Nation Selection -
First Session - 15:00 - 18:00 Eastern US (21:00 - 24:00 Central European) |
Emperor IV - Lions of the North
G. Republic of the Netherlands - too374 - 19 - "Prince of the Hansa"
G. Republic of Russia - lookatall/Blake - 13
Kingdom of England - moneymaker/Braxton -17 - "Lion of the North"
Archbishopric of Saxony - bottech - 16 - "Inquisitor"
Republic of Hamburg - morosaurus - 10
Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia - William - 9
Order of Danzig - weldo - 8
Bishopric of Westphalia - dr. decoy - 7
Bishopric of the Livonians - official mr. scruff/Brad - 6
Rev. Republic of Friesland - blyatt/Wyatt - 5
Rev. Republic of Burgundy - ekcrbe/Erik - 4
Kingdom of Scotland - iron/Brian - 3
Rev. Republic of Liege - bbaron - 2
Kingdom of Clanricarde - cycoboy - 1
County of Gotland - queen of hatred - 1
Duchy of Glogow - diipy - 1
Kingdom of New Norway - stanley - 1
Kingdom of Denmark - badis - 1
G. Republic of Russia - lookatall/Blake - 13
Kingdom of England - moneymaker/Braxton -17 - "Lion of the North"
Archbishopric of Saxony - bottech - 16 - "Inquisitor"
Republic of Hamburg - morosaurus - 10
Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia - William - 9
Order of Danzig - weldo - 8
Bishopric of Westphalia - dr. decoy - 7
Bishopric of the Livonians - official mr. scruff/Brad - 6
Rev. Republic of Friesland - blyatt/Wyatt - 5
Rev. Republic of Burgundy - ekcrbe/Erik - 4
Kingdom of Scotland - iron/Brian - 3
Rev. Republic of Liege - bbaron - 2
Kingdom of Clanricarde - cycoboy - 1
County of Gotland - queen of hatred - 1
Duchy of Glogow - diipy - 1
Kingdom of New Norway - stanley - 1
Kingdom of Denmark - badis - 1
Scoring Rules and rewards
Scoring Intervals and Age multipliers
Scoring of all objectives will take place upon the election/inheritance of each Holy Roman Emperor. Objectives must be held/completed at that instance to count for scoring. Unless otherwise stated, these scores are multiplied by the number of the Age, meaning objectives become more valuable over time (Discovery - x1, Reformation - x2, Absolutism - x3, Revolution - x4).
Advice: Generally it is more reliable to obtain objectives as early as possible and defend them, rather than steal them. On the other hand, securing objectives early and aggressively can set the field against you in the campaign's early diplomacy. Waiting until the late game to make decisive moves can pay off, as the Age multiplier can quickly catapult a player into the lead as long as previous leaders are deprived of their own sources of score.
Scoring Groups
Each of the available nations in this campaign are in one of multiple scoring groups, with separate scoring rules for each group. These unique scoring rules may encourage certain thematic playstyles for each group, or focus the groups attention on specific mechanics of the game or regions of the map.
Advice: Allies from other scoring groups will likely be more reliable than allies from your own group, since you are less likely to directly compete over objectives or ranking. However, allies from other tiers are also less likely to be focused on similar goals.
Scoring Objectives
Objectives count as held by a nation if that nation owns it or if one of their AI subjects own it (the AI subject does not count as owning the objective unless otherwise specified). If an objective province happens to be in a player's protected area, the objective province does not count as protected.
Players as Subjects
Any player that is a subject (including a tributary) must give 50% of the value of any score gained to his overlord (this includes any source of score unless specifically stated). If the subject has Liberty Desire over 50%, he will keep a percentage of his points equal to his Liberty Desire, rounding up to the nearest multiple of 10 (60%, 70%, etc.).
Advice: The overlord does not count as holding any of the provinces or objectives that a player subject holds, but he can siphon from any score that the player vassal earns. This means that if you need to hold an objective directly in order to qualify for score, you may want to take it from your vassal, but otherwise, if you ensure your player vassal is gaining score from its own group's objectives, a player vassal can be an opportunity to gain score that you might not usually have access to.
Group Scoring Rules
Lions of the North (Despots)
- 1000 pts for each Conqueror Objective Pair held. A Despot is considered to hold a Pair if it owns at least one objective from the pair, and no other Despot holds the other.
- 1000 pts for owning at least one Imperial Objective while no other Despot holds any other Imperial Objective.
- 200 x (DotF Rank) pts for holding a DotF (Defender of the Faith) title.
- 100 pts for each Imperial province owned if the player is not the Emperor of a member of the HRE. These provinces must be owned directly and not through subjects.
- 1000 x (Imperial Legitimacy) pts if the players is the Emperor of the HRE. Imperial Legitimacy is described below under the Princes.
- 200 pts for each Flagship you own.
Princes of the Hanse (Princes)
All score for the Princes is multiplied by Imperial Legitimacy. Imperial Legitimacy is a percentage equal to (Number of Princes in the Holy Roman Empire x 2). At game start this is equal to 156% (78 x 2) (cooperative objective).
- 200 pts for each each Imperial or Conqueror Objective that is a Free City, Trade League Member (not leader), or has the Revolution (cooperative objective).
- 300 pts each for ranking in the top three highest trade power in the Baltic, the Lubeck, the English Channel, or the Wien Trade Nodes. This is increased to 1000 pts if the player holds the highest trade power. If Pirates are within the top three highest Trade Power in the node, Pirate Trade Power counts as trade power for the nation that is the highest contributor to Pirate Trade Power.
- 500 pts for each Trade Good you hold the the Trade Leader position for (have the Trading Bonus).
- 200 pts for each Flagship you own.
