Cradle of Civilization II
Nation Selection - 25 Feb, Friday 8:00 PM EST
First Session - 27 Feb, Sunday 7:00 PM EST
First Session - 27 Feb, Sunday 7:00 PM EST
Final Rankings - Prestige
Empire of Persia - DiePie - 21 "Hammer of Hammurabi"
Empire of Ethiopia - Alec - 15 "Avatar of Alexander"
Grand Republic of Georgia - chaching/Eric - 14
Empire of Kilwa - William - 13 "Sovereign of the Silk Road"
Shahdom of Fars - Morosaurus - 12
Archbishopric of Antioch - Dr Decoy - 11
Duchy of Yemen - Blyatt/Wyatt - 10
Duchy of Israel - Official MrScruff/Brad - 9
Tsardom of Russia - captaindickers/Josh - 8
Serene Republic of Venice - Reqrium - 7
Empire of the Ottomans - ekcrbe/Erik - 6
Empire of Vijayanagar - Braxton - 5
Empire of Yarkand - oriemaster198/Wyatt - 4
Kingdom of Gujarat - lookatall/Blake - 3
Empire of Delhi - bbaron - 2
Sultanate of Kazan - Iron/Brian - 1
Empire of Ethiopia - Alec - 15 "Avatar of Alexander"
Grand Republic of Georgia - chaching/Eric - 14
Empire of Kilwa - William - 13 "Sovereign of the Silk Road"
Shahdom of Fars - Morosaurus - 12
Archbishopric of Antioch - Dr Decoy - 11
Duchy of Yemen - Blyatt/Wyatt - 10
Duchy of Israel - Official MrScruff/Brad - 9
Tsardom of Russia - captaindickers/Josh - 8
Serene Republic of Venice - Reqrium - 7
Empire of the Ottomans - ekcrbe/Erik - 6
Empire of Vijayanagar - Braxton - 5
Empire of Yarkand - oriemaster198/Wyatt - 4
Kingdom of Gujarat - lookatall/Blake - 3
Empire of Delhi - bbaron - 2
Sultanate of Kazan - Iron/Brian - 1
Scoring and Campaign specIfic Rules
Scoring Intervals - Scoring will occur immediately at the election of each new Holy Roman Emperor due to the death of the former emperor. Elections due to the current emperor being forcibly dethroned or disqualified do not count as a scoring interval.
Advice: Scoring Intervals are quasi-random to reduce meta-gaming.
Scoring Groups - Nations are divided into separate groups with thematic scoring differences. Each scoring section below will define if it is restricted to or from any nation groups or if it applies differently to any group. For this campaign, the groups are Tyrants, Magnates, and Guardians. If at any time, a Magnate or Guardian occupies a Great Power position other than the lowest position, that nation will be considered to be a Tyrant for all purposes of gaining score for the rest of the campaign.
Advice: Thematic scoring is based heavily on initial setup and scoring potential. If a nation is able to take advantage of unforeseen opportunities, or pursue domination of the greater AI-controlled world, to the point of surpassing the average power of the Tyrant nation group, this nation will need to adapt to their new role on the world-stage.
Scoring with Victory Cards - Players will gain score equal to the full value of any owned victory cards (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000) minus the full value of any victory cards held by other players or AI on any of their former territory (any provinces that were once owned by the player as identified by the in-game VC score system). This value cannot go below 0. Victory Card values are not affected by the Age because they already scale in value accordingly. Victory Cards that spawn on protected areas will be moved to the area that is the least distance (counted by adjacent provinces and sea zones) to the capital of the Victory Card owner, that contains at least one province of the target player, and shares a border or sea zone with the target player. Victory Cards must be fully owned by the nation it is assigned to be scored and cannot be scored if held by a subject, although the Victory Cards assigned to subjects can be scored by the subject and stolen by the overlord as detailed below in Scoring with Subjects.
Advice: Victory cards will target Allies and Rivals that you border. Be wary of allying your neighbours and do not allow your old alliances to prevent you from collecting these points. Helping players to capture Victory Cards on another player's territory may useful if the target player is currently winning through the score gained through their own Victory Cards, as this can help negate that score.
Scoring with Subjects - Overlords can score through subject nations. Players will take a percentage of the score gained for Victory Cards, Great Projects, Defender of the Faith, Trade Centers, Trade Domination, or Trade Goods by any of their Subjects, including Tributaries. This applies to both AI and Player subjects (including AI victory cards which can be used to gain score for their overlords if completely held by the respective subject). AI Subjects follow the scoring rules of their Overlords, while Player Subjects will continue to follow the scoring rules of their designated group. AI Overlords will take score from Player subjects in the same manner, but this score is simply lost.
- Tributaries - 20%
- Vassals/Marches/Personal Unions/Trade League Members - 50%
Scoring with Great Projects - Tyrants and Guardians only - Players can score by owning and upgrading Great Projects. Owning any Great Project within the scoring Trade Nodes listed below will be worth 500 points multiplied by the level of the Project (0 to 3) as long as that Great Project is not within any player's Protected Area. Great Projects may not be moved.
- Cradle of Civilization - All Great Projects in the Basra node are worth double the normal score.
- Guardians only (Co-op scoring) - Guardians will share score gained from Great Projects with allied Guardians. If any Guardian gains score from a Great Project, any Guardians allied with that Player will gain an equal amount of score.
Scoring as Defender of the Faith - Players who are Defender of the Faith for their Religion will score points equal to 300 multiplied by the Defender of the Faith level (1 to 5, 300 to 1500)
Scoring with Trade Centers - Tyrants and Guardians only - Players can score by owning Centers of Trade. Owning any Center of Trade in the scoring Trade Nodes listed below will be worth 500 points as long as that Center of Trade is not in a player's Protected Area.
- Cradle of Civilization - All Centers of Trade in the Basra node are worth double the normal score.
- Tyrants only - Tyrants may not score from any Centers of Trade in a node where another Tyrant owns a Center of Trade.
Advice: Because of their distribution and visibility. Centers of Trade are the base objective of this campaign, capturing Centers of Trade is always a good idea, but sometimes you can get a higher net gain or avoid assimilating costly, rebellious lands through subjects. Note that the value of Centers of Trade can be sapped by the trade power of Magnates in the respective trade node. Magnates do not score directly by owning trade nodes, but increasing their trade power will increase their market domination.
