Fate of IberiaDynasty selection and First Session: 25 September (Sunday)
Sundays 15:00 - 18:00 Eastern US Time
21:00 - 24:00 Central European Time Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/mvD8vAR |
Campaign Rules
Dynasty Selection
Selection Order - Dynasty selection in this campaign will draw from the final rankings of each player's most recent Gametactica campaign (using the previous rewards description). Excluding recent title-winners (who will be selecting last), all players returning from previous campaigns will be able to to select nations in order of their final ranking descending from top score to lowest score, followed by any new players in a randomly determined order, followed by recent title-winners in order of final ranking. A player who has played in earlier campaigns but did not participate in the most recent campaign will be allowed to use the final ranking of their latest campaign to determine their selection placement, and will be placed directly behind the player of equivalent ranking from the most recent campaign. Any players who missed more than 50% of sessions in their last campaign will not pick according to score and will be placed in the random pool with new players.
Hidden Dynasties - Once any group has had all available Dynasties claimed, any Hidden options in that tier will become available for selection. This means that these secret Dynasties will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks and that some unfortunate players may be be forced to select a lone available Dynasty before more hidden options become available. These new Dynasties could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a group is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is not permitted to select one of these secret Dynasties if any other choice is available.
Dynasty Profile - Each player Dynasty will be displayed on the webpage, with the Dynasty's Culture and Faith displayed and updated as needed. The Dynasty's Culture or Faith is not simply determined by the Dynasty Head, but is the majority Culture or Faith among all living members of the Dynasty. Players must submit notice of changes to the Dynasty Culture or Faith in the scoring submission channel (by either statement or screenshot).
Prestige Awards - Accumulated by participating in Gametactica campaigns, Prestige can be "spent" during Dynasty Selection to allow for certain alternative options or gain a certain bonus. A player can never purchase any of the below benefits more than once during a nation selection session, but may purchase multiple benefits. Prestige can be used in the following ways:
Cadet Branch - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a Dynasty (can declare after selecting a Dynasty and before 1st session with host permission). Cadet Branches are designed for players who are introducing another player to the game or Gametactica and wish to play on a team with them for some or all of campaign. A player that has already selected a Dynasty cannot switch to playing a Cadet Branch, so please ensure that the intended Cadet Branch player is not a Confirmed Player included in the nation selection list.
Playing as a Cadet Branch - A player joining as a Cadet Branch may join the game as any vassal of the founding player's character that is a member of the founding player's Dynasty or a member of their Dynasty that the founding player has granted a title to (even if no longer their vassal). The Cadet Branch player plays as a member of the founding player's dynasty until he is able to create a Cadet Branch. The Cadet Branch Dynasty will be added to the same group as the Dynasty/player that founded it. The Cadet Branch will always give 25% of any score gained to the Dynasty/player that founded it.
Espionage - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a Dynasty. The player using Espionage selects one Dynasty group that still has Hidden options. The host will then reveal to that player what the Hidden Dynasties in that group will be. This does not allow the choosing player to actually select any of the Hidden options.
Usurper - 50 Prestige - Declared before Dynasty selection officially begins. The player using Usurper will advance in the selection order by 1. This can be effectively nullified by the passed-over player also using Usurper.
Mandate - 60 Prestige - Declared before Dynasty selection officially begins. The player using Mandate selects one Dynasty group. If at any point only one Dynasty remains available for selection in that group, it will be automatically assigned to the purchasing player. Only up to two players may purchase Mandate before Dynasty selection begins and may not choose the same Dynasty group. If more than two players wish to purchase Mandate or two players want to specify the same group, players will be prioritized based on earliest position in the starting selection order. This will be triggered before Hidden nations are revealed, if that catagory has them.
Enlightenment - 100 Prestige - Declared while selecting a Dynasty. The player using Enlightenment selects one Dynasty group that still has Hidden options. The Hidden options of that group will be immediately revealed and become available for selection by any player. If any other player has used Enlightenment during this campaign's nation selection, Enlightenment cannot be purchased (only one use by one player per selection). The campaign designer may not use this Award.
Hidden Dynasties - Once any group has had all available Dynasties claimed, any Hidden options in that tier will become available for selection. This means that these secret Dynasties will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks and that some unfortunate players may be be forced to select a lone available Dynasty before more hidden options become available. These new Dynasties could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a group is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is not permitted to select one of these secret Dynasties if any other choice is available.
Dynasty Profile - Each player Dynasty will be displayed on the webpage, with the Dynasty's Culture and Faith displayed and updated as needed. The Dynasty's Culture or Faith is not simply determined by the Dynasty Head, but is the majority Culture or Faith among all living members of the Dynasty. Players must submit notice of changes to the Dynasty Culture or Faith in the scoring submission channel (by either statement or screenshot).
Prestige Awards - Accumulated by participating in Gametactica campaigns, Prestige can be "spent" during Dynasty Selection to allow for certain alternative options or gain a certain bonus. A player can never purchase any of the below benefits more than once during a nation selection session, but may purchase multiple benefits. Prestige can be used in the following ways:
Cadet Branch - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a Dynasty (can declare after selecting a Dynasty and before 1st session with host permission). Cadet Branches are designed for players who are introducing another player to the game or Gametactica and wish to play on a team with them for some or all of campaign. A player that has already selected a Dynasty cannot switch to playing a Cadet Branch, so please ensure that the intended Cadet Branch player is not a Confirmed Player included in the nation selection list.
Playing as a Cadet Branch - A player joining as a Cadet Branch may join the game as any vassal of the founding player's character that is a member of the founding player's Dynasty or a member of their Dynasty that the founding player has granted a title to (even if no longer their vassal). The Cadet Branch player plays as a member of the founding player's dynasty until he is able to create a Cadet Branch. The Cadet Branch Dynasty will be added to the same group as the Dynasty/player that founded it. The Cadet Branch will always give 25% of any score gained to the Dynasty/player that founded it.
Espionage - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a Dynasty. The player using Espionage selects one Dynasty group that still has Hidden options. The host will then reveal to that player what the Hidden Dynasties in that group will be. This does not allow the choosing player to actually select any of the Hidden options.
Usurper - 50 Prestige - Declared before Dynasty selection officially begins. The player using Usurper will advance in the selection order by 1. This can be effectively nullified by the passed-over player also using Usurper.
Mandate - 60 Prestige - Declared before Dynasty selection officially begins. The player using Mandate selects one Dynasty group. If at any point only one Dynasty remains available for selection in that group, it will be automatically assigned to the purchasing player. Only up to two players may purchase Mandate before Dynasty selection begins and may not choose the same Dynasty group. If more than two players wish to purchase Mandate or two players want to specify the same group, players will be prioritized based on earliest position in the starting selection order. This will be triggered before Hidden nations are revealed, if that catagory has them.
Enlightenment - 100 Prestige - Declared while selecting a Dynasty. The player using Enlightenment selects one Dynasty group that still has Hidden options. The Hidden options of that group will be immediately revealed and become available for selection by any player. If any other player has used Enlightenment during this campaign's nation selection, Enlightenment cannot be purchased (only one use by one player per selection). The campaign designer may not use this Award.
Scoring rules
In all Rules explanations, Iberia is defined by its borders in the Iberian Struggle map modes, but an Iberian Kingdom must be part of de jure Hispania.