Inquisitors of Rome (Bishops)
All score for the Bishops is multiplied by Catholic Legitimacy. Catholic Legitimacy is a percentage equal to (25 x Catholic DotF Rank). At game start this is equal to 125% (25 x 5) (cooperative objective).
- 200 pts for each Imperial or Conqueror Objective that is Catholic (the province, not the owning nation) (cooperative objective).
- 500 pts for each Papal Bull as Controller of the Curia since the previous scoring (by the player's nation or their AI subjects).
- 100 pts per Cardinal owned (by the player's nation or their AI subjects).
- 200 pts for each alliance with one of the following nations as long as the nation is not another Inquisitor: the Papal States, the Holy Roman Emperor, an Elector of the HRE, the Catholic Defender of the Faith, and the Curia Controller.
Scoring Intervals and Age multipliers
Scoring of all objectives will take place upon the election/inheritance of each Holy Roman Emperor. Objectives must be held/completed at that instance to count for scoring. Unless otherwise stated, these scores are multiplied by the number of the Age, meaning objectives become more valuable over time (Discovery - x1, Reformation - x2, Absolutism - x3, Revolution - x4).
Advice: Generally it is more reliable to obtain objectives as early as possible and defend them, rather than steal them. On the other hand, securing objectives early and aggressively can set the field against you in the campaign's early diplomacy. Waiting until the late game to make decisive moves can pay off, as the Age multiplier can quickly catapult a player into the lead as long as previous leaders are deprived of their own sources of score.
Scoring Groups
Each of the available nations in this campaign are in one of multiple scoring groups, with separate scoring rules for each group. These unique scoring rules may encourage certain thematic playstyles for each group, or focus the groups attention on specific mechanics of the game or regions of the map.
Advice: Allies from other scoring groups will likely be more reliable than allies from your own group, since you are less likely to directly compete over objectives or ranking. However, allies from other tiers are also less likely to be focused on similar goals.
Scoring Objectives
Objectives count as held by a nation if that nation owns it or if one of their AI subjects own it (the AI subject does not count as owning the objective unless otherwise specified). If an objective province happens to be in a player's protected area, the objective province does not count as protected.
Players as Subjects
Any player that is a subject (including a tributary) must give 50% of the value of any score gained to his overlord (this includes any source of score unless specifically stated). If the subject has Liberty Desire over 50%, he will keep a percentage of his points equal to his Liberty Desire, rounding up to the nearest multiple of 10 (60%, 70%, etc.).
Advice: The overlord does not count as holding any of the provinces or objectives that a player subject holds, but he can siphon from any score that the player vassal earns. This means that if you need to hold an objective directly in order to qualify for score, you may want to take it from your vassal, but otherwise, if you ensure your player vassal is gaining score from its own group's objectives, a player vassal can be an opportunity to gain score that you might not usually have access to.
Group Scoring Rules
Lions of the North (Despots)
- 1000 pts for each Conqueror Objective Pair held. A Despot is considered to hold a Pair if it owns at least one objective from the pair, and no other Despot holds the other.
- 1000 pts for owning at least one Imperial Objective while no other Despot holds any other Imperial Objective.
- 200 x (DotF Rank) pts for holding a DotF (Defender of the Faith) title.
- 100 pts for each Imperial province owned if the player is not the Emperor of a member of the HRE. These provinces must be owned directly and not through subjects.
- 1000 x (Imperial Legitimacy) pts if the players is the Emperor of the HRE. Imperial Legitimacy is described below under the Princes.
- 200 pts for each Flagship you own.
Princes of the Hanse (Princes)
All score for the Princes is multiplied by Imperial Legitimacy. Imperial Legitimacy is a percentage equal to (Number of Princes in the Holy Roman Empire x 2). At game start this is equal to 156% (78 x 2) (cooperative objective).
- 200 pts for each each Imperial or Conqueror Objective that is a Free City, Trade League Member (not leader), or has the Revolution (cooperative objective).
- 300 pts each for ranking in the top three highest trade power in the Baltic, the Lubeck, the English Channel, or the Wien Trade Nodes. This is increased to 1000 pts if the player holds the highest trade power. If Pirates are within the top three highest Trade Power in the node, Pirate Trade Power counts as trade power for the nation that is the highest contributor to Pirate Trade Power.
- 500 pts for each Trade Good you hold the the Trade Leader position for (have the Trading Bonus).
- 200 pts for each Flagship you own.
Inquisitors of Rome (Bishops)
All score for the Bishops is multiplied by Catholic Legitimacy. Catholic Legitimacy is a percentage equal to (25 x Catholic DotF Rank). At game start this is equal to 125% (25 x 5) (cooperative objective).
- 200 pts for each Imperial or Conqueror Objective that is Catholic (the province, not the owning nation) (cooperative objective).
- 500 pts for each Papal Bull as Controller of the Curia since the previous scoring (by the player's nation or their AI subjects).
- 100 pts per Cardinal owned (by the player's nation or their AI subjects).
- 200 pts for each alliance with one of the following nations as long as the nation is not another Inquisitor: the Papal States, the Holy Roman Emperor, an Elector of the HRE, the Catholic Defender of the Faith, and the Curia Controller.
Titles! - The highest scoring player within each starting group will earn a title for their name on the Campaign Player List. A player's starting group cannot change
Top scoring Trader - "Prince of the Hanse"
Top scoring Bishop - "Inquisitor"
Top scoring Despot - "Lion of the North"
Paradox DLC - Actual prizes, provided by Paradox. Each Title-winner will win a prize!
Top scoring Title-winner - Any Paradox DLC on Steam with value $20 (USD) or less
2nd highest scoring Title-winner - Any Paradox DLC on Steam with value $15 (USD) or less
3rd highest scoring Title-winner - Any Paradox DLC on Steam with value $10 (USD) or less
Prestige! - Earn 1 Prestige for your name on the Campaign Player List for participating in the campaign plus 1 Prestige for each player that you place higher than. The highest scoring player will earn an additional 5 Prestige.