Scoring with Trade Domination (or Piracy) - Magnates Only - Magnates can score by dominating the markets of scoring nodes. The Magnate with the highest trade power in a scoring node will steal a percentage of the score of all Centers of Trade in that trade node based on the Magnate's trade power. Note that owning a trade node does not directly provide score for a Magnate, but can of course boost his trade power in the node to help him score through Market Domination. If Pirates have a greater trade power in a node than any Magnate, than the Magnate with the most contribution to Piracy counts the Pirate trade power as his own instead of his legitimate trade power.
The percentage stolen is as follows:
- 0 to 19% trade power = 0%
- 20 - 39% trade power = 20%
- 40 - 59% trade power = 40%
- 60 - 79% trade power = 60%
- 80 - 99% trade power = 80%
- 100% trade power = 100%
Scoring with Trade Goods - Any player can score by controlling production of the high-demand goods of the Silk Road, and outsiders can score by infiltrating and gaining control of these markets. Players will score 1500 points each for being the Production Leader in Silk, Spices, Incense, and Gems, as long as another nation does not also have the Trading In bonus for that Good.
- Magnates only - Players in the Magnates nation group can score 1500 points for having the Trading In bonus for each of Silk, Spices, Incense, and Gems. This is reduced to 500 points if the player is also the Production Leader of the same Good (for a total of 2000 points for the Production Leader and Trading In bonus). If the Trading In bonus is shared with another nation, these points cannot be claimed.
Advice: Controlling the production of goods gives all players a good reason to invade and hold the lands of the Cradle of Civilization. Magnates have access to far off trade networks that bring further value to control of these goods. For this campaign, the presence of these goods throughout the wider world has been reduce by half while their presence in the region has been doubled.
Advice: Scoring Intervals are quasi-random to reduce meta-gaming.
Scoring Groups - Nations are divided into separate groups with thematic scoring differences. Each scoring section below will define if it is restricted to or from any nation groups or if it applies differently to any group. For this campaign, the groups are Tyrants, Magnates, and Guardians. If at any time, a Magnate or Guardian occupies a Great Power position other than the lowest position, that nation will be considered to be a Tyrant for all purposes of gaining score for the rest of the campaign.
Advice: Thematic scoring is based heavily on initial setup and scoring potential. If a nation is able to take advantage of unforeseen opportunities, or pursue domination of the greater AI-controlled world, to the point of surpassing the average power of the Tyrant nation group, this nation will need to adapt to their new role on the world-stage.
Scoring with Victory Cards - Players will gain score equal to the full value of any owned victory cards (1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000) minus the full value of any victory cards held by other players or AI on any of their former territory (any provinces that were once owned by the player as identified by the in-game VC score system). This value cannot go below 0. Victory Card values are not affected by the Age because they already scale in value accordingly. Victory Cards that spawn on protected areas will be moved to the area that is the least distance (counted by adjacent provinces and sea zones) to the capital of the Victory Card owner, that contains at least one province of the target player, and shares a border or sea zone with the target player. Victory Cards must be fully owned by the nation it is assigned to be scored and cannot be scored if held by a subject, although the Victory Cards assigned to subjects can be scored by the subject and stolen by the overlord as detailed below in Scoring with Subjects.
Advice: Victory cards will target Allies and Rivals that you border. Be wary of allying your neighbours and do not allow your old alliances to prevent you from collecting these points. Helping players to capture Victory Cards on another player's territory may useful if the target player is currently winning through the score gained through their own Victory Cards, as this can help negate that score.
Scoring with Subjects - Overlords can score through subject nations. Players will take a percentage of the score gained for Victory Cards, Great Projects, Defender of the Faith, Trade Centers, Trade Domination, or Trade Goods by any of their Subjects, including Tributaries. This applies to both AI and Player subjects (including AI victory cards which can be used to gain score for their overlords if completely held by the respective subject). AI Subjects follow the scoring rules of their Overlords, while Player Subjects will continue to follow the scoring rules of their designated group. AI Overlords will take score from Player subjects in the same manner, but this score is simply lost.
- Tributaries - 20%
- Vassals/Marches/Personal Unions/Trade League Members - 50%
Scoring with Great Projects - Tyrants and Guardians only - Players can score by owning and upgrading Great Projects. Owning any Great Project within the scoring Trade Nodes listed below will be worth 500 points multiplied by the level of the Project (0 to 3) as long as that Great Project is not within any player's Protected Area. Great Projects may not be moved.
- Cradle of Civilization - All Great Projects in the Basra node are worth double the normal score.
- Guardians only (Co-op scoring) - Guardians will share score gained from Great Projects with allied Guardians. If any Guardian gains score from a Great Project, any Guardians allied with that Player will gain an equal amount of score.
Scoring as Defender of the Faith - Players who are Defender of the Faith for their Religion will score points equal to 300 multiplied by the Defender of the Faith level (1 to 5, 300 to 1500)
Scoring with Trade Centers - Tyrants and Guardians only - Players can score by owning Centers of Trade. Owning any Center of Trade in the scoring Trade Nodes listed below will be worth 500 points as long as that Center of Trade is not in a player's Protected Area.
- Cradle of Civilization - All Centers of Trade in the Basra node are worth double the normal score.
- Tyrants only - Tyrants may not score from any Centers of Trade in a node where another Tyrant owns a Center of Trade.
Advice: Because of their distribution and visibility. Centers of Trade are the base objective of this campaign, capturing Centers of Trade is always a good idea, but sometimes you can get a higher net gain or avoid assimilating costly, rebellious lands through subjects. Note that the value of Centers of Trade can be sapped by the trade power of Magnates in the respective trade node. Magnates do not score directly by owning trade nodes, but increasing their trade power will increase their market domination.
Scoring with Trade Domination (or Piracy) - Magnates Only - Magnates can score by dominating the markets of scoring nodes. The Magnate with the highest trade power in a scoring node will steal a percentage of the score of all Centers of Trade in that trade node based on the Magnate's trade power. Note that owning a trade node does not directly provide score for a Magnate, but can of course boost his trade power in the node to help him score through Market Domination. If Pirates have a greater trade power in a node than any Magnate, than the Magnate with the most contribution to Piracy counts the Pirate trade power as his own instead of his legitimate trade power.
The percentage stolen is as follows:
- 0 to 19% trade power = 0%
- 20 - 39% trade power = 20%
- 40 - 59% trade power = 40%
- 60 - 79% trade power = 60%
- 80 - 99% trade power = 80%
- 100% trade power = 100%
Scoring with Trade Goods - Any player can score by controlling production of the high-demand goods of the Silk Road, and outsiders can score by infiltrating and gaining control of these markets. Players will score 1500 points each for being the Production Leader in Silk, Spices, Incense, and Gems, as long as another nation does not also have the Trading In bonus for that Good.