At the completion of each phase of the Iberian Struggle, all Dynasties will score based on a series of categories. The game will continue until the completion of the fourth Opportunity Phase or until Iberian Struggle has ended. A final scoring round will take place at the end of the game whether it ends at the end of a phase or due to the end of the Iberian Struggle. The phase-end scoring means that last minute upsets are possible and expected in each phase. While you may have negotiated numerous alliances and helped your king maintain Iberia's grandest Royal Court as his Chancellor, an unfortunate death or faux pas at court right before the end of the phase might drop your Kingdom in the rankings. At the start of each Opportunity Phase, the game points multiplier will be increase by 1, and all points earned by all Dynasties are multiplied by this number in order to increase the stakes of late game moves, and make sure no Dynasty can ever rest on its laurels.
Many scoring categories use a ranking within the category that will follow the same award scheme below, and in the event of ties, both Dynasties are awarded the lower contested ranking (i.e. two Dynasties tied for 2nd place will both be awarded 600 pts, as if they are 3rd place, and the next ranked Dynasty will be in 4th place).
At the completion of each phase of the Iberian Struggle, all Dynasties will score based on a series of categories. The game will continue until the completion of the fourth Opportunity Phase or until Iberian Struggle has ended. A final scoring round will take place at the end of the game whether it ends at the end of a phase or due to the end of the Iberian Struggle. The phase-end scoring means that last minute upsets are possible and expected in each phase. While you may have negotiated numerous alliances and helped your king maintain Iberia's grandest Royal Court as his Chancellor, an unfortunate death or faux pas at court right before the end of the phase might drop your Kingdom in the rankings. At the start of each Opportunity Phase, the game points multiplier will be increase by 1, and all points earned by all Dynasties are multiplied by this number in order to increase the stakes of late game moves, and make sure no Dynasty can ever rest on its laurels.
Many scoring categories use a ranking within the category that will follow the same award scheme below, and in the event of ties, both Dynasties are awarded the lower contested ranking (i.e. two Dynasties tied for 2nd place will both be awarded 600 pts, as if they are 3rd place, and the next ranked Dynasty will be in 4th place).
1st - 1000 pts
2nd - 800 pts
3rd - 600 pts
4th - 400 pts
5th - 200 pts
2nd - 800 pts
3rd - 600 pts
4th - 400 pts
5th - 200 pts
Basic Points are consistent methods of scoring that are available to all Dynasties, however Council Points will be required in order for a Dynasty to break ahead in score and focus on earning a place in the Royal Court of an Iberian Kingdom, whether by joining from within an existing Kingdom, or helping to create a new Kingdom. At the end of each phase of the Iberian Struggle, it is possible for a Dynasty to gain points from all Basic Points categories, but can only gain Council Points based on claims to the respective positions within an Iberian Kingdom. A Dynasty can only claim one Council Points position at a time, but may score from multiple categories in a phase if they switched roles during the phase.
Basic Points
- Renown - - Prestige and Piety - - Culture - - Faith - |
Council Points
- Ruler Leadership - - Diplomacy - - Stewardship - - Martial - - Intrigue - - Learning - |
Because Council positions as well as ruling Dynasties may change, Dynasties must claim Council/Ruler Positions as needed. Council Positions can be claimed simply by occupying a ruler or council position of a Kingdom with a capital in Iberia. Once a member of a player's Dynasty occupies the position of either the ruler of a Kingdom, or as a council member of a kingdom, they can claim that position for their Dynasty (e.g. Navarra-Ruler, Valencia-Spymaster, etc).
The positions claimed for each Kingdom will be displayed and updated on this website. The claim must be submitted immediately by screenshot to document the date. The Dynasty will be removed from that position if the player Dynasty claims a different position (a Dynasty can only have one claimed-council position at a time), if another player Dynasty claims the position (the Councilor is replaced), or if the position's realm no longer has any landed members of the Dynasty (the Councilor has been released or vassalized by another realm, without leaving behind other landed Dynasty members). This means that a Council position can be retained by a Dynasty, even if occupied by members of AI Dynasties (in order to allow for some consistency for Councilors while player characters may be minors or visiting prison). However a Ruler position cannot be retained, and a Dynasty will lose its claim as a Ruler of a Kingdom immediately if any another Dynasty takes the throne. In the event of great success (or failure), one Dynasty may not be the Ruler of multiple Kingdoms even if the Dynasty holds the throne of each Kingdom, and may only claim one Kingdom as their primary. If a Dynasty has not held a position for the entirety of the phase, then the score earned for any Council Rankings will be reduced proportionally, rounded down to the closest multiple of 25% (e.g. a Dynasty that has been the Marshal of Valencia for 95% of the phase will qualify for 75% of Martial Council Ranking awards. A Dynasty that has been the Ruler of Navarra for 10% of the phase will qualify for none of the Council Ranking awards). This means that the success of a Kingdom may be split between different Dynasties that occupied a position at different times in the phase.
Because Council positions as well as ruling Dynasties may change, Dynasties must claim Council/Ruler Positions as needed. Council Positions can be claimed simply by occupying a ruler or council position of a Kingdom with a capital in Iberia. Once a member of a player's Dynasty occupies the position of either the ruler of a Kingdom, or as a council member of a kingdom, they can claim that position for their Dynasty (e.g. Navarra-Ruler, Valencia-Spymaster, etc).
The positions claimed for each Kingdom will be displayed and updated on this website. The claim must be submitted immediately by screenshot to document the date. The Dynasty will be removed from that position if the player Dynasty claims a different position (a Dynasty can only have one claimed-council position at a time), if another player Dynasty claims the position (the Councilor is replaced), or if the position's realm no longer has any landed members of the Dynasty (the Councilor has been released or vassalized by another realm, without leaving behind other landed Dynasty members). This means that a Council position can be retained by a Dynasty, even if occupied by members of AI Dynasties (in order to allow for some consistency for Councilors while player characters may be minors or visiting prison). However a Ruler position cannot be retained, and a Dynasty will lose its claim as a Ruler of a Kingdom immediately if any another Dynasty takes the throne. In the event of great success (or failure), one Dynasty may not be the Ruler of multiple Kingdoms even if the Dynasty holds the throne of each Kingdom, and may only claim one Kingdom as their primary. If a Dynasty has not held a position for the entirety of the phase, then the score earned for any Council Rankings will be reduced proportionally, rounded down to the closest multiple of 25% (e.g. a Dynasty that has been the Marshal of Valencia for 95% of the phase will qualify for 75% of Martial Council Ranking awards. A Dynasty that has been the Ruler of Navarra for 10% of the phase will qualify for none of the Council Ranking awards). This means that the success of a Kingdom may be split between different Dynasties that occupied a position at different times in the phase.
Basic Points
The Basic Points do not require a Dynasty to hold any council positions.
The Basic Points do not require a Dynasty to hold any council positions.
- Renown -
At the end of each phase, each House whose House Head is an Involved or Interloper character, gains score based on their Level of Splendor with +100 for each level above Base Origins up to 1000 for Legendary. - Prestige and Piety - When a player's character dies, a screenshot should be taken of the Succession pop-up in order to record their final Levels of Fame and Devotion. At the end of the phase, all players may submit the screenshot of their character with the highest combination of Prestige and Piety rank. Each Dynasty gains +100 score for each Level of Fame above Disgraced and +100 score for each Level of Devotion up to 1000 for a combination of Living Legend and Religious Icon. The submitted character must be an Involved or Interloper character in the Iberian Struggle. |
- Culture -
Under the Culture category, all Cultures will be ranked by number of provinces present in Iberia. The Head of Culture for each of the top 5 cultures can claim score for their Dynasty according to the ranking. Other Dynasties of that Culture can also claim score according to the ranking but the award is reduced by 75% (3nd place will award 150 instead of 600).
