Gascony - 0 Kingdom of Bavaria - 28000 (40000) Kingdom of Prussia - 25000 (35000) G. Republic of Hanover - 16500 (16000) Duchy of Hungary - 11000 (6500) Empire of Burgundy - 9000 (17000) G. Republic of Italy - 9000 (16000) Republic of Lubeck - 5000 Duchy of Avignon - 4000 (7000) Empire of the Mughals - 39000 (63000) Empire of the Mamluks - 6500 (14000) Empire of the Ming - 5000 (15000) G. Republic of Vijayanagar - 4000 (11000) Empire of the Ottomans - 2000 (1500) G. Republic of Russia - 0 Princedom of Bengal - 0 |
Victory Cards
Wessex, V. Svaland, London, E. Anglia Crimea, Flanders, Picardy, Wallonia Wessex, Leinster, London, W. Midlands Highlands, W. Midlands, Wessex, Lowlands Brittany, E. Anglia, W. Midlands, Wessex Louisiana, Puebla, Mixteca, Guanajuato Castile, Vasconia, Toledo, Languedoc L. Andalucia, Gharb, Valencia, Toledo Puebla, Venezuela, Mexico, Tierra Caliente Chiapas, Mexico, Tierra Caliente, W. Cuba U. Volta, Niger Bend, Algiers, N. Morocco Thuringia, Bohemia, Switzerland, Palatinate Erzgebirge, Malopolska, W. Prussia, Sandomierz Wielkopolska, Frisia, Bohemia Wielkopolska, L. Bavaria, C. Italy, Bohemia Netherlands, Frisia, Flanders, Wallonia Liguria, Piedmont, Romandie, Venetia Netherlands, O. Gotaland, Curonia, Frisia Savoy, Liguria, Languedoc, Piedmont Rum, Astrakhan, L. Doab, Luristan Mahra, Kurdistan, E. Adriatic, Rum Aceh, N. Zungaria, S. Kyushu, Kashgaria Purvanchal, L. Doab, Orissa, Maidan Macedonia, Rum, Bulgaria, Syria Smolensk, O. Gotaland, Shirvan, Finland Gondwana, U. Doab, L. Doab |
Europe - 1787
Caribbean - 1787
Asia - 1787
Session 11
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 |
Victory Points (Projected)
U. Provinces of the Netherlands - 49500 G. Princedom of Norway - 19000 P. Principality of Northumberland - 11500 Princedom of Wales - 9000 Earldom of Desmond - 8000 Kingdom of Normandy - 3500 Lordship of Scotland - 2500 Earldom of Ulster - 0 Empire of Tarascan - 38500 Sultanate of Andalusia - 24000 Empire of Zapotec - 21000 U. Provinces of Catalonia - 8500 P. Republic of Port Royal - 6000 P. Principality of Sardinia - 4000 P. Republic of Marrakesh - 2500 Empire of Maya - 1000 Princedom of Gascony - 0 Kingdom of Bavaria - 44000 Bishopric of Prussia - 31500 Empire of Burgundy - 21000 G. Republic of Italy - 18500 G. Republic of Hanover - 16000 Duchy of Avignon - 8000 Duchy of Hungary - 8000 G. Republic of Lubeck - 7000 Empire of the Mughals - 63000 Empire of the Mamluks - 18000 Empire of the Ming - 15000 F. Republic of Vijayanagar - 11000 Empire of the Ottomans - 1500 G. Republic of Russia - 0 Princedom of Bengal - 0 |
Victory Cards
Crimea, Flanders, Picardy, Wallonia Wessex, V. Svaland, London, E. Anglia Wessex, Leinster, London, W. Midlands Highlands, W. Midlands, Wessex, Lowlands Brittany, E. Anglia, W. Midlands, Wessex Louisiana, Puebla, Mixteca, Guanajuato L. Andalucia, Gharb, Valencia, Toledo Puebla, Venezuela, Mexico, Tierra Caliente Castile, Vasconia, Toledo, Languedoc U. Volta, Niger Bend, Algiers, N. Morocco Chiapas, Mexico, Tierra Caliente, W. Cuba Thuringia, Bohemia, Switzerland, Palatinate Erzgebirge, Malopolska, W. Prussia, Sandomierz Netherlands, Frisia, Flanders, Wallonia Liguria, Piedmont, Romandie, Venetia Palatinate, Wielkopolska, Frisia, Bohemia Savoy, Liguria, Languedoc, Piedmont Wielkopolska, L. Bavaria, C. Italy, Bohemia Netherlands, O. Gotaland, Curonia, Frisia Rum, Astrakhan, L. Doab, Luristan Mahra, Kurdistan, E. Adriatic, Rum Aceh, N. Zungaria, S. Kyushu, Kashgaria Purvanchal, L. Doab, Orissa, Maidan Macedonia, Rum, Bulgaria, Syria Smolensk, O. Gotaland, Shirvan, Finland Gondwana, U. Doab, L. Doab |
Europe - 1821
Caribbean - 1821
Asia - 1821