- Magnates only - Players in the Magnates nation group can score 1500 points for having the Trading In bonus for each of Silk, Spices, Incense, and Gems. This is reduced to 500 points if the player is also the Production Leader of the same Good (for a total of 2000 points for the Production Leader and Trading In bonus). If the Trading In bonus is shared with another nation, these points cannot be claimed.
Advice: Controlling the production of goods gives all players a good reason to invade and hold the lands of the Cradle of Civilization. Magnates have access to far off trade networks that bring further value to control of these goods. For this campaign, the presence of these goods throughout the wider world has been reduce by half while their presence in the region has been doubled.
- $20 worth of Paradox DLC
- Prestige - Earn 1 Prestige for your name on the Campaign Player List for participating in the campaign plus 1 Prestige for each player that you place higher than. The highest scoring player will earn an additional 5 Prestige.
-Titles - In addition, the highest scoring player within each starting group will earn a title for their name on the Campaign Player List.
Top scoring Tyrant - "Avatar of Alexander"
Top scoring Guardian - "Hammer of Hammurabi"
Top scoring Magnate - "Sovereign of the Silk Road"
- Nation selection in a future campaign will go in order of prestige earned in this campaign, except players who received prizes will pick last (in order of final score).
- $20 worth of Paradox DLC
- Prestige - Earn 1 Prestige for your name on the Campaign Player List for participating in the campaign plus 1 Prestige for each player that you place higher than. The highest scoring player will earn an additional 5 Prestige.
-Titles - In addition, the highest scoring player within each starting group will earn a title for their name on the Campaign Player List.
Top scoring Tyrant - "Avatar of Alexander"
Top scoring Guardian - "Hammer of Hammurabi"
Top scoring Magnate - "Sovereign of the Silk Road"
- Nation selection in a future campaign will go in order of prestige earned in this campaign, except players who received prizes will pick last (in order of final score).
Standard House Campaign Rules
1. Diplomacy Campaign Rules - Rules to frustrate our most successful players
- The Gametactica campaign mod will make maintaining alliances difficult for Great Powers, forcing them to use other diplomatic options such as Guarantees and Enforce Peace in order to shepherd their sphere of influence.
2. The 30% Treaty Rule - To encourage riskier and shorter wars
In order to encourage more frequent, shorter wars that do not devolve into world-spanning conflicts, we will be using the 30% Rule in this campaign. At any point in a war that the primary aggressor/defender has 30% or more war-score, they may send a peace treaty demanding a white peace or the annexation of one province that they occupy, that is owned by the primary defender/aggressor, and that they share a border with by land or sea, and this peace treaty cannot be refused. To be unrefusable, the treaty must contain no other conditions except a white peace or the annexation of the single province and the province must not be a nation's capital. The sending player may pause the game for this treaty, so that the war-score will not change and the rule can be enforced. For this rule, provinces owned or occupied by non-tributary subjects count as being owned or occupied by their overlord. (Currently under legislative review)
3. Starting Area Protection - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
Any player who loses their capital Area holdings to another nation will be able to pay a nominal fee to immediately seize the territory back. In this way, each player's starting Area is safe from annexation and players are not allowed to eliminate other players.
4. Endless Player Restart - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
If a player is eliminated by the AI, his starting capital, and all provinces in his capital's area that still have cores of his nation, will be released at the start of the next session as a vassal of the nation that now owns his starting capital province.
5. One-Time Absence Protection - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
During a missed session, a player may invoke protection for their nation one time. Other players may not attack a protected nation, and may not demand any peace terms from their nation if they find themselves at war by other means. Otherwise absent players' nations are not protected in missed sessions and players cannot take advantage of protection after the year 1750 regardless. If a war continues into a player's protected session, his enemies may not demand the ceding/release of land they did not occupy at the start of the protected session, or release nations that do not entirely exist within land they occupied at the start of the protected session, but other treaty terms that have no direct effect on province ownership are allowed in this situation. This protection is ignored in any wars initiated by the protected nation that target another player, so players are responsible for ensuring their nation is passive during their absence in their AI settings. Please inform one of the game hosts anytime before the start of a session if you will be absent and would like to use your protection. Protection may be used if arriving late but not for departing early.
6. Switching to a new Nation
A player may use the vassal release mechanic or colonial nation release mechanic to switch to playing another nation. Protected Areas in the campaign will not be changed. Players may switch nations via any in-game decision available, but their Protected Area will never change.
7. Discord War Camps - Public channels for private coordination
Please do not enter occupied War Camp channels unless invited by an occupant. These channels are available for both plotting in peacetime and coordination during wartime. Refusing to respect War Camp privacy will lead to being kicked from the Discord.
- The Gametactica campaign mod will make maintaining alliances difficult for Great Powers, forcing them to use other diplomatic options such as Guarantees and Enforce Peace in order to shepherd their sphere of influence.
2. The 30% Treaty Rule - To encourage riskier and shorter wars
In order to encourage more frequent, shorter wars that do not devolve into world-spanning conflicts, we will be using the 30% Rule in this campaign. At any point in a war that the primary aggressor/defender has 30% or more war-score, they may send a peace treaty demanding a white peace or the annexation of one province that they occupy, that is owned by the primary defender/aggressor, and that they share a border with by land or sea, and this peace treaty cannot be refused. To be unrefusable, the treaty must contain no other conditions except a white peace or the annexation of the single province and the province must not be a nation's capital. The sending player may pause the game for this treaty, so that the war-score will not change and the rule can be enforced. For this rule, provinces owned or occupied by non-tributary subjects count as being owned or occupied by their overlord. (Currently under legislative review)
3. Starting Area Protection - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
Any player who loses their capital Area holdings to another nation will be able to pay a nominal fee to immediately seize the territory back. In this way, each player's starting Area is safe from annexation and players are not allowed to eliminate other players.
4. Endless Player Restart - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
If a player is eliminated by the AI, his starting capital, and all provinces in his capital's area that still have cores of his nation, will be released at the start of the next session as a vassal of the nation that now owns his starting capital province.
5. One-Time Absence Protection - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
During a missed session, a player may invoke protection for their nation one time. Other players may not attack a protected nation, and may not demand any peace terms from their nation if they find themselves at war by other means. Otherwise absent players' nations are not protected in missed sessions and players cannot take advantage of protection after the year 1750 regardless. If a war continues into a player's protected session, his enemies may not demand the ceding/release of land they did not occupy at the start of the protected session, or release nations that do not entirely exist within land they occupied at the start of the protected session, but other treaty terms that have no direct effect on province ownership are allowed in this situation. This protection is ignored in any wars initiated by the protected nation that target another player, so players are responsible for ensuring their nation is passive during their absence in their AI settings. Please inform one of the game hosts anytime before the start of a session if you will be absent and would like to use your protection. Protection may be used if arriving late but not for departing early.