- Faith -
Under the Faith category, all Faiths will be ranked by number of provinces in Iberia. Faiths with the "Adaptive" Tenet (Mozarabism, Muwalladism, etc.) add half the number of provinces of all other Faiths with the "Adaptive" Tenet to their own count as well. All Dynasties of that Faith can claim score according to the ranking but the award is reduced by 75% (3nd place will award 150 instead of 600). At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Conciliation phase was triggered, the points for Faith are doubled for Dynasties with a majority Faith with the "Adaptive" Tenet. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Hostility phase was triggered, the points for Faith are doubled for Dynasties with a majority Faith without the "Adaptive" Tenet.
Council Points
Under all Council Ranking categories, instead of Dynasties, Independent Kingdoms with their capital in Iberia (or Empires) are ranked based on their performance during that phase.
- Ruler Leadership -
Ruling Dynasties cannot claim Council Ranking score awards independently. Instead they must strive to assemble Councils of player Dynasties and then balance and facilitate their goals for the good of the Kingdom. Each time one of their Councilors (or former Councilors) claims score from the Ruler's Kingdom, the Ruler may claim score equal to 50% of the points earned by their Councilor.
Under the Culture category, all Cultures will be ranked by number of provinces present in Iberia. The Head of Culture for each of the top 5 cultures can claim score for their Dynasty according to the ranking. Other Dynasties of that Culture can also claim score according to the ranking but the award is reduced by 75% (3nd place will award 150 instead of 600).
- Faith -
Under the Faith category, all Faiths will be ranked by number of provinces in Iberia. Faiths with the "Adaptive" Tenet (Mozarabism, Muwalladism, etc.) add half the number of provinces of all other Faiths with the "Adaptive" Tenet to their own count as well. All Dynasties of that Faith can claim score according to the ranking but the award is reduced by 75% (3nd place will award 150 instead of 600). At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Conciliation phase was triggered, the points for Faith are doubled for Dynasties with a majority Faith with the "Adaptive" Tenet. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Hostility phase was triggered, the points for Faith are doubled for Dynasties with a majority Faith without the "Adaptive" Tenet.
Council Points
Under all Council Ranking categories, instead of Dynasties, Independent Kingdoms with their capital in Iberia (or Empires) are ranked based on their performance during that phase.
- Ruler Leadership -
Ruling Dynasties cannot claim Council Ranking score awards independently. Instead they must strive to assemble Councils of player Dynasties and then balance and facilitate their goals for the good of the Kingdom. Each time one of their Councilors (or former Councilors) claims score from the Ruler's Kingdom, the Ruler may claim score equal to 50% of the points earned by their Councilor.
- Stewardship -
The Stewardship ranking is based on having the most important Cities in Iberia. Each Kingdom is ranked based on their City Score which is simply the Total Tax of the Kingdom's "First City." A Steward may change his kingdom's First City at any time by declaration in the score submission channel. Dynasties that occupy the Steward positions of the five Kingdoms with highest City Score can claim points according to their ranked position. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Conciliation phase was triggered, Stewardship points (points awarded, not Tax Score) are doubled for that phase. |
- Diplomacy -
The Diplomacy ranking is based on having the grandest Royal Court and noble network in Iberia. Each Kingdom is ranked based on their Influence Score, which is the sum of the Grandeur Level of the Kingdom's Royal Court plus 1 for each different alliance currently held with an Independent Iberian (Involved or Interloper) Ruler by either the Ruler or the Chancellor. Dynasties that occupy the Chancellor positions of the five courts with highest Influence Score can claim points according to their ranked position. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Conciliation phase was triggered, Diplomacy points (points awarded, not Influence Score) are doubled for that phase.
- Martial -
The Martial ranking is based on which realm is winning the most wars against other Iberian Kingdoms, captured in the Kingdom's War Score. A Kingdom gains 1 War Score for winning any war where either their Ruler or their Marshal is claimed by a player Dynasty and are the primary aggressor against a Kingdom who's ruler must be an Involved or Interloper character, must be the primary defender of the war, and must have at least one player Dynasty as a Ruler or Councilor. A Kingdom also gains 1 War Score for winning or reaching a White Peace as the primary Defender in any war against a Kingdom with at least one player Dynasty as a Ruler or Councilor, or against player-Marshal. The losing kingdom in either situation loses 1 War Score. A screenshot of the victory must be submitted. Dynasties that occupy the Marshal position of the Kingdoms with the highest War Score can claim points according to their ranked position. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Hostility phase was triggered, points (points awarded, not War Score) are doubled for that phase.
- Intrigue -
The Intrigue ranking is based on which realm is best at removing their rivals through, by carrying out the most successful assassinations. A Kingdom gains 1 Subterfuge Score for each successful qualifying assassination plot or Strong Hook. A qualifying assassination plot must be carried out by the Ruler of the Kingdom or by the Spymaster, the target must be an Involved or Interloper member of a player Dynasty that is the Ruler of an Iberian Kingdom, or a Councilor of a Kingdom in Iberia with a base (before temporary modifiers, and only including modifiers from Traits) skill value of 15 or higher in their relevant skill. A qualifying Strong Hook must be held by the Ruler of the Kingdom or by the Spymaster, and must be on a member of a player Dynasty that is the Ruler of an Iberian Kingdom or is a Councilor of an Iberian Kingdom with a skill value of 15 or higher in their relevant skill. The victim's kingdom loses one Subterfuge Score. A screenshot of the successful assassination or Strong Hook, must be submitted. Dynasties that occupy the Spymaster position of the Kingdoms with the highest Subterfuge Scores can claim points according to their ranked position. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Hostility phase was triggered, the Intrigue points (points awarded, not Assassination Score) are doubled for that phase.
- Learning -
The Learning ranking is based on influencing the Faiths of Iberia and will reference the Faith Ranking. Each Faith will have a Learning Score value based on its ranking in the Faith Ranking with the Faith in 1st place being worth 5 Learning Score, the Faith in 2nd place being worth 4 Learning Score, and so on down to 0 Learning Score for Faiths that are below 5th. The Learning Score of a Kingdom is the total Learning Score of all Faiths that the Kingdom is the Center of. A Kingdom will qualify as the Center of a Faith if it owns more provinces of that Faith (also counting provinces outside of Iberia). If tied, no realm can claim to be the Center. Dynasties that occupy the Chaplain position of the Kingdoms with the highest Learning Score can claim points according to their ranked position. For Kingdoms with a Realm Priest, if the Realm Priest has +50 or higher Opinion of the Ruler, this score can be claimed by all Council Members, but the reward is reduced by 75%. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Conciliation phase was triggered, the Learning points (points awarded, not Learning Score) are doubled for Dynasties with a majority Faith with the "Adaptive" Tenet. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Hostility phase was triggered, the Learning points (points awarded, not Learning Score) are doubled for Dynasties with a majority Faith without the "Adaptive" Tenet.
Game Over
The game ends at the end of the fourth Opportunity Phase with a final scoring (at base multiplier x4) or if the Iberian Struggle is ended. If the Struggle is ended, a final scoring takes place at the base multiplier of the current phase, except all Dynasties that are the current ruler or council members of the ruler that ended the Iberian Struggle will add 1 to their multiplier for the final phase scoring.