Legacy Nstion Selection - Nation selection in a future campaign will go in order of prestige earned in this campaign, except players who received prizes will pick last (in order of final score).
Other Campaign Rules
1. Diplomacy Campaign Rules - Rules to frustrate our most successful players
- The Gametactica campaign mod will make maintaining alliances difficult for Great Powers, forcing them to use other diplomatic options such as Guarantees and Enforce Peace in order to shepherd their sphere of influence.
2. The 30% Treaty Rule - To encourage riskier and shorter wars
In order to encourage more frequent, shorter wars that do not devolve into world-spanning conflicts, we will be using the 30% Rule in this campaign. At any point in a war that the primary aggressor/defender has 30% or more war-score, they may send a peace treaty demanding a white peace or the annexation of one province that they occupy, that is owned by the primary defender/aggressor, and that they share a border with by land or sea, and this peace treaty cannot be refused. To be unrefusable, the treaty must contain no other conditions except a white peace or the annexation of the single province and the province must not be a nation's capital. The sending player may pause the game for this treaty, so that the war-score will not change and the rule can be enforced. For this rule, provinces owned or occupied by non-tributary subjects count as being owned or occupied by their overlord.
3. Home Area Protection - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
Any player who loses their capital Area holdings to another nation will be able to pay a nominal fee to immediately seize the territory back. In this way, each player's starting Area is safe from annexation and players are not allowed to eliminate other players.
4. Endless Player Restart - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
If a player is eliminated by the AI, his starting capital, and all provinces in his capital's area that still have cores of his nation, will be released at the start of the next session as a vassal of the nation that now owns his starting capital province.
5. One-Time Absence Protection - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
During a missed session, a player may invoke protection for their nation one time. Other players may not attack a protected nation, and may not demand any peace terms from their nation if they find themselves at war by other means. Otherwise absent players' nations are not protected in missed sessions and players cannot take advantage of protection after the year 1750 regardless. If a war continues into a player's protected session, his enemies may not demand the ceding/release of land they did not occupy at the start of the protected session, or release nations that do not entirely exist within land they occupied at the start of the protected session, but other treaty terms that have no direct effect on province ownership are allowed in this situation. This protection is ignored in any wars initiated by the protected nation that target another player, so players are responsible for ensuring their nation is passive during their absence in their AI settings. Please inform one of the game hosts anytime before the start of a session if you will be absent and would like to use your protection. Protection may be used if arriving late but not for departing early.
6. Switching to a new Nation
A player may use the vassal release mechanic or colonial nation release mechanic to switch to playing another nation. Protected Areas in the campaign will not be changed. Players may switch nations via any in-game decision available, but their Protected Area will never change.
7. Nation Selection
Selection Order - Nation selection in this campaign will draw from the final rankings of each player's most recent EU4 Gametactica campaign (using the previous rewards description). Excluding recent title-winners (who will be selecting last), all players returning from previous campaigns will be able to to select nations in order of their final ranking descending from top score to lowest score, followed by any new players in a randomly determined order, followed by recent title-winners in order of final ranking. A player who has played in earlier campaigns but did not participate in the most recent campaign will be allowed to use the final ranking of their latest campaign to determine their selection placement, and will be placed directly behind the player of equivalent ranking from the most recent campaign. Any players who missed more than 50% of sessions in their last campaign will not pick according to score and will be placed at the end of the selection order in a random ranking determined by d100. A roll of 80 or higher will also place them before the 'title-winner' group, just to make things a bit less predictable.
Imbalance - Obviously, even within tiers, the nation choices are imbalanced in strength, making earlier selection positions very valuable for grabbing the "best" nations in any one tier. The choices available have been selected to allow each player good opportunities to use diplomacy and intrigue to compensate for any lacking in raw military or economic might. Any viewing of the previous campaign final rankings should be sufficient evidence to support the fact that starting nation strength does not predict final ranking.
Hidden Nations - Once any tier has had all available nations claimed, any Hidden nations in that tier will become available for selection, with possibly drastic changes to that tier's balance of power. This means that these secret nations will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks and that some unfortunate players may be be forced to select a lone available nation before more hidden nations become available. These new nations could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a tier is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is not permitted to select one of these secret nations if any other choice is available.
8. Discord War Camps - Public channels for private coordination
Please do not enter occupied War Camp channels unless invited by an occupant. These channels are available for both plotting in peacetime and coordination during wartime. Refusing to respect War Camp privacy will lead to being kicked from the Discord.
- The Gametactica campaign mod will make maintaining alliances difficult for Great Powers, forcing them to use other diplomatic options such as Guarantees and Enforce Peace in order to shepherd their sphere of influence.
2. The 30% Treaty Rule - To encourage riskier and shorter wars
In order to encourage more frequent, shorter wars that do not devolve into world-spanning conflicts, we will be using the 30% Rule in this campaign. At any point in a war that the primary aggressor/defender has 30% or more war-score, they may send a peace treaty demanding a white peace or the annexation of one province that they occupy, that is owned by the primary defender/aggressor, and that they share a border with by land or sea, and this peace treaty cannot be refused. To be unrefusable, the treaty must contain no other conditions except a white peace or the annexation of the single province and the province must not be a nation's capital. The sending player may pause the game for this treaty, so that the war-score will not change and the rule can be enforced. For this rule, provinces owned or occupied by non-tributary subjects count as being owned or occupied by their overlord.
3. Home Area Protection - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
Any player who loses their capital Area holdings to another nation will be able to pay a nominal fee to immediately seize the territory back. In this way, each player's starting Area is safe from annexation and players are not allowed to eliminate other players.
4. Endless Player Restart - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
If a player is eliminated by the AI, his starting capital, and all provinces in his capital's area that still have cores of his nation, will be released at the start of the next session as a vassal of the nation that now owns his starting capital province.