6. Switching to a new Nation
A player may use the vassal release mechanic or colonial nation release mechanic to switch to playing another nation. Protected Areas in the campaign will not be changed. Players may switch nations via any in-game decision available, but their Protected Area will never change.
7. Discord War Camps - Public channels for private coordination
Please do not enter occupied War Camp channels unless invited by an occupant. These channels are available for both plotting in peacetime and coordination during wartime. Refusing to respect War Camp privacy will lead to being kicked from the Discord.
NAtion Selection
Selection Order - Nation selection in this campaign will draw from the final rankings of each player's most recent Gametactica campaign (using the previous rewards description). Excluding recent title-winners (who will be selecting last), all players returning from previous campaigns will be able to to select nations in order of their final ranking descending from top score to lowest score, followed by any new players in a randomly determined order, followed by recent title-winners in order of final ranking. A player who has played in earlier campaigns but did not participate in the most recent campaign will be allowed to use the final ranking of their latest campaign to determine their selection placement, and will be placed directly behind the player of equivalent ranking from the most recent campaign. Any players who missed more than 50% of sessions in their last campaign will not pick according to score and will be placed in the random pool with new players.
Hidden Nations - Once any tier has had all available nations claimed, any Hidden nations in that tier will become available for selection, with possibly drastic changes to that tier's balance of power. This means that these secret nations will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks and that some unfortunate players may be be forced to select a lone available nation before more hidden nations become available. These new nations could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a tier is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is not permitted to select one of these secret nations if any other choice is available.
Prestige Awards - Accumulated by participating in Gametactica campaigns, Prestige can be "spent" during Nation Selection to allow for certain alternative options or gain a certain bonus. A player can never purchase any of the below benefits more than once during a nation selection session, but may purchase multiple benefits. Prestige can be used in the following ways:
Cadet Branch - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation (can declare after selecting a nation and before 1st session with host permission but a player who has already selected a nation should not change nations). Cadet Branches are designed for players who are introducing another player to the game or Gametactica and wish to play on a team with them for the entire campaign. A player that has already selected a nation cannot switch to playing a Cadet Branch nation, so please ensure that the intended Cadet Branch player is not a Confirmed Player included in the nation selection list.
Founding a Cadet Branch nation - A player who founds a Cadet Branch chooses a subject that can be released by his nation, a current subject, a current AI trade league member, or a AI federation member to be the Cadet Branch. The Cadet Branch cannot be a Personal Union or Tributary subject or a trade league leader. The Cadet Branch cannot share a protected area with another player or an objective province. In cases where the founding nation does not have a possible option for the Cadet Branch, the founding can be deferred until later in the game when the founding nation can meet the criteria for a Cadet Branch. Both players may play the same nation until a suitable nation can be released. The Cadet Branch nation is an additional nation added to the campaign and will be added to the same group or tier as the founding nation/player. The player that will play as the Cadet Branch must be designated before nation selection begins and will not be included in the nation selection list. The Cadet Branch nation does not have to be decided during nation selection but must be determined before the first session.
Playing with a Cadet Branch nation - The Cadet Branch player will be added to the same group as the nation/player that founded it. The Cadet Branch will always give half of any score gained to the nation/player that founded it, similar to score gained through a subject. Though it will start as a subject, trade league member, or federation member, there is no requirement for the Cadet Branch to maintain any specific relationship with the founding nation.
Espionage - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation. The player using Espionage selects one nation group that still has Hidden nations. The host will then reveal to that player what the Hidden nations in that group will be. This does not allow the choosing player to actually select any of the Hidden nations.
Usurper - 50 Prestige - Declared before nation selection officially begins. The player using Usurper will advance in the selection order by 1. This can be effectively nullified by the passed-over player also using Usurper.
Mandate - 60 Prestige - Declared before nation selection officially begins. The player using Mandate selects one nation group. If at any point only one nation remains available for selection in that group, it will be automatically assigned to the purchasing player. Only up to two players may purchase Mandate before nation selection begins and may not choose the same nation group. If more than two players wish to purchase Mandate or two players want to specify the same group, players will be prioritized based on earliest position in the starting selection order.
Enlightenment - 100 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation. The player using Enlightenment selects one nation group that still has Hidden nations. The Hidden nations of that group will be immediately revealed and become available for selection by any player. If any other player has used Enlightenment during this campaign's nation selection, Enlightenment cannot be purchased (only one use by one player per nation selection). The campaign designer may not use this Award.
Imbalance - Obviously, even within tiers, the nation choices are imbalanced in strength, making earlier selection positions very valuable for grabbing the "best" nations in any one tier. The choices available have been selected to allow each player good opportunities to use diplomacy and intrigue to compensate for any lacking in raw military or economic might. Any viewing of the previous campaign final rankings should be sufficient evidence to support the fact that starting nation strength does not predict final ranking.
Hidden Nations - Once any tier has had all available nations claimed, any Hidden nations in that tier will become available for selection, with possibly drastic changes to that tier's balance of power. This means that these secret nations will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks and that some unfortunate players may be be forced to select a lone available nation before more hidden nations become available. These new nations could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a tier is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is not permitted to select one of these secret nations if any other choice is available.
Prestige Awards - Accumulated by participating in Gametactica campaigns, Prestige can be "spent" during Nation Selection to allow for certain alternative options or gain a certain bonus. A player can never purchase any of the below benefits more than once during a nation selection session, but may purchase multiple benefits. Prestige can be used in the following ways:
Cadet Branch - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation (can declare after selecting a nation and before 1st session with host permission but a player who has already selected a nation should not change nations). Cadet Branches are designed for players who are introducing another player to the game or Gametactica and wish to play on a team with them for the entire campaign. A player that has already selected a nation cannot switch to playing a Cadet Branch nation, so please ensure that the intended Cadet Branch player is not a Confirmed Player included in the nation selection list.