- $20 worth of Paradox DLC will go to the top scoring player
- Prestige - Earn 1 Prestige for your name on the Campaign Player List for participating in the campaign plus 1 Prestige for each player that you place higher than. Title winners will earn an additional 5 Prestige.
-Titles - In addition, the highest scoring player within each group below will earn a title for their name on the Campaign Player List.
Highest scoring Dynasty of an Adaptive, or non-Christian/Muslim Faith - "Tower of Toledo"
Highest scoring Dynasty of a non-Adaptive Christian Faith - "Savior of Santiago"
Highest scoring Dynasty of a non-Adaptive Muslim Faith - "Caliph of Cordoba"
- Dynasty selection in a future campaign will go in order of prestige earned in this campaign, except players who received prizes will pick last (in order of prestige).
The Diplomacy ranking is based on having the grandest Royal Court and noble network in Iberia. Each Kingdom is ranked based on their Influence Score, which is the sum of the Grandeur Level of the Kingdom's Royal Court plus 1 for each different alliance currently held with an Independent Iberian (Involved or Interloper) Ruler by either the Ruler or the Chancellor. Dynasties that occupy the Chancellor positions of the five courts with highest Influence Score can claim points according to their ranked position. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Conciliation phase was triggered, Diplomacy points (points awarded, not Influence Score) are doubled for that phase.
- Martial -
The Martial ranking is based on which realm is winning the most wars against other Iberian Kingdoms, captured in the Kingdom's War Score. A Kingdom gains 1 War Score for winning any war where either their Ruler or their Marshal is claimed by a player Dynasty and are the primary aggressor against a Kingdom who's ruler must be an Involved or Interloper character, must be the primary defender of the war, and must have at least one player Dynasty as a Ruler or Councilor. A Kingdom also gains 1 War Score for winning or reaching a White Peace as the primary Defender in any war against a Kingdom with at least one player Dynasty as a Ruler or Councilor, or against player-Marshal. The losing kingdom in either situation loses 1 War Score. A screenshot of the victory must be submitted. Dynasties that occupy the Marshal position of the Kingdoms with the highest War Score can claim points according to their ranked position. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Hostility phase was triggered, points (points awarded, not War Score) are doubled for that phase.
- Intrigue -
The Intrigue ranking is based on which realm is best at removing their rivals through, by carrying out the most successful assassinations. A Kingdom gains 1 Subterfuge Score for each successful qualifying assassination plot or Strong Hook. A qualifying assassination plot must be carried out by the Ruler of the Kingdom or by the Spymaster, the target must be an Involved or Interloper member of a player Dynasty that is the Ruler of an Iberian Kingdom, or a Councilor of a Kingdom in Iberia with a base (before temporary modifiers, and only including modifiers from Traits) skill value of 15 or higher in their relevant skill. A qualifying Strong Hook must be held by the Ruler of the Kingdom or by the Spymaster, and must be on a member of a player Dynasty that is the Ruler of an Iberian Kingdom or is a Councilor of an Iberian Kingdom with a skill value of 15 or higher in their relevant skill. The victim's kingdom loses one Subterfuge Score. A screenshot of the successful assassination or Strong Hook, must be submitted. Dynasties that occupy the Spymaster position of the Kingdoms with the highest Subterfuge Scores can claim points according to their ranked position. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Hostility phase was triggered, the Intrigue points (points awarded, not Assassination Score) are doubled for that phase.
- Learning -
The Learning ranking is based on influencing the Faiths of Iberia and will reference the Faith Ranking. Each Faith will have a Learning Score value based on its ranking in the Faith Ranking with the Faith in 1st place being worth 5 Learning Score, the Faith in 2nd place being worth 4 Learning Score, and so on down to 0 Learning Score for Faiths that are below 5th. The Learning Score of a Kingdom is the total Learning Score of all Faiths that the Kingdom is the Center of. A Kingdom will qualify as the Center of a Faith if it owns more provinces of that Faith (also counting provinces outside of Iberia). If tied, no realm can claim to be the Center. Dynasties that occupy the Chaplain position of the Kingdoms with the highest Learning Score can claim points according to their ranked position. For Kingdoms with a Realm Priest, if the Realm Priest has +50 or higher Opinion of the Ruler, this score can be claimed by all Council Members, but the reward is reduced by 75%. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Conciliation phase was triggered, the Learning points (points awarded, not Learning Score) are doubled for Dynasties with a majority Faith with the "Adaptive" Tenet. At the end of the Opportunity phase, if the Hostility phase was triggered, the Learning points (points awarded, not Learning Score) are doubled for Dynasties with a majority Faith without the "Adaptive" Tenet.
Game Over
The game ends at the end of the fourth Opportunity Phase with a final scoring (at base multiplier x4) or if the Iberian Struggle is ended. If the Struggle is ended, a final scoring takes place at the base multiplier of the current phase, except all Dynasties that are the current ruler or council members of the ruler that ended the Iberian Struggle will add 1 to their multiplier for the final phase scoring.
- $20 worth of Paradox DLC will go to the top scoring player
- Prestige - Earn 1 Prestige for your name on the Campaign Player List for participating in the campaign plus 1 Prestige for each player that you place higher than. Title winners will earn an additional 5 Prestige.
-Titles - In addition, the highest scoring player within each group below will earn a title for their name on the Campaign Player List.
Highest scoring Dynasty of an Adaptive, or non-Christian/Muslim Faith - "Tower of Toledo"
Highest scoring Dynasty of a non-Adaptive Christian Faith - "Savior of Santiago"
Highest scoring Dynasty of a non-Adaptive Muslim Faith - "Caliph of Cordoba"
- Dynasty selection in a future campaign will go in order of prestige earned in this campaign, except players who received prizes will pick last (in order of prestige).
Other Campaign Rules
Last Title Protection - This campaign is not an elimination campaign, and we firmly believe that the point of multiplayer is too provide human challengers, and not replace them with AI. A player may never use Enforce Demands or Revoke Title if it would remove another player-character's last Title and leave the player unlanded. Similarly, Assassination of another player-character if that character has no heir of their Dynasty and no other landed members of their Dynasty is forbidden. Because violation of this rule will require a Dynasty Reset as described below. One Title will be taken from the offending player and transferred to the victim for each occurrence.
Dynasty Reset - Restart rules. Hopefully you will not need these.
At the end of any session, a player may ask to have his Dynasty 'reset' to his starting capital county: All landed members of the Dynasty will give up their titles to a randomly created courtier and the youngest living member of the Dynasty will be given the initial starting Dynasty capital county, no matter their current owners. The title will remain in vassalage within their current feudal hierarchy. If a player's entire Dynasty is deceased, a new random character will be created and given the county title.
Switching Characters - Rules for switching characters within your dynasty.
Players may switch to any landed character in their Dynasty at any time, though this is limited to once a session to prevent slowing the game. Players may use hot-join to do this, and may do this if eliminated from the game for any reason.
Betrothals with other Player-Dynasties - Additional rules for increased interactions between player families.
If a player betroths a male child family member to a family member of another player, the male child must be sent to be a Ward of the other player's character. If the other player has no empty Ward slots, they must drop one of their other Wards to open a slot. This rule gives players a chance to influence potential heirs of other player families, and allows interesting friendships and rivalries to form between player Dynasties.
Dynasty Reset - Restart rules. Hopefully you will not need these.