5. One-Time Absence Protection - Protection rules to maintain a minimal power base of every player.
During a missed session, a player may invoke protection for their nation one time. Other players may not attack a protected nation, and may not demand any peace terms from their nation if they find themselves at war by other means. Otherwise absent players' nations are not protected in missed sessions and players cannot take advantage of protection after the year 1750 regardless. If a war continues into a player's protected session, his enemies may not demand the ceding/release of land they did not occupy at the start of the protected session, or release nations that do not entirely exist within land they occupied at the start of the protected session, but other treaty terms that have no direct effect on province ownership are allowed in this situation. This protection is ignored in any wars initiated by the protected nation that target another player, so players are responsible for ensuring their nation is passive during their absence in their AI settings. Please inform one of the game hosts anytime before the start of a session if you will be absent and would like to use your protection. Protection may be used if arriving late but not for departing early.
6. Switching to a new Nation
A player may use the vassal release mechanic or colonial nation release mechanic to switch to playing another nation. Protected Areas in the campaign will not be changed. Players may switch nations via any in-game decision available, but their Protected Area will never change.
7. Nation Selection
Selection Order - Nation selection in this campaign will draw from the final rankings of each player's most recent EU4 Gametactica campaign (using the previous rewards description). Excluding recent title-winners (who will be selecting last), all players returning from previous campaigns will be able to to select nations in order of their final ranking descending from top score to lowest score, followed by any new players in a randomly determined order, followed by recent title-winners in order of final ranking. A player who has played in earlier campaigns but did not participate in the most recent campaign will be allowed to use the final ranking of their latest campaign to determine their selection placement, and will be placed directly behind the player of equivalent ranking from the most recent campaign. Any players who missed more than 50% of sessions in their last campaign will not pick according to score and will be placed at the end of the selection order in a random ranking determined by d100. A roll of 80 or higher will also place them before the 'title-winner' group, just to make things a bit less predictable.
Imbalance - Obviously, even within tiers, the nation choices are imbalanced in strength, making earlier selection positions very valuable for grabbing the "best" nations in any one tier. The choices available have been selected to allow each player good opportunities to use diplomacy and intrigue to compensate for any lacking in raw military or economic might. Any viewing of the previous campaign final rankings should be sufficient evidence to support the fact that starting nation strength does not predict final ranking.
Hidden Nations - Once any tier has had all available nations claimed, any Hidden nations in that tier will become available for selection, with possibly drastic changes to that tier's balance of power. This means that these secret nations will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks and that some unfortunate players may be be forced to select a lone available nation before more hidden nations become available. These new nations could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a tier is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is not permitted to select one of these secret nations if any other choice is available.
8. Discord War Camps - Public channels for private coordination
Please do not enter occupied War Camp channels unless invited by an occupant. These channels are available for both plotting in peacetime and coordination during wartime. Refusing to respect War Camp privacy will lead to being kicked from the Discord.
Nation Selection
Selection Order - Nation selection in this campaign will draw from the final rankings of each player's most recent Gametactica campaign (using the previous rewards description). Excluding recent title-winners (who will be selecting last), all players returning from previous campaigns will be able to to select nations in order of their final ranking descending from top score to lowest score, followed by any new players in a randomly determined order, followed by recent title-winners in order of final ranking. A player who has played in earlier campaigns but did not participate in the most recent campaign will be allowed to use the final ranking of their latest campaign to determine their selection placement, and will be placed directly behind the player of equivalent ranking from the most recent campaign. Any players who missed more than 50% of sessions in their last campaign will not pick according to score and will be placed in the random pool with new players.
Hidden Nations - Once any tier has had all available nations claimed, any Hidden nations in that tier will become available for selection, with possibly drastic changes to that tier's balance of power. This means that these secret nations will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks and that some unfortunate players may be be forced to select a lone available nation before more hidden nations become available. These new nations could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a tier is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is not permitted to select one of these secret nations if any other choice is available.
Prestige Awards - Accumulated by participating in Gametactica campaigns, Prestige can be "spent" during Nation Selection to allow for certain alternative options or gain a certain bonus. A player can never purchase any of the below benefits more than once during a nation selection session, but may purchase multiple benefits. Prestige can be used in the following ways:
Cadet Branch - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation (can declare after selecting a nation and before 1st session with host permission but a player who has already selected a nation should not change nations). Cadet Branches are designed for players who are introducing another player to the game or Gametactica and wish to play on a team with them for the entire campaign. A player that has already selected a nation cannot switch to playing a Cadet Branch nation, so please ensure that the intended Cadet Branch player is not a Confirmed Player included in the nation selection list.
Founding a Cadet Branch nation - A player who founds a Cadet Branch chooses a subject that can be released by his nation, a current subject, a current AI trade league member, or a AI federation member to be the Cadet Branch. The Cadet Branch cannot be a Personal Union or Tributary subject or a trade league leader. The Cadet Branch cannot share a protected area with another player or an objective province. In cases where the founding nation does not have a possible option for the Cadet Branch, the founding can be deferred until later in the game when the founding nation can meet the criteria for a Cadet Branch. Both players may play the same nation until a suitable nation can be released. The Cadet Branch nation is an additional nation added to the campaign and will be added to the same group or tier as the founding nation/player. The player that will play as the Cadet Branch must be designated before nation selection begins and will not be included in the nation selection list. The Cadet Branch nation does not have to be decided during nation selection but must be determined before the first session.
Playing with a Cadet Branch nation - The Cadet Branch player will be added to the same group as the nation/player that founded it. The Cadet Branch will always give half of any score gained to the nation/player that founded it, similar to score gained through a subject. Though it will start as a subject, trade league member, or federation member, there is no requirement for the Cadet Branch to maintain any specific relationship with the founding nation.