Founding a Cadet Branch nation - A player who founds a Cadet Branch chooses a subject that can be released by his nation, a current subject, a current AI trade league member, or a AI federation member to be the Cadet Branch. The Cadet Branch cannot be a Personal Union or Tributary subject or a trade league leader. The Cadet Branch cannot share a protected area with another player or an objective province. In cases where the founding nation does not have a possible option for the Cadet Branch, the founding can be deferred until later in the game when the founding nation can meet the criteria for a Cadet Branch. Both players may play the same nation until a suitable nation can be released. The Cadet Branch nation is an additional nation added to the campaign and will be added to the same group or tier as the founding nation/player. The player that will play as the Cadet Branch must be designated before nation selection begins and will not be included in the nation selection list. The Cadet Branch nation does not have to be decided during nation selection but must be determined before the first session.
Playing with a Cadet Branch nation - The Cadet Branch player will be added to the same group as the nation/player that founded it. The Cadet Branch will always give half of any score gained to the nation/player that founded it, similar to score gained through a subject. Though it will start as a subject, trade league member, or federation member, there is no requirement for the Cadet Branch to maintain any specific relationship with the founding nation.
Espionage - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation. The player using Espionage selects one nation group that still has Hidden nations. The host will then reveal to that player what the Hidden nations in that group will be. This does not allow the choosing player to actually select any of the Hidden nations.
Usurper - 50 Prestige - Declared before nation selection officially begins. The player using Usurper will advance in the selection order by 1. This can be effectively nullified by the passed-over player also using Usurper.
Mandate - 60 Prestige - Declared before nation selection officially begins. The player using Mandate selects one nation group. If at any point only one nation remains available for selection in that group, it will be automatically assigned to the purchasing player. Only up to two players may purchase Mandate before nation selection begins and may not choose the same nation group. If more than two players wish to purchase Mandate or two players want to specify the same group, players will be prioritized based on earliest position in the starting selection order.
Enlightenment - 100 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation. The player using Enlightenment selects one nation group that still has Hidden nations. The Hidden nations of that group will be immediately revealed and become available for selection by any player. If any other player has used Enlightenment during this campaign's nation selection, Enlightenment cannot be purchased (only one use by one player per nation selection). The campaign designer may not use this Award.
Imbalance - Obviously, even within tiers, the nation choices are imbalanced in strength, making earlier selection positions very valuable for grabbing the "best" nations in any one tier. The choices available have been selected to allow each player good opportunities to use diplomacy and intrigue to compensate for any lacking in raw military or economic might. Any viewing of the previous campaign final rankings should be sufficient evidence to support the fact that starting nation strength does not predict final ranking.
Gametactica Mod
Gametactica Campaign Mod
Increased Diplomat Reliance:
- Alliances require a mutual 75+ opinion to create and maintain. This means your diplomats will be more vital to alliances, and actions such as guaranteeing independence and enforcing peace will be more useful as unilateral actions.
Decreased ability to rapidly expand:
- Higher war-score costs for annexations. This means discounts from casus belli will be important to your goals.
- Higher Aggressive Expansion, Over-Expansion, and Increased rebellion strength. This means expanding quickly is far more risky and supporting rebels is far more effective.
Idea Group changes:
- Increased significance of non-military Idea Groups
- Increased significance of Stability - higher cost for Stability increase and Stability cannot be increased while at war
Increased Diplomat Reliance:
- Alliances require a mutual 75+ opinion to create and maintain. This means your diplomats will be more vital to alliances, and actions such as guaranteeing independence and enforcing peace will be more useful as unilateral actions.
Decreased ability to rapidly expand:
- Higher war-score costs for annexations. This means discounts from casus belli will be important to your goals.
- Higher Aggressive Expansion, Over-Expansion, and Increased rebellion strength. This means expanding quickly is far more risky and supporting rebels is far more effective.
Idea Group changes:
- Increased significance of non-military Idea Groups
- Increased significance of Stability - higher cost for Stability increase and Stability cannot be increased while at war
The nations available are listed below, in order of most desirable starting conditions within each grouping.
The Hidden nations for each group will be revealed when all other nations in the group have been selected or if any player only has a single nation to choose from during his turn.
The Hidden nations for each group will be revealed when all other nations in the group have been selected or if any player only has a single nation to choose from during his turn.
Tyrants of Distant Thrones Ottomans - ekcrbe/Erik Ethiopia - Alec Sirhind - bbaron Kazan - Iron/Brian Vijayanagar - Braxton Guardians of the Sacred Sites
Georgia - chaching/Eric Medina - Official MrScruff/Brad Rassids - Blyatt/Wyatt Khorasan - DiePie Cyprus - Dr Decoy Fars - Morosaurus Magnates of the Silk Road
Venice - Reqrium Gujarat - lookatall/Blake Novgorod - captaindickers/Josh Yarkand - oriemaster198/Wyatt Kilwa - William |
Tyrants of Distant Thrones - Starting Statistics
Sultanate of the Ottomans - Sultan Mehmed II Osmanoglu
- Development: 325
- Provinces: 42
- Fort Level: 11
Empire of Ethiopia - Negusa Nagast Yakub Solomonid
- Development: 69
- Provinces: 12
- Fort Level: 3
- Vassals: Damot, Hadiya (25 development)
Nawabate of Sirhind - Nawab Bahlul Lodi
- Development: 105
- Provinces: 9
- Fort Level: 5
- Vassal under Sultanate of Delhi
Khanate of Kazan - Khan Ulugh Genghisid
- Development: 109
- Provinces: 15
- Fort Level: 3
Kingdom of Vijayanagar - Maharaja Devaraya II Sangama
- Development: 263
- Provinces: 32
- Fort Level: 7
- Vassals: Jaffna (6 development)
- Development: 325
- Provinces: 42
- Fort Level: 11
Empire of Ethiopia - Negusa Nagast Yakub Solomonid
- Development: 69
- Provinces: 12
- Fort Level: 3
- Vassals: Damot, Hadiya (25 development)
Nawabate of Sirhind - Nawab Bahlul Lodi
- Development: 105
- Provinces: 9
- Fort Level: 5
- Vassal under Sultanate of Delhi
Khanate of Kazan - Khan Ulugh Genghisid
- Development: 109
- Provinces: 15
- Fort Level: 3
Kingdom of Vijayanagar - Maharaja Devaraya II Sangama
- Development: 263
- Provinces: 32
- Fort Level: 7
- Vassals: Jaffna (6 development)