At the end of any session, a player may ask to have his Dynasty 'reset' to his starting capital county: All landed members of the Dynasty will give up their titles to a randomly created courtier and the youngest living member of the Dynasty will be given the initial starting Dynasty capital county, no matter their current owners. The title will remain in vassalage within their current feudal hierarchy. If a player's entire Dynasty is deceased, a new random character will be created and given the county title.
Switching Characters - Rules for switching characters within your dynasty.
Players may switch to any landed character in their Dynasty at any time, though this is limited to once a session to prevent slowing the game. Players may use hot-join to do this, and may do this if eliminated from the game for any reason.
Betrothals with other Player-Dynasties - Additional rules for increased interactions between player families.
If a player betroths a male child family member to a family member of another player, the male child must be sent to be a Ward of the other player's character. If the other player has no empty Ward slots, they must drop one of their other Wards to open a slot. This rule gives players a chance to influence potential heirs of other player families, and allows interesting friendships and rivalries to form between player Dynasties.
Player Dynasties
House Jalidid
spicy lunchbox Faith: Ibadi Culture: Andalusian House Banu Musa
achab Faith: Muwalladi Culture: Basque House Pravia
yolomesh Faith: Catholic Culture: Asturleonese House Rustamid
iron Faith: Ibadi Culture: Maghrebi |
House Wazirid
diabl0 Faith: Ash'ari Culture: Andalusian House Zuhrid
chaching Faith: Catholic Culture: Andalusian House Galicia
ekcrbe Faith: Catholic Culture: Galico-Norse House Hæsteining
blyatt Faith: Asatru Culture: Galico-Norse |
House Attafid
wander Faith: Catholic Culture: Andalusian House Amirid
jeudy100 Faith: Ibadi Culture: Andalusian House Galinda
oriemaster Faith: Catholic Culture: Basque House Barghawata
lookatall Faith: Barghawata Culture: Maghrebi |
House A'idid
alec Faith: Ash'ari Culture: Galico-Norse House Hafsunid
c0mpa Faith: Catholic Culture: Andalusian House Barcelona
william Faith: Catholic Culture: Israelite-Catalan House Toulouse
marquest Faith: Catholic Culture: Occitan |
House Salamanqid
dr decoy Faith: Mozarabic Culture: Andalusian House Olmedo
morosaurus Faith: Mozarabic Culture: Catalan House Burgusid
official mr scruff Faith: Mozarabic Culture: Andalusian House Mayurqid
moneymaker Faith: Asatru Culture: Galico-Norse |
Phase 6 (Final - Status Quo) - Compromise (1038 - 1039)
Base score multiplier x2
Base score multiplier x2
Phase 6 rankings and score
Influence Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - al-Sarq, Castille 3rd - al-Andalus 4th - Rosgaard 5th - none |
City Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - al-Sarq 3rd - Castille 4th - Rosgaard 5th - none |
War Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - al-Andalus, al-Sarq, Castille, Rosgaard, 5th - none |
Subterfuge Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - al-Andalus, al-Sarq, Castille, Rosgaard, 5th - none |
Learning Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - al-Sarq 3rd - Castille 4th - Rosgaard 5th - none |
Iberian Cultures (Head of Culture)
1st - Andalusian (House Rustamid) 2nd - Galico-Norse (House Hæsteining) 3rd - Israelite-Catalan (Unclaimed) 4th - tie 5th - Catalan (Unclaimed), Asturleonese (House Barghawata) |
Iberian Faiths (Center of Faith)
1st - tie 2nd - Catholic (al-Andalus), Ibadi (al-Sarq) 3rd -Muwalladism (al-Andalus) 4th - Mozarabism (Castille) 5th - Barghawata (Castille) |
Final phase Multiplier x2 - All score earned this phase is x2 before being added to Total Points. Houses that ended the Iberian Struggle receive x3.
Player Dynasty
House Zuhrid House Attafid House Rustamid House Burgusid House Hæsteining House Amirid House Galicia House Olmedo House Jalidid House Mayurqid House Barghawata House Hafsunid House Barcelona House A'idid House Banu Musa House Wazirid House Salamanqid House Galinda House Pravia House Toulouse |
Total Points
19850 17275 16100 14400 13012 12700 12525 12175 11000 10900 10500 10350 8400 7900 6950 6050 4600 3550 3300 1700 |
1250 625 800 800 750 800 500 700 400 400 600 500 500 |
250 250 1000 250 800 250 200 50 250 200 200 250 150 200 250 250 50 |
200 100 200 200 100 200 100 200 50 200 200 150 100 200 200 200 |
Prestige and Piety
800 700 400 300 500 400 300 200 400 600 400 500 400 |
400 400 600 300 400 400 400 500 400 300 400 400 300 300 200 300 100 100 100 |
x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 |
Kingdom of Castille
Ruler: House Olmedo (945+, 100%) Chancellor: House Burgusid (945+, 100%) Steward: House Barghawata (1011+, 100%) Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Realm Priest (disapproves) Influence Score: 9 City Score (First City): 3.81 (Medina del Campo) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 3 |
Kingdom of Rosgaard
Ruler: House Hæsteining (929+, 100%) Chancellor: House Barcelona (952+, 100%) Steward: House A'idid (945+, 100%) Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: House Galicia (931+, 100%) Chaplain: Realm Priest (approves) Influence Score: 4 City Score (First City): 2.78 (Lugo) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Malikate of al-Andalus
Ruler: House Attafid (968+, 100%) Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: House Zuhrid (986+, 100%) Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Realm Priest (approves) Influence Score: 7 City Score (First City): 4.81 (Cantillana) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 7 |
Malikate of al-Sarq
Ruler: House Rustamid (879+, 100%) Chancellor: House Amirid (949+, 100%) Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: House Jalidid (986+, 100%) Spymaster: House Mayurqid (989+, 100%) Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 9 City Score (First City): 4.68 (Iniesta) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 4 |
Phase 5 - Conciliation (978 - 1038)
Base score multiplier x2
Base score multiplier x2
Phase 5 rankings and score
Influence Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - al-Sarq, Castille 3rd - al-Andalus 4th - Rosgaard 5th - none |
City Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - al-Sarq 3rd - Castille 4th - Rosgaard 5th - none |
War Ranking
1st - al-Sarq 2nd - tie 3rd - Castille, Rosgaard 4th - al-Andalus 5th - none |
Subterfuge Ranking
1st - al-Sarq 2nd - Rosgaard 3rd - al-Andalus 4th - Castille 5th - none |
Learning Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - al-Sarq 3rd - Castille 4th - Rosgaard 5th - none |
Iberian Cultures (Head of Culture)
1st - Andalusian (House Rustamid) 2nd - Galico-Norse (House Hæsteining) 3rd - Israelite-Catalan (Unclaimed) 4th - tie 5th - Catalan (Unclaimed), Asturleonese (House Barghawata) |
Iberian Faiths (Center of Faith)
1st - tie 2nd - Catholic (al-Andalus), Ibadi (al-Sarq) 3rd -Muwalladism (al-Andalus) 4th - Mozarabism (Castille) 5th - Barghawata (Castille) |
Phase Multiplier x2 - All score earned this phase is multiplied by 2 before being added to Total Points
Player Dynasty
House Zuhrid House Burgusid House Attafid House Rustamid House Galicia House Olmedo House Amirid House Hæsteining House Mayurqid House Jalidid House Hafsunid House Barghawata House Barcelona House Banu Musa House Wazirid House A'idid House Salamanqid House Galinda House Pravia House Toulouse |
Total Points
11150 10900 10750 10100 9325 9075 8600 8112 7900 7700 7650 7200 6100 6050 5150 5100 3700 2950 2600 1300 |
1000 800 500 1150 900 625 800 950 750 750 450 500 500 |