Espionage - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation. The player using Espionage selects one nation group that still has Hidden nations. The host will then reveal to that player what the Hidden nations in that group will be. This does not allow the choosing player to actually select any of the Hidden nations.
Usurper - 50 Prestige - Declared before nation selection officially begins. The player using Usurper will advance in the selection order by 1. This can be effectively nullified by the passed-over player also using Usurper.
Mandate - 60 Prestige - Declared before nation selection officially begins. The player using Mandate selects one nation group. If at any point only one nation remains available for selection in that group, it will be automatically assigned to the purchasing player. Only up to two players may purchase Mandate before nation selection begins and may not choose the same nation group. If more than two players wish to purchase Mandate or two players want to specify the same group, players will be prioritized based on earliest position in the starting selection order.
Enlightenment - 100 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation. The player using Enlightenment selects one nation group that still has Hidden nations. The Hidden nations of that group will be immediately revealed and become available for selection by any player. If any other player has used Enlightenment during this campaign's nation selection, Enlightenment cannot be purchased (only one use by one player per nation selection). The campaign designer may not use this Award.
Imbalance - Obviously, even within nation groups, the nation choices are imbalanced in strength, making earlier selection positions very valuable for grabbing the "best" nations in any one tier. The choices available have been selected to allow each player good opportunities to use diplomacy and intrigue to compensate for any lacking in raw military or economic might. Any viewing of the previous campaign final rankings should be sufficient evidence to support the fact that starting nation strength does not predict final ranking.
Hidden Nations - Once any tier has had all available nations claimed, any Hidden nations in that tier will become available for selection, with possibly drastic changes to that tier's balance of power. This means that these secret nations will be impossible to pick by those with the earliest picks and that some unfortunate players may be be forced to select a lone available nation before more hidden nations become available. These new nations could be of major or insignificant power, may not appear at all if a tier is left unfinished, and will likely be great sources of hope and disappointment for those stuck with the last picks. The campaign designer(s) is not permitted to select one of these secret nations if any other choice is available.
Prestige Awards - Accumulated by participating in Gametactica campaigns, Prestige can be "spent" during Nation Selection to allow for certain alternative options or gain a certain bonus. A player can never purchase any of the below benefits more than once during a nation selection session, but may purchase multiple benefits. Prestige can be used in the following ways:
Cadet Branch - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation (can declare after selecting a nation and before 1st session with host permission but a player who has already selected a nation should not change nations). Cadet Branches are designed for players who are introducing another player to the game or Gametactica and wish to play on a team with them for the entire campaign. A player that has already selected a nation cannot switch to playing a Cadet Branch nation, so please ensure that the intended Cadet Branch player is not a Confirmed Player included in the nation selection list.
Founding a Cadet Branch nation - A player who founds a Cadet Branch chooses a subject that can be released by his nation, a current subject, a current AI trade league member, or a AI federation member to be the Cadet Branch. The Cadet Branch cannot be a Personal Union or Tributary subject or a trade league leader. The Cadet Branch cannot share a protected area with another player or an objective province. In cases where the founding nation does not have a possible option for the Cadet Branch, the founding can be deferred until later in the game when the founding nation can meet the criteria for a Cadet Branch. Both players may play the same nation until a suitable nation can be released. The Cadet Branch nation is an additional nation added to the campaign and will be added to the same group or tier as the founding nation/player. The player that will play as the Cadet Branch must be designated before nation selection begins and will not be included in the nation selection list. The Cadet Branch nation does not have to be decided during nation selection but must be determined before the first session.
Playing with a Cadet Branch nation - The Cadet Branch player will be added to the same group as the nation/player that founded it. The Cadet Branch will always give half of any score gained to the nation/player that founded it, similar to score gained through a subject. Though it will start as a subject, trade league member, or federation member, there is no requirement for the Cadet Branch to maintain any specific relationship with the founding nation.
Espionage - 30 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation. The player using Espionage selects one nation group that still has Hidden nations. The host will then reveal to that player what the Hidden nations in that group will be. This does not allow the choosing player to actually select any of the Hidden nations.
Usurper - 50 Prestige - Declared before nation selection officially begins. The player using Usurper will advance in the selection order by 1. This can be effectively nullified by the passed-over player also using Usurper.
Mandate - 60 Prestige - Declared before nation selection officially begins. The player using Mandate selects one nation group. If at any point only one nation remains available for selection in that group, it will be automatically assigned to the purchasing player. Only up to two players may purchase Mandate before nation selection begins and may not choose the same nation group. If more than two players wish to purchase Mandate or two players want to specify the same group, players will be prioritized based on earliest position in the starting selection order.
Enlightenment - 100 Prestige - Declared while selecting a nation. The player using Enlightenment selects one nation group that still has Hidden nations. The Hidden nations of that group will be immediately revealed and become available for selection by any player. If any other player has used Enlightenment during this campaign's nation selection, Enlightenment cannot be purchased (only one use by one player per nation selection). The campaign designer may not use this Award.
Imbalance - Obviously, even within nation groups, the nation choices are imbalanced in strength, making earlier selection positions very valuable for grabbing the "best" nations in any one tier. The choices available have been selected to allow each player good opportunities to use diplomacy and intrigue to compensate for any lacking in raw military or economic might. Any viewing of the previous campaign final rankings should be sufficient evidence to support the fact that starting nation strength does not predict final ranking.
The nations available are listed below, in order of most desirable starting conditions within each grouping.
The Hidden nations for each group will be revealed when all other nations in the group have been selected or if any player only has a single nation to choose from during his turn.
The Hidden nations for each group will be revealed when all other nations in the group have been selected or if any player only has a single nation to choose from during his turn.