Guardians of the Sacred Sites - STARTING STATISTICS
Kingdom of Georgia - King Vakhtang IV Bagrationi
- Development: 29
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
Sharifate of Medina - Sharif Daygham bin Khasram
- Development: 15
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
Imamate of the Rassids - Imam Al-Mutahhar al-Mutahhar
- Development: 20
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
Sheikhdom of Khorasan - Sheikh Baburbin Timurid
- Development: 20
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 3
- Vassal of the Empire of the Timurids
Kingdom of Cyprus - King Jean II de Lusignan
- Development: 15
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
Sheikhdom of Fars - Regent Mu'izz Malik
- Development: 57
- Provinces: 8
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassal of the Empire of the Timurids
- Development: 29
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
Sharifate of Medina - Sharif Daygham bin Khasram
- Development: 15
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
Imamate of the Rassids - Imam Al-Mutahhar al-Mutahhar
- Development: 20
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
Sheikhdom of Khorasan - Sheikh Baburbin Timurid
- Development: 20
- Provinces: 4
- Fort Level: 3
- Vassal of the Empire of the Timurids
Kingdom of Cyprus - King Jean II de Lusignan
- Development: 15
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
Sheikhdom of Fars - Regent Mu'izz Malik
- Development: 57
- Provinces: 8
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassal of the Empire of the Timurids
Magnates of the Silk Road - STARTING STATISTICS
Serene Republic of Venice - Serene Doge Francesco Foscari
- Development: 175
- Provinces: 16
- Fort Level: 9
- Vassals: Naxos (6 development)
Sultanate of Gujarat - Sultan Muhammad II Muzaffarid
- Development: 76
- Provinces: 8
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassals: Khandesh (26 development)
Republic of Novgorod - Posadnik Evfimy II
- Development: 131
- Provinces: 22
- Fort Level: 5
Emirate of Yarkand - Emir Sayyid Dughlat
- Development: 60
- Provinces: 11
- Fort Level: 3
- Vassal under Khanate of Chagatai
Sultanate of Kilwa - Sultan Ismail al-Mawahib
- Development: 44
- Provinces: 8
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassals: Sofala (16 development)
- Development: 175
- Provinces: 16
- Fort Level: 9
- Vassals: Naxos (6 development)
Sultanate of Gujarat - Sultan Muhammad II Muzaffarid
- Development: 76
- Provinces: 8
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassals: Khandesh (26 development)
Republic of Novgorod - Posadnik Evfimy II
- Development: 131
- Provinces: 22
- Fort Level: 5
Emirate of Yarkand - Emir Sayyid Dughlat
- Development: 60
- Provinces: 11
- Fort Level: 3
- Vassal under Khanate of Chagatai
Sultanate of Kilwa - Sultan Ismail al-Mawahib
- Development: 44
- Provinces: 8
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassals: Sofala (16 development)
Session 1 - 1444-1476
1 Imperial Succession
Sharifate of Medina Great Imamate of Yemen Sultanate of Gujarat Sheikhdom of Khorasan Sheikhdom of Fars Sultanate of Kilwa Empire of the Ottomans Kingdom of Georgia Serene Republic of Venice Empire of Ethiopia Sultanate of Delhi Khanate of Kazan Kingdom of Vijayanagar Kingdom of Cyprus Republic of Novgorod Emirate of Yarkand |
Accumulated Total
3000 2700 1900 1500 1300 800 500 500 500 400 |
500 500 |
3000 1200 400 1000 800 800 500 500 500 400 |
1500 |
1500 |
1468 - Age of Discovery The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Ladislaus von Habsburg Silk Road Market Spices Production - Mamluks Trading - None Silk Production - Ajam Trading - None Incense Production - Yemen Trading - None Gems Production - Bahmanis Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Qara Qoyunlu Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Qara Qoyunlu Pyramid of Cheops - Mamluks Holy City of Jerusalem - Mamluks Petra - Mamluks Kaaba - Hejaz Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Ajam Baku Ateshgah - Qara Qoyunlu Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Qara Qoyunlu |
Session 2 - 1476-1506
2 Imperial Successions
Sharifate of Medina Sheikhdom of Khorasan Empire of the Ottomans Great Imamate of Yemen Sheikhdom of Fars Serene Republic of Venice Kingdom of Georgia Sultanate of Gujarat Sultanate of Kilwa Empire of Ethiopia Kingdom of Vijayanagar Sultanate of Delhi Khanate of Kazan Kingdom of Cyprus Republic of Novgorod Emirate of Yarkand |
Accumulated Total
10400 8900 8000 7400 4800 4000 2750 2700 2400 1200 1000 |
1000 500 1000 500 |
7400 4000 2500 2700 2000 2000 1500 800 1600 800 |
1500 1500 1500 |
900 3000 1500 |
1000 |
500 500 250 |
1487 - Age of Discovery The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Jiri z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Mamluks Trading - None Silk Production - Ajam Trading - None Incense Production - Mamluks Trading - None Gems Production - Bahmanis Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Ottomans Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Qara Qoyunlu Pyramid of Cheops - Mamluks Holy City of Jerusalem - Mamluks Petra - Mamluks Kaaba - Mamluks Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Khorasan Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Qara Qoyunlu |
1500 - Age of Discovery The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Vaclav V z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Mamluks Trading - None Silk Production - Khorasan Trading - Khorasan Incense Production - Yemen Trading - None Gems Production - Ottomans Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Ottomans Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Qara Qoyunlu Pyramid of Cheops - Mamluks Holy City of Jerusalem - Mamluks Petra - Mamluks Kaaba - Mamluks Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Khorasan Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Qara Qoyunlu |
Session 3 - 1506-1537
1 Imperial Succession
Sheikhdom of Khorasan Empire of the Ottomans Sharifate of Medina Great Imamate of Yemen Serene Republic of Venice Sheikhdom of Fars Sultanate of Kilwa Kingdom of Georgia Kingdom of Vijayanagar Sultanate of Gujarat Empire of Ethiopia Khanate of Kazan Sultanate of Delhi Kingdom of Cyprus Republic of Novgorod Emirate of Yarkand |
Accumulated Total
22700 22200 17200 16100 11400 9800 5600 5250 5000 4300 1800 1000 |
4000 2000 3000 3000 |
5000 5200 6800 2400 4400 2000 3200 2000 1600 600 |
3000 3000 3000 3000 |
1800 3000 3000 |
1000 1000 1000 |
300 500 |
1520 - Age of Reformation The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Vladimir z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Vijayanagar Trading - None Silk Production - Khorasan Trading - Khorasan Incense Production - Yemen Trading - None Gems Production - Ottomans Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Ottomans Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Qara Qoyunlu Pyramid of Cheops - Mamluks Holy City of Jerusalem - Mamluks Petra - Mamluks Kaaba - Yemen Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Khorasan Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Karabakh |
Session 4 - 1537-1564
1 Imperial Succession
Empire of the Ottomans Empire of Persia Sharifate of Medina Great Imamate of Yemen Serene Republic of Venice Sheikhdom of Fars Kingdom of Georgia Sultanate of Kilwa Kingdom of Vijayanagar Sultanate of Gujarat Empire of Ethiopia Khanate of Kazan Emirate of Yarkand Sultanate of Delhi Kingdom of Cyprus Republic of Novgorod |