250 250 250 1000 200 50 250 800 200 250 250 200 150 250 200 250 50 |
200 100 200 200 200 100 200 200 200 50 200 150 100 200 200 200 |
Prestige and Piety
700 500 500 700 700 700 600 700 800 500 500 300 |
400 300 400 600 400 500 400 400 300 400 400 400 300 300 200 300 100 100 100 |
x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 |
Kingdom of Castille
Ruler: House Olmedo (945+, 100%) Chancellor: House Burgusid (945+, 100%) Steward: House Barghawata (1011+, 25%) Marshal: House Barghawata (948-1011, 50%) Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Realm Priest (disapproves) Influence Score: 9 City Score (First City): 3.81 (Medina del Campo) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: -7 Learning Score: 3 |
Kingdom of Rosgaard
Ruler: House Hæsteining (929+, 100%) Chancellor: House Barcelona (952+, 100%) Steward: House A'idid (945+, 100%) Marshal: House Mayurqid (963-989, 0%) Spymaster: House Galicia (931+, 100%) Chaplain: Realm Priest (approves) Influence Score: 4 City Score (First City): 2.78 (Lugo) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 4 Learning Score: 0 |
Malikate of al-Andalus
Ruler: House Attafid (968+, 100%) Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: House Zuhrid (986+, 75%) Marshal: House Zuhrid (916-986, 0%) Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Realm Priest (approves) Influence Score: 7 City Score (First City): 4.81 (Cantillana) War Score: -3 Subterfuge Score: -2 Learning Score: 7 |
Malikate of al-Sarq
Ruler: House Rustamid (879+, 100%) Chancellor: House Amirid (949+, 100%) Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: House Jalidid (986+, 75%) Spymaster: House Mayurqid (989+, 75%) Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 9 City Score (First City): 4.68 (Iniesta) War Score: 3 Subterfuge Score: 5 Learning Score: 4 |
Phase 4 - Opportunity (945 - 978)
Base score multiplier x2
Base score multiplier x2
Phase 4 rankings and score
Influence Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - Tahert 3rd - Rosgaard 4th - Castille 5th - Xenxir |
City Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - Tahert 3rd - Castille 4th - Rosgaard 5th - Xenxir |
War Ranking
1st - Rosgaard 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - al-Andalus Castille Tahert 5th - Xenxir |
Subterfuge Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - tie 5th - Xenxir Castille Tahert Rosgaard al-Andalus |
Learning Ranking
2nd - Rosgaard 2nd - al-Andalus 3rd - tie 4th - tie 5th - Xenxir Castille Tahert |
Iberian Cultures (Head of Culture)
1st - Andalusian (House Wazirid) 2nd - Basque (Unclaimed) 3rd - Asturleonese (House Barghawata) 4th - tie 5th - Catalan (Unclaimed) Castillian (Unclaimed) |
Iberian Faiths (Center of Faith)
1st - Muwalladism (al-Andalus) 2nd - Mozarabism (Rosgaard) 3rd - Catholic (Rosgaard) 4th - Ash'ari (al-Andalus) 5th - Asatru (Rosgaard) |
Phase Multiplier x2 - All score earned this phase is multiplied by 2 before being added to Total Points
Player Dynasty
House Attafid House Burgusid House Zuhrid House Hafsunid House Banu Musa House Olmedo House Galicia House Wazirid House Amirid House Barghawata House Barcelona House Mayurqid House Jalidid House Rustamid House Salamanqid House A'idid House Hæsteining House Galinda House Pravia House Toulouse |
Total Points
7050 7000 6050 5950 5150 5125 4525 4250 4100 4000 3800 3800 3500 2800 2800 2500 2412 2350 1900 900 |
500 400 400 150 200 600 300 450 250 150 300 400 450 |
250 250 250 200 50 1000 600 50 250 200 150 |
250 200 250 250 250 200 150 100 100 150 50 100 200 100 50 150 150 150 |
Prestige and Piety
500 400 400 600 800 700 700 300 |
300 300 300 300 300 300 300 200 300 300 200 200 300 400 100 200 300 100 100 |
Kingdom of Castille
Ruler: House Olmedo (945+, 100%) Chancellor: House Burgusid (945+, 100%) Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: House Barghawata (948+, 75%) Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Realm Priest (Disapproves) Influence Score: 5 City Score (First City): 2.89 (Medina del Campo) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Malikate of Xenxir
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: House Jalidid (891-954, 25%) Marshal: House Jalidid (954+, 50%) Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 3 City Score (First City): 1.37 (Santarem) War Score: -1 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Malikate of al-Andalus
Ruler: House Attafid (968+, 25%) Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: House Attafid (951-968, 50%) Marshal: House Zuhrid (916+, 100%) Spymaster: House Attafid (942-951, 0%) Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 9 City Score (First City): 4.93 (Cantillana) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 7 |
Kingdom of Rosgaard
Ruler: House Hæsteining (929+, 100%) Chancellor: House Barcelona (952+, 75%) Steward: House A'idid (945+, 100%) Marshal: House Mayurqid (963+, 25%) Spymaster: House Galicia (931+, 100%) Chaplain: Realm Priest (Disapproves) Influence Score: 6 City Score (First City): 2.59 (Braga) War Score: 1 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 8 |
Malikate of Tahert
Ruler: House Rustamid (879+, 100%) Chancellor: House Amirid (949+, 75%) Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 8 City Score (First City): 3.57 (Murviedro) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Phase 3 - Compromise (915 - 945)
Base score multiplier x1
Base score multiplier x1
Phase 3 rankings and score
Influence Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - Navarra 3rd - tie 4th - Castille Xenxir 5th - Rosgaard |
City Ranking
1st - Rosgaard 2nd - al-Andalus 3rd - Navarra 4th - Xenxir 5th - Castille |
War Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - tie 5th - Xenxir al-Andalus Castille Navarra Rosgaard |
Subterfuge Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - tie 5th - Xenxir Castille Navarra Rosgaard |
Learning Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - Rosgaard 3rd - tie 4th - tie 5th - Xenxir Castille Navarra |
Iberian Cultures (Head of Culture)
1st - Andalusian (Unclaimed) 2nd - Basque (Unclaimed) 3rd - Catalan (House Barcelona) 4th - tie 5th - Galician (Unclaimed), Asturleonese (Unclaimed) |
Iberian Faiths (Center of Faith)
1st - Muwalladism (al-Andalus) 2nd - Mozarabism (al-Andalus) 3rd - Catholic (Rosgaard) 4th - Ash'ari (al-Andalus) 5th - tie |
Player Dynasty
House Attafid House Burgusid House Zuhrid House Banu Musa House Hafsunid House Galicia House Amirid House Olmedo House Jalidid House Barcelona House Salamanqid House Wazirid House Galinda House Mayurqid House Pravia House A'idid House Hæsteining House Toulouse House Rustamid House Barghawata |
Total Points
3950 3900 3650 3650 3550 3225 2100 2525 2400 2100 1700 1650 1450 1400 1100 1100 812 600 0 0 |
700 200 150 200 100 200 400 200 12 |
250 250 200 250 50 150 600 250 250 200 50 |
250 200 250 250 250 150 100 200 100 150 200 100 150 150 100 150 |
Prestige and Piety
300 500 300 300 400 500 500 200 600 |
300 200 300 300 200 300 200 200 300 200 100 100 100 200 100 200 200 |
Kingdom of Castille
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: House Burgusid (879-945, 100%) Marshal: House Olmedo (913-945, 100%) Spymaster: House Galicia (910-927, 25%) Chaplain: Realm Priest (Disapproves) Influence Score: 4 City Score (First City): 1.74 (Medina del Campo) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Sultanate of Xenxir
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: House Jalidid (891+, 100%) Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 4 City Score (First City): 2.62 (Beja) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Sultanate of al-Andalus