Inquisitors of Rome (Bishops)
Cologne - dr. decoy Livonian Order - official mr. scruff/Brad Magdeburg - bottech Liege - bbaron Danzig - weldo |
Lions of the North (Despots)
England - moneymaker/Braxton Denmark - badis Bohemia - William Burgundy - ekcrbe/Erik Norway - stanley Scotland - iron/Brian Brittany |
Princes of the Hanse (Traders)
Novgorod - lookatall/Blake Hamburg - morosaurus Friesland - blyatt/Wyatt Gotland - queen of hatred Flanders - too374 Glogow - diipy Clanricarde - cycoboy |
Imperial Objectives
Osel Rugen Bremen Dortmund Amsterdam |
Conqueror Objectives
(8 objectives, 4 Pairs) Konigsberg - Neva (Baltic Sea) York - Lubeck (North Sea) Paris - Krakow (Inland Europe) Honniasont - Osheaga (New World, not shown) |
Starting Statistics
Inquisitors of Rome (Bishops)
The Catholic Faith is a dominating institute in the politics of the Holy Roman Empire, with greater direct political control than in other European realms. The bishops of the Empire are wealthy and can field armies loyal to the church instead of to the nobility, and this power has spread with the success of the German crusades against the pagans of Prussia and Lithuania. The rise of the Ottomans has proven Christian leadership in the south to be feeble and ineffective, and now the German states appear to be the center of Christian power outside Rome. However, as the church tightens its control over society in the Holy Roman Empire, tolerance of divergent ideas and traditions is decreasing and those who disagree with the status quo are frequently resorting to rebellion against their masters. The wise rulers of the Church of Rome know that strength lies in unity, and the continued prosperity of the Holy Roman Empire is dependent on a unified faith for its people. Those who serve the true faith must use both diplomacy and force to prevent the emerging fractures in Catholicism from breaking the faith's hold on temporal power.
The Archbishopric of Cologne - Archbishop-Elector Dietrich II von Mors
- Starting Development: 27
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
The Livonian Order - Landmeister Heinrich Vincke
- Starting Development: 58
- Provinces: 9
- Fort Level: 5
The Archbishopric of Magdeburg - Bishop Gunther II
- Starting Development: 17
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 3
The Bishopric of Liege - Bishop Jean VIII
- Starting Development: 27
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 3
The Bishopric of Danzig - Bishop Franz Joseph
- Starting Development: 16
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassal of the Teutonic Order
The Archbishopric of Cologne - Archbishop-Elector Dietrich II von Mors
- Starting Development: 27
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
The Livonian Order - Landmeister Heinrich Vincke
- Starting Development: 58
- Provinces: 9
- Fort Level: 5
The Archbishopric of Magdeburg - Bishop Gunther II
- Starting Development: 17
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 3
The Bishopric of Liege - Bishop Jean VIII
- Starting Development: 27
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 3
The Bishopric of Danzig - Bishop Franz Joseph
- Starting Development: 16
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassal of the Teutonic Order
Lions of the North (Despots)
The lands north of the Holy Roman Empire are no longer ruled by heathen warlords that could be ignored by the civilized South. Now the region is home to powerful kingdoms that have consolidated the warring cultures and established professional armies, merchant fleets, and dynamic institutions that promise to lead Europe into the next age. Now these nations are poised to challenge the decadent powers of central Europe and, in a turn of the tables, exploit their decentralized governments, but overlapping spheres of influence will ensure conflict and competition between the northern powers, and not all will prosper equally. Dominance of Europe and the northern seas is not likely to fall simply to the largest nation, but will require identification of the ripest opportunities, flexibility to work with the most logical allies, and creativity for breaking away from historical conventions. At the end of the day, however, a lion cannot survive without its teeth.
The Kingdom of England - King Henry VI Lancaster
- Starting Development: 338
- Provinces: 40
- Fort Level: 13
The Kingdom of Denmark - Arch-King Christopher III von Wittelsbach
- Starting Development: 118
- Provinces: 12
- Fort Level: 7
- Personal Unions: Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Norway (203 development)
- Vassals: Holstein (21 development)
The Kingdom of Bohemia - Landfriedens
- Starting Development: 119
- Provinces: 14
- Fort Level: 5
- Vassals: Glogow, Opole (48 development)
The Duchy of Burgundy - Duke Philippe III de Bourgogne
- Starting Development: 147
- Provinces: 11
- Fort Level: 11
- Personal Unions: Flanders, Holland, Brabant (140 development)
- Vassals: Nevers (27 development)
The Kingdom of Norway - Arch-King Christopher III von Wittelsbach
- Starting Development: 84
- Provinces: 18
- Fort Level: 3
- Personal Union under the Kingdom of Denmark
The Kingdom of Scotland - King James II Stuart
- Starting Development: 79
- Provinces: 9
- Fort Level: 3
- Vassals: The Isles (6 development)
The Duchy of Brittany - Duke Francois de Dreux
- Starting Development: 55
- Provinces: 5
- Fort Level: 3
The Kingdom of England - King Henry VI Lancaster
- Starting Development: 338
- Provinces: 40
- Fort Level: 13
The Kingdom of Denmark - Arch-King Christopher III von Wittelsbach
- Starting Development: 118
- Provinces: 12
- Fort Level: 7
- Personal Unions: Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Norway (203 development)
- Vassals: Holstein (21 development)
The Kingdom of Bohemia - Landfriedens
- Starting Development: 119
- Provinces: 14
- Fort Level: 5
- Vassals: Glogow, Opole (48 development)
The Duchy of Burgundy - Duke Philippe III de Bourgogne
- Starting Development: 147
- Provinces: 11
- Fort Level: 11
- Personal Unions: Flanders, Holland, Brabant (140 development)
- Vassals: Nevers (27 development)
The Kingdom of Norway - Arch-King Christopher III von Wittelsbach
- Starting Development: 84
- Provinces: 18
- Fort Level: 3
- Personal Union under the Kingdom of Denmark
The Kingdom of Scotland - King James II Stuart
- Starting Development: 79
- Provinces: 9
- Fort Level: 3
- Vassals: The Isles (6 development)
The Duchy of Brittany - Duke Francois de Dreux
- Starting Development: 55
- Provinces: 5
- Fort Level: 3
Princes of the Hanse (Traders)
Using strategic monopolies and collective defense, the Hanseatic League has succeeded in dominating the trade along the seas of northern Europe for two hundred years, placing great power in the hands of city councils and guild leaders instead of the local crowns. Well aware of this, the monarchs of the north and the Catholic church have begun to steadily eroded the League's hold on institutions, trade routes, and public opinion whenever possible. Though the League has no central administration, the city of Lubeck is currently its leading voice and is sure to face significant challenges defending its role in the near future. If the northern seas are not to become the property of kings and emperors, other trade cities will need to step forward to lead the defense and collect the gold.