Accumulated Total
42600 38500 24400 22800 18000 14000 8950 8800 6000 5580 3600 2000 320 |
6000 3000 1000 3000 |
6400 5000 7200 2400 3600 1200 2000 3200 1280 1200 |
3000 6000 3000 |
3000 1800 3000 1200 600 |
1000 1000 1000 |
1000 300 500 320 |
1546 - Age of Reformation The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Premysl z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Ottomans Trading - None Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Yemen Trading - None Gems Production - Persia Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Ottomans Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Basra Pyramid of Cheops - Mamluks Holy City of Jerusalem - Ottomans Petra - Mamluks Kaaba - Yemen Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Armenia |
Session 5 - 1564-1594
1 Imperial Succession
Empire of Persia Empire of the Ottomans Sheikhdom of Fars Sharifate of Medina Great Imamate of Yemen Serene Republic of Venice Sultanate of Kilwa Kingdom of Georgia Empire of Ethiopia Kingdom of Vijayanagar Sultanate of Gujarat Khanate of Kazan Republic of Novgorod Sultanate of Delhi Emirate of Yarkand Kingdom of Cyprus |
Accumulated Total
60500 57000 29200 26100 26000 22000 18400 14650 12100 10000 5580 3000 2000 1000 320 |
11000 2000 11000 1000 1000 2000 |
6200 6000 4200 1700 2000 1000 6400 2000 1600 |
3000 3000 2400 3000 |
1800 2400 3000 1200 600 |
1000 800 1000 1000 2000 1000 |
200 1500 4300 |
1594 - Age of Reformation The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Vaclav VI z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Vijayanagar Trading - None Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Yemen Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Ottomans Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Persia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Persia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Ottomans Petra - Medina Kaaba - Yemen Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Armenia |
Session 6 - 1594-1625
2 Imperial Successions
Empire of Persia Empire of the Ottomans Sheikhdom of Fars Sharifate of Medina Great Imamate of Yemen Serene Republic of Venice Sultanate of Kilwa Kingdom of Georgia Empire of Ethiopia Kingdom of Vijayanagar Sultanate of Gujarat Republic of Novgorod Khanate of Kazan Sultanate of Delhi Emirate of Yarkand Kingdom of Cyprus |
Accumulated Total
128000 82500 79700 31600 34200 38500 34320 34150 31980 21000 5580 6000 5000 3000 320 |
35000 5000 38000 2500 8500 5000 |
17500 14000 12500 5500 5100 9000 8320 6500 3900 1500 |
10500 4500 6000 7500 |
4500 7500 3000 1500 |
2000 1600 2000 4000 2000 2000 |
600 1500 9480 |
1599 - Age of Reformation The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Jiri z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Vijayanagar Trading - None Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Yemen Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Persia Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Persia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Persia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Ottomans Petra - Medina Kaaba - Yemen Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Armenia |
1622 - Age of Absolution The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Jiri II z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Vijayanagar Trading - None Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Yemen Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Ottomans Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Persia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Persia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Ottomans Petra - Medina Kaaba - Yemen Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Georgia |
Session 7 - 1625-1660
1 Imperial Succession
Empire of Persia Sheikhdom of Fars Empire of the Ottomans Great Imamate of Yemen Sultanate of Kilwa Empire of Ethiopia Serene Republic of Venice Kingdom of Georgia Duchy of Medina Empire of Vijayanagar Kingdom of Cyprus Republic of Novgorod Sultanate of Delhi Sultanate of Gujarat Sultanate of Kazan Sultanate of Yarkand |
Accumulated Total
173600 109700 83400 60900 53840 51410 50400 49750 35650 28000 24900 9000 7600 5580 5000 320 |
27000 25500 24000 4500 4500 4500 24000 |
9300 4500 900 2700 14400 5100 5400 8400 3600 1500 900 |
4500 9000 4500 |
1800 900 4500 2700 3600 |
3000 1000 2000 1000 3000 1000 |
-4880 -4050 8930 |
1655 - Age of Absolution The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Karel VI z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Vijayanagar Trading - None Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Persia Trading - Kilwa Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Persia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Persia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Medina Petra - Medina Kaaba - Yemen Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Georgia |
Session 8 - 1660-1692
1 Imperial Succession
Empire of Persia Sheikhdom of Fars Great Imamate of Yemen Empire of the Ottomans Empire of Ethiopia Kingdom of Georgia Sultanate of Kilwa Serene Republic of Venice Duchy of Medina Empire of Vijayanagar Archbishopric of Antioch Republic of Novgorod Sultanate of Delhi Kingdom of Gujarat Sultanate of Yarkand Sultanate of Kazan |
Accumulated Total
220700 116300 87600 83400 72040 68050 64960 63500 43000 34700 26700 12000 8600 7980 5920 5000 |
24000 3000 24000 4500 4500 7500 |
9300 3600 2700 5100 8100 8400 6600 7200 1200 1800 2400 |
9000 4500 4500 |
1800 900 2700 4500 3600 |
3000 3000 1000 2000 1000 3000 1000 2000 |
10130 -2780 -7350 |
1680 - Age of Absolution The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Vaclav VII z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Vijayanagar Trading - None Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Persia Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Persia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Persia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Medina Petra - Medina Kaaba - Yemen Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Georgia |
Session 9 - 1692-1726
2 Imperial Successions
Empire of Persia Kingdom of Georgia Shahdom of Fars Empire of Ethiopia Sultanate of Kilwa Great Imamate of Yemen Serene Republic of Venice Empire of the Ottomans Kingdom of Israel Archbishopric of Antioch Empire of Vijayanagar Republic of Novgorod Sultanate of Yarkand Kingdom of Gujarat Sultanate of Kazan Sultanate of Delhi |
Accumulated Total
263700 139750 130700 116620 104720 99400 85300 83400 59560 44200 42800 21300 18320 16480 14000 10600 |
10500 38500 10500 10500 4500 10500 7000 |
17500 20900 7500 13400 25200 7300 8500 10200 7500 2500 3300 6400 |
15000 4500 22500 |
6300 2100 9300 8400 2100 |
6000 2000 4000 3000 2000 6000 4000 9000 2000 |
-3600 14080 -9940 -4140 3600 |
1709 - Age of Absolution The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Vaclav VIII z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Ethiopia Trading - None Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Persia Trading - None Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Georgia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Georgia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Antioch Petra - Israel Kaaba - Hejaz Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Georgia |
1724 - Age of Revolutions The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Vaclav IX z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Vijayanagar Trading - Kilwa Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Persia Trading - Kilwa Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Georgia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Georgia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Antioch Petra - Israel Kaaba - Hejaz Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Georgia |
Session 10 - 1726-1755
1 Imperial Succession
Empire of Persia Kingdom of Georgia Empire of Ethiopia Shahdom of Fars Sultanate of Kilwa Great Imamate of Yemen Serene Republic of Venice Empire of the Ottomans Kingdom of Israel Archbishopric of Antioch Empire of Vijayanagar Republic of Novgorod Sultanate of Yarkand Kingdom of Gujarat Sultanate of Kazan Sultanate of Delhi |
Accumulated Total
297100 175950 155540 144140 138160 99400 87300 83400 71400 62800 51760 33300 25120 17680 14000 11600 |
12000 22000 12000 12000 10000 6000 |
10000 11200 10400 4800 22800 4800 3600 1600 2400 |
6000 18000 |
2400 1200 6000 3600 4800 1200 |
3000 3000 4000 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 2000 1000 |
11320 -3360 -8360 -2960 3360 |
1753 - Age of Revolutions The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Otakar V z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Vijayanagar Trading - Kilwa Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Persia Trading - Kilwa Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Georgia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Georgia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Israel Petra - Israel Kaaba - Hejaz Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Georgia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Georgia |
Session 11 - 1755-1776
1 Imperial Succession
Empire of Persia Empire of Ethiopia Kingdom of Georgia (Tyrant) Sultanate of Kilwa Shahdom of Fars Great Imamate of Yemen Serene Republic of Venice Kingdom of Israel Empire of the Ottomans Archbishopric of Antioch Empire of Vijayanagar Republic of Novgorod Sultanate of Yarkand (Tyrant) Kingdom of Gujarat Sultanate of Kazan Sultanate of Delhi |
Accumulated Total
344500 192340 182550 163920 152780 99400 87300 86440 83400 76600 59520 49300 35920 18880 14000 12600 |
22000 12000 6000 10000 |
14000 12400 3600 13200 4800 8000 6000 1600 2400 |
6000 18000 |
2400 1200 4800 3600 4800 1200 |
3000 1000 3000 1000 3000 4000 10000 6000 1000 |
10200 -6440 -2160 +800 -3760 2160 |
1769 - Age of Revolutions The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Vaclav X z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Persia Trading - Kilwa Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Persia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Persia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Israel Petra - Israel Kaaba - Hejaz Great Canal of the Suez - Ethiopia Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Persia Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Persia |
Session 12 - 1776-1800
1 Imperial Succession
Empire of Persia Empire of Ethiopia Grand Republic of Georgia (Tyrant) Empire of Kilwa Shahdom of Fars Archbishopric of Antioch Duchy of Yemen Kingdom of Israel Serene Republic of Venice Empire of the Ottomans Empire of Vijayanagar Republic of Novgorod Empire of Yarkand (Tyrant) Kingdom of Gujarat Empire of Delhi Sultanate of Kazan |
Accumulated Total
409500 222820 194350 193840 184140 116400 99400 92440 87300 83400 72960 65300 46720 29680 15600 14000 |
38000 12000 2000 36000 32000 6000 |
18000 8800 6800 18400 3200 4800 1600 1200 9600 |
6000 18000 |
1200 4800 4800 1200 |
3000 1000 3000 1000 3000 4000 10000 6000 3000 |
7480 -7480 -7840 7840 |
1796 - Age of Revolutions The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Vaclav XI z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Fars Trading - Kilwa Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Persia Trading - Kilwa Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Persia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Persia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Antioch Petra - Israel Kaaba - Persia Great Canal of the Suez - Ethiopia Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Baku Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Persia |
Session 13 - 1800-1821
2 Imperial Successions
Empire of Persia Empire of Ethiopia Grand Republic of Georgia (Tyrant) Empire of Kilwa Shahdom of Fars Archbishopric of Antioch Duchy of Yemen Duchy of Israel Tsardom of Russia Serene Republic of Venice Empire of the Ottomans Empire of Vijayanagar Empire of Yarkand (Tyrant) Kingdom of Gujarat Empire of Delhi Sultanate of Kazan |
Accumulated Total
453500 305100 270750 259760 204940 160000 101000 95640 87700 87300 83400 74960 68320 40080 35600 14000 |
12000 24000 36000 12000 12000 |
20000 19200 16800 44400 4000 16000 3200 6400 2400 2000 8000 |
12000 36000 |
2400 9600 4800 9600 9600 2400 |
8000 14000 2000 6000 20000 12000 20000 |
28680 -16480 -1600 -3200 |
1818 - Age of Revolutions The Imperial Coronation of Emperor Jiri z Podebrad Silk Road Market Spices Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Kilwa Trading - Kilwa Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Georgia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Georgia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Antioch Petra - Antioch Kaaba - Hejaz Great Canal of the Suez - Ethiopia Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Baku Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Georgia |
1821 - Age of Revolutions Final Scoring Silk Road Market Spices Production - Fars Trading - Kilwa Silk Production - Persia Trading - Persia Incense Production - Ethiopia Trading - Kilwa Gems Production - Kilwa Trading - Kilwa Great Projects Minaret of Samara - Georgia Al-Abbas Holy Shrine - Georgia Pyramid of Cheops - Ethiopia Holy City of Jerusalem - Antioch Petra - Antioch Kaaba - Hejaz Great Canal of the Suez - Ethiopia Bam Citadel - Fars Maidan-e Naqsh-e Jahan - Persia Baku Ateshgah - Baku Etchmiadzin Cathedral - Georgia |
1821 - Final Map of the World
Nation selection order - Confirmed Players - 16/16
Legacy Players
1 - ekcrbe/Erik - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
2 - Reqrium - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
3 - chaching/Eric - Placement from the Last Crusade
4 - DiePie - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
5 - lookatall/Blake - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
6 - Official MrScruff/Brad - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III - Usurper, Espionage
7 - Alec - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
8 - Dr Decoy - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
9 - bbaron - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
10 - Blyatt/Wyatt - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
11 - Morosaurus - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
12 - captaindickers/Josh - Placement from Conquest of Paradise II
Winner's Box
13 - Iron/Brian - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
14 - Braxton - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III
15 - oriemaster198/Wyatt - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III - Usurper
16 - William - Placement from Mandate of Heaven III