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: House Banu Musa (912-917, 0%) Steward: House Wazirid (913-921, 25%) House Banu Musa (921-932, 25%) House Attafid (932-942, 25%) Marshal: House Attafid (913-916, 0%) House Zuhrid (916+, 75%) Spymaster: House Attafid (916-917. 919-932, 942+, 50%) House Banu Musa (917-919, 0%) Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 7 City Score (First City): 3.94 (Cantillana) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 1 Learning Score: 12 |
Malikate of Navarra
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Realm Priest (Disapproves) Influence Score: 5 City Score (First City): 3.06 (Olite) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Kingdom of Rosgaard
Ruler: House Hæsteining (929+, 50%) Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: House Galicia (931+, 25%) Chaplain: Realm Priest (Disapproves) Influence Score: 3 City Score (First City): 4.02 (Lugo) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 3 |
Phase 2 - Hostility (892 - 915)
Base score multiplier x1
Base score multiplier x1
Phase 2 rankings and score
Influence Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - tie 3rd - Leon Xenxir 4th - al-Sarq 5th - empty |
City Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - Leon 3rd - Xenxir 4th - al-Sarq 5th - empty |
War Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - Xenxir al-Andalus al-Sarq Leon 5th - empty |
Subterfuge Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - Xenxir al-Andalus al-Sarq Asturias 5th - empty |
Learning Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - Asturias Xenxir al-Sarq 5th - empty |
Iberian Cultures (Head of Culture)
1st - Andalusian (Unclaimed) 2nd - Basque (House Banu Musa) 3rd - tie 4th - Galician (House Galicia), Asturleonese (Unclaimed) 5th - Catalan (House Barcelona) |
Iberian Faiths (Center of Faith)
1st - Muwalladism (al-Andalus) 2nd - Mozarabism (al-Andalus) 3rd - Catholic (al-Andalus) 4th - Ash'ari (al-Andalus) 5th - Karaism (al-Andalus) |
Player Dynasty
House Zuhrid House Banu Musa House Galicia House Hafsunid House Burgusid House Attafid House Amirid House Olmedo House Salamanqid House Barcelona House Jalidid House Galinda House Wazirid House Pravia House Mayurqid House A'idid House Toulouse House Hæsteining House Rustamid House Barghawata |
Total Points
2950 2700 2625 2550 2550 2400 1500 1375 1150 1150 1100 1000 1000 800 700 600 450 0 0 0 |
300 500 100 475 900 350 400 375 600 |
250 800 400 250 250 50 250 200 200 250 100 |
250 250 150 250 200 250 100 200 200 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 |
Prestige and Piety
200 500 300 500 |
200 200 200 200 100 200 200 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 |
Kingdom of Leon
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: House Galicia (871-904, 50%) Steward: House Burgusid (879+, 100%) Marshal: House Galicia (904-910, 25%) House Olmedo (913+, 0%) Spymaster: House Olmedo (881-910, 75%) House Galicia (910+, 0%) Chaplain: Realm Priest (Approves) Influence Score: 4 City Score (First City): 3.81 (Lugo) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Sultanate of Xenxir
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: House Jalidid (891+, 100%) Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 4 City Score (First City): 2.69 (Beja) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Sultanate of al-Andalus
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: House Hafsunid (879-906, 50%) House Attafid (906-912, 25%) House Banu Musa (912+, 0%) Steward: House Wazirid (913, 0%) Marshal: House Zuhrid (879-913, 75%) House Attafid (913+, 0%) Spymaster: House Banu Musa (879-898, 25%), House Attafid (898-906, 25%) Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 7 City Score (First City): 4.65 (Cantillana) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 15 |
Sultanate of al-Sarq
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: House Amirid (877, 100%) Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 2 City Score (First City): 1.28 (Daroca) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Previous Phases
Phase 1 - Opportunity (867 - 892)
Base score multiplier x1
Base score multiplier x1
Phase 1 rankings and score
Influence Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - Navarra 3rd - tie 4th - Asturias, Xenxir 5th - al-Sarq |
City Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - Xenxir 3rd - Asturias 4th - al-Sarq 5th - Navarra |
War Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - tie 5th - Xenxir, al-Andalus, al-Sarq, Asturias, Navarra |
Subterfuge Ranking
1st - tie 2nd - tie 3rd - tie 4th - tie 5th - Xenxir, al-Andalus, al-Sarq, Asturias, Navarra |
Learning Ranking
1st - al-Andalus 2nd - al-Sarq 3rd - Xenxir 4th - tie 5th - Asturias, Navarra |
Iberian Cultures (Head of Culture)
1st - Andalusian (House Zuhrid) 2nd - Catalan (Unclaimed) 3rd - Basque (Unclaimed) 4th - Galician (Unclaimed) 5th - Asturleonese (Unclaimed) |
Iberian Faiths (Center of Faith)
1st - Mozarabism (al-Sarq) 2nd - Muwalladism (al-Andalus) 3rd - Catholic (tie) 4th - Ash'ari (al-Andalus) 5th - Rabbinic (Xenxir) |
Player Dynasty
House Zuhrid House Hafsunid House Attafid House Banu Musa House Burgusid House Galicia House Amirid House Olmedo House Salamanqid House Barcelona House Galinda House Wazirid House Pravia House A'idid House Toulouse House Jalidid House Mayurqid House Hæsteining House Rustamid House Barghawata |
Total Points
1950 1350 1300 1150 1100 900 800 650 600 600 550 550 450 400 300 300 100 0 0 0 |
250 (partial x2) 500 700 200 (x2) 300 300 200 (x2) 100 (x2) |
1000 (Head) 250 150 250 100 200 250 200 150 250 50 |
200 200 200 200 250 300 (x2) 200 (x2) 250 250 300 (x2) 300 (x2) 200 (x2) 300 (x2) 200 (x2) 300 (x2) 200 (x2) |
Prestige and Piety
400 300 300 400 200 300 100 |
100 100 100 200 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 |
Sultanate of Xenxir
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: House Zuhrid (870-878, 25%) House Hafsunid (878-879, 0%) House Jalidid (887-891, 0%) Steward: House Attafid (870-879, 25%), House Jalidid (891+, 0%) Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: House Banu Musa (875-879, 0%) Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 4 City Score (First City): 2.10 (Beja) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 1 |
Sultanate of al-Andalus
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: House Hafsunid (879+, 50%) Steward: House Attafid (879+, 50%) Marshal: House Zuhrid (879+, 50%) Spymaster: House Banu Musa (879+, 50%) Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 6 City Score (First City): 3.31 (Cantillana) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 6 |
Sultanate of al-Sarq
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: House Amirid (877+, 50%) Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 0 City Score (First City): 1.54 (Amposta) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 5 |
Kingdom of Asturias
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: House Galicia (871+, 75%) Steward: House Burgusid (879+, 50%) Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: House Olmedo (881+, 25%) Chaplain: Realm Priest (Disapproves) Influence Score: 4 City Score (First City): 1.86 (Palencia) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Kingdom of Navarra
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Realm Priest (Disapproves) Influence Score: 5 City Score (First City): 1.41 (Tafalla) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score: 0 |
Start - Opportunity (867)
Base score multiplier x1
Base score multiplier x1
Kingdom of Asturias