The Republic of Novgorod - Posadnik Evfimy II
- Starting Development: 131
- Provinces: 22
- Fort Level: 5
The Free City of Hamburg - Stadtrat
- Starting Development: 19
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
The Republic of Friesland - Fryske Frijheid
- Starting Development: 24
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
The Duchy of Gotland - Duke Eric VII Gryf
- Starting Development: 10
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
The Duchy of Flanders - Duke Philippe III de Bourgogne
- Starting Development: 42
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
- Personal Union under the Duchy of Burgundy
The County of Glogow - Count Jan Piast
- Starting Development: 19
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassal under the Kingdom of Bohemia
The Kingdom of Clanricarde - King Ulick Burke
- Starting Development: 6
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 1
The Republic of Novgorod - Posadnik Evfimy II
- Starting Development: 131
- Provinces: 22
- Fort Level: 5
The Free City of Hamburg - Stadtrat
- Starting Development: 19
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
The Republic of Friesland - Fryske Frijheid
- Starting Development: 24
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
The Duchy of Gotland - Duke Eric VII Gryf
- Starting Development: 10
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 3
The Duchy of Flanders - Duke Philippe III de Bourgogne
- Starting Development: 42
- Provinces: 3
- Fort Level: 3
- Personal Union under the Duchy of Burgundy
The County of Glogow - Count Jan Piast
- Starting Development: 19
- Provinces: 2
- Fort Level: 1
- Vassal under the Kingdom of Bohemia
The Kingdom of Clanricarde - King Ulick Burke
- Starting Development: 6
- Provinces: 1
- Fort Level: 1
Session 1 - 1444-1489
Archbishopric of Liege Order of Danzig Archbishopric of Cologne Livonian Order Archbishopric of Saxony Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia Duchy of Burgundy Republic of Gotland Kingdom of England Republic of Hamburg Republic of Friesland Duchy of Flanders Republic of Novgorod Duchy of Glogow Kingdom of Clanricarde Kingdom of Denmark Kingdom of Norway Duchy of Scotland |
5250 5250 5125 5000 5000 4580 3200 2768 2200 1806 1806 1806 1548 1032 1032 400 200 |
5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 2000 1032 2000 1032 1032 1032 1032 1032 1032 |
250 125 2580 1200 1220 774 774 774 200 |
400 2000 |
516 200 516 400 |
200 -200 |
Score 1 - 1465
Coronation of Emperor Jiri z Podebrad - Age of Discovery
Coronation of Emperor Jiri z Podebrad - Age of Discovery
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Wolgast Bremen - Free City of Bremen Dortmund - Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Lubeck Paris - France Krakow - Poland Honniasont - Erie Osheaga - Osheaga |
Trade Power
(top three) Lubeck Denmark Lubeck Hamburg English Channel England Flanders Friesland Baltic Danzig Lubeck Sweden Wien Venice Austria Bohemia |
Score 2 - 1489
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav V z Podebrad - Age of Discovery
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav V z Podebrad - Age of Discovery
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Wolgast Bremen - Free City of Bremen Dortmund - Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Lubeck Paris - France Krakow - Poland Honniasont - Erie Osheaga - Osheaga |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Gotland Danzig Sweden Lubeck Denmark Lubeck Hamburg English Channel England Friesland Flanders Wien Venice Austria Bohemia |
Session 2 - 1489-1523
Order of Danzig Archbishopric of Liege Archbishopric of Cologne Livonian Order Archbishopric of Saxony Duchy of Burgundy Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia Republic of Gotland Republic of Hamburg Kingdom of England Republic of Friesland Republic of Novgorod Kingdom of Clanricarde Duchy of Flanders Duchy of Glogow Duchy of Scotland Kingdom of Norway Kingdom of Denmark |
13850 13450 13125 13000 13000 11200 8820 8048 7086 7000 6126 5388 4872 4686 3912 800 600 400 |
8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 2880 2880 4000 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 |
200 200 4240 1440 1440 1440 |
400 |
960 960 800 960 960 800 400 |
Score 1 - 1513
Coronation of Emperor Karel VI z Podebrad - Age of Reformation
Coronation of Emperor Karel VI z Podebrad - Age of Reformation
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Gotland Bremen - Free City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Lubeck Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Glogow Honniasont - Erie Osheaga - Osheaga |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Danzig Gotland Lubeck Lubeck Denmark Lubeck Hamburg English Channel England Friesland Holland Wien Venice Austria Bohemia |
Score 2 - 1523
Coronation of Emperor Otakar IV z Podebrad - Age of Reformation
Coronation of Emperor Otakar IV z Podebrad - Age of Reformation
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Gotland Bremen - Free City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Lubeck Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Glogow Honniasont - Erie Osheaga - Osheaga |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Danzig Gotland Livonian Order Lubeck Denmark Lubeck Hamburg English Channel England Friesland Holland Wien Venice Bohemia Austria |
Session 3 - 1523-1567
Archbishopric of Saxony Order of Danzig Archbishopric of Liege Bishopric of Westphalia Bishopric of Livonia Duchy of Burgundy Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia Republic of Hamburg Kingdom of England Republic of Friesland Republic of Novgorod Republic of Gotland Kingdom of Clanricarde Duchy of Flanders Duchy of Glogow Duchy of Scotland Duchy of New Norway Kingdom of Denmark |
18000 17600 16950 16125 16000 15200 13220 9726 9600 8286 8048 6828 6312 6126 5352 1000 1000 400 |
3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 4000 2400 1440 2000 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 |
1500 250 720 720 |
500 500 500 2000 |
480 400 480 200 400 |
200 -200 |
Score 1 - 1558
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav VI z Podebrad - Age of Reformation
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav VI z Podebrad - Age of Reformation
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Trade City of Rugen Bremen - Free City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Lubeck Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Glogow Honniasont - Erie Osheaga - Osheaga |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Danzig Livonian Order Denmark Lubeck Denmark Lubeck Hamburg English Channel England Friesland Flanders Wien Venice Austria Bohemia |
Session 4 - 1567-1611
Order of Danzig Archbishopric of Saxony Duchy of Burgundy Archbishopric of Liege Bishopric of the Livonians Bishopric of Westphalia Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia Kingdom of England Republic of Hamburg Republic of Friesland G. Republic of Russia Duchy of Flanders Kingdom of Clanricarde Republic of Gotland Duchy of Glogow Duchy of Scotland Duchy of New Norway Kingdom of Denmark |
22600 21750 19600 19450 18250 18125 17460 14400 14206 11198 10288 9038 8104 8060 7144 3200 1000 400 |
2000 2000 4000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1792 1792 1792 1792 1792 1792 1792 2000 |
750 1750 250 2240 2240 672 672 672 |
1000 500 500 2000 1200 |
1250 400 400 448 448 448 448 400 |
1200 -1232 -1200 |
Score 1 - 1600
Coronation of Emperess Katerina z Podebrad - Age of Reformation
Coronation of Emperess Katerina z Podebrad - Age of Reformation
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Trade City of Rugen Bremen -Free City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Danzig Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Glogow Honniasont - Erie Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Danzig Livonian Order Gotland Lubeck Hamburg Denmark Bremen English Channel England Friesland Flanders Wien Venice Bohemia Salzburg |
Session 5 - 1631-1657
Order of Danzig Archbishopric of Saxony Duchy of Burgundy Kingdom of England Archbishopric of Liege Bishopric of the Livonians Bishopric of Westphalia Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia Republic of Hamburg G. Republic of Russia Duchy of Flanders Republic of Friesland Kingdom of Clanricarde Republic of Gotland Duchy of Glogow Duchy of Scotland Duchy of New Norway Kingdom of Denmark |
39469 37800 31600 30000 28900 27625 26225 24684 22714 20200 19958 17330 12184 10796 9880 6800 1000 400 |
8100 8100 6000 6000 8100 8100 8100 3480 4080 4080 4080 4080 4080 4080 4080 7200 |
4725 4725 600 675 3060 1044 2052 2052 |
2700 1350 4800 4200 1350 600 2400 3420 3420 |
1875 1200 1200 1368 1368 1368 |
1344 3600 1344 -1344 -1344 -3600 |
Score 1 - 1631
Coronation of Emperor Jan I z Podebrad - Age of Age of Absolutism
Coronation of Emperor Jan I z Podebrad - Age of Age of Absolutism
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Rugen Bremen - Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Danzig Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Erie Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Danzig Russia Livonian Order Lubeck Denmark Hamburg Bremen English Channel England Friesland Flanders Wien Venice Bohemia Konstanz |
Score 2 - 1654
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav VII z Podebrad - Age of Absolutism
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav VII z Podebrad - Age of Absolutism
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Trade City of Rugen Bremen -Free City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Danzig Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Erie Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Danzig Hamburg Livonian Order Lubeck Denmark Hamburg England English Channel England Friesland Flanders Wien Venice Bohemia Konstanz |
Session 6 - 1657-1706
Order of Danzig Archbishopric of Saxony Kingdom of England U. Provinces of Burgundy Bishopric of the Livonians Archbishopric of Liege Bishopric of Westphalia G. Republic of Russia Republic of Hamburg Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia Kingdom of Flanders Republic of Friesland Kingdom of Clanricarde Duchy of Gotland Duchy of Glogow Duchy of Scotland Kingdom of New Norway Kingdom of Denmark |
47089 44100 39300 37600 34825 32500 31925 31090 29314 29304 29198 21620 14824 12116 11200 9500 1000 400 |
3600 3600 3000 3000 3600 3600 3600 2640 2640 2640 2640 2640 2640 2640 3000 |
2100 2100 1500 900 1500 4290 3300 3300 990 990 |
600 600 2400 2400 1200 600 3300 4950 |
600 600 1500 660 660 660 660 600 |
1320 1800 1320 -1320 -1320 -1800 |
Score 1 - 1695
Coronation of Emperor Otakar V z Podebrad - Age of Absolutism
Coronation of Emperor Otakar V z Podebrad - Age of Absolutism
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Free City of Rugen Bremen -Trade City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Danzig Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Wenro Federation Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Russia Danzig Livonian Order Lubeck Hamburg Denmark Russia English Channel England Friesland Flanders Wien Venice Bohemia Austria |
Session 7 - 1706-1749
Kingdom of Flanders Order of Danzig Kingdom of England Archbishopric of Saxony G. Republic of Russia Bishopric of the Livonians Republic of Hamburg Bishopric of Westphalia U. Provinces of Burgundy Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia Archbishopric of Liege Republic of Friesland Duchy of Scotland Kingdom of Clanricarde County of Gotland