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Realm Priest Influence Score: 4 City Score (First City): 0.91 (Betanzos) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score (Faith Centers): 3 (Catholic) |
Sultanate of al-Andalus
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Unclaimed Influence Score: 5 City Score (First City): 1.71 (Cantillana) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score (Faith Centers): 9 (Mozarabism, Muwalladism) |
Kingdom of Navarra
Ruler: Unclaimed Chancellor: Unclaimed Steward: Unclaimed Marshal: Unclaimed Spymaster: Unclaimed Chaplain: Realm Priest Influence Score: 3 City Score (First City): 1.40 (Barbastro) War Score: 0 Subterfuge Score: 0 Learning Score (Faith Centers): 0 |
Iberian Cultures
1st - Andalusian 3rd - Basque 3rd - Catalan 5th - Galician 5th - Empty (Tie) |
Iberian Faiths
1st -Mozarabism 2nd - Muwalladism 3rd - Catholic 4th - Empty 5th - Empty |
Confirmed PLayers 21/21 - Selection Order
Legacy Placement - placement determined by ranking in player's latest Crusader Kings campaign
1 - Spicylunchbox/Weston - placement from "The Old Gods"
2 - chaching/Eric - placement from "The Holy Land"
3 - Blyatt/Wyatt - placement from "The Holy Land"
4 - Ekcrbe/Erik - placement from "The Holy Land"
5 - oriemaster/Wyatt - placement from "The Old Gods"
6 - Official mr scruff/Brad - placement from "The Holy Land"
7 - Jeudy100/Jordan - placement from "The Holy Land"
8 - William - placement from "The Holy Land"
9 - Alec - placement from "Holy Fury"
New Placement - placement determined by join order of this campaign
10 - Dr Decoy
11 - Morosaurus
12 - Wander
13 - YoloMesh
14 - Marquest
15 - Diabl0
16 - vMao
17 - C0mpa
Title-Winners Penalty Box - placement determined by ranking with winner-penalty applied
18 - Achab - placement from "The Holy Land"
19 - Moneymaker/Braxton - placement from "The Old Gods"
20 - Iron/Brian - placement from "The Holy Land"
21 - Lookatall/Blake - placement from "The Holy Land"
1 - Spicylunchbox/Weston - placement from "The Old Gods"
2 - chaching/Eric - placement from "The Holy Land"
3 - Blyatt/Wyatt - placement from "The Holy Land"
4 - Ekcrbe/Erik - placement from "The Holy Land"
5 - oriemaster/Wyatt - placement from "The Old Gods"
6 - Official mr scruff/Brad - placement from "The Holy Land"
7 - Jeudy100/Jordan - placement from "The Holy Land"
8 - William - placement from "The Holy Land"
9 - Alec - placement from "Holy Fury"
New Placement - placement determined by join order of this campaign
10 - Dr Decoy
11 - Morosaurus
12 - Wander
13 - YoloMesh
14 - Marquest
15 - Diabl0
16 - vMao
17 - C0mpa
Title-Winners Penalty Box - placement determined by ranking with winner-penalty applied
18 - Achab - placement from "The Holy Land"
19 - Moneymaker/Braxton - placement from "The Old Gods"
20 - Iron/Brian - placement from "The Holy Land"
21 - Lookatall/Blake - placement from "The Holy Land"
The Sheikhs of Al-Andalus
The nobility of Al-Andalus are a diverse collection of Islamic cultures descended from the Berber and Arab conquerors who destroyed the kingdom of the Visigoths. They are ruled over by the remnants of the once world-spanning Umayyad dynasty, who were relegated to this frontier of the Islamic world by the rise of the Abbasids. The court of the Umayyads follows the Ash'ari and Mashriqi traditions of their Arabian origins, but the clans of the sheikhs that serve them differ in their choice of whether to adhere to the old aristocratic ways or follow the popular pragmatism of the diverse communities they lead. Though the Umayyad hold over al-Andalus appears solid, challenges to their rule have been growing. The frontier emirates of Burtughal and Tulaytulah have already risen in a rebellion that could see the Sultanate's influence drastically reduced if successful, though success is only likely if the Sultan is distracted with further challenges. Even if this rebellion is put down however, the Umayyad dynasty is a withering force in the world, and the great Sultanate of al-Andalus seems destined to a fraught and fractured future. Now is a great time of opportunity for the lesser clans of al-Andalus.
the Catholic Counts
As the superior Umayyad armies swept aside the divided and ineffectual leadership of the Visigoths, those who chose not to submit retreated to the mountain highlands of Asturias and the Pyrenees. Recently, the Cantabria dynasty has had some success extending their rule from their mountain refuge, including securing the famed pilgrim road to Santiago de Compostela, and more recently, the new King of Asturias, Alfonso III, has wagered he can take advantage of rebellions against the Sultanate al-Andalus to extend his hand further still, into Portucale. Success in this war would be a major success for Christian authority in Iberia, but the kingdoms of Asturia and Navarra will still be precariously placed between the powerful Umayyads to the south and the Karlings to the north. After the political disruption and isolation of the Umayyad conquests, the Iberian people have diverged into many separate cultures, with varying influences of Islamic and Christian, or coastal and highland traditions. These cultures will each need charismatic and cunning rulers if they wish to play a part in the political future of Iberia, and not quietly follow the Visigoths into the obscurity of history. Leaders that will need to decide if their people are best served by allegiance to Rome, Paris, or Cordoba...or if they can stand on their own and be a beacon of Iberia's unique values.
The Border Princes
In Iberia's borderlands, between the Sultanate of Cordoba and the northern kingdoms, brave and opportunistic families have arisen to protect or extort the local communities. These lands were most recently conquered by the Umayyad armies in generations past, but the authority of Cordoba has now weakened to the point of nonexistence in the region. Though the local nobles currently enjoy complete autonomy, it will not be long before an ambitious monarch wishes to fly his banner over their lands. To maintain their influence, these Dynasties will likely need to band together in defense or swear allegiance in exchange for favored treatment, but if they can play the Catholic and Ash'ari against each other perhaps one of these Dynasties can build a new realm. A realm that leaves behind these old allegiances and is instead founded on the unique ideas and traditions of Iberia.
The Interlopers
At many points through history, Iberia's political landscape has been radically altered by foreign conquerors, and their violent wake inevitably brings a vibrant clash of cultures that brings together far-flung traditions and shapes new faiths. As the Umayyad dynasty of Cordoba grows complacent in its power, a time of opportunity emerges for Iberians and, perhaps, for foreign rulers of a particularly ambitious disposition. From the north, when not warring among themselves, Karling rulers stretch their reach over the Pyrenees with Rome's blessing. From the south, the African rulers that emerged from under collapsing Umayyad control see the merchants return from Cordoba with purses full of gold, and wonder if they should be sending soldiers instead of diplomats. While the kings of Iberia fight among themselves, they would be wise to keep an eye towards the mountains and the coasts, lest they return from the battlefield to find foreign flags over their castles. Of course, one cannot truly influence the course of Iberia from a foreign throne and so these Dynasties will need to plant seeds in Iberian soil, by setting up members of their Dynasty as local, Iberian, monarchs who may bring their culture and faith with them, or may adopt those of their new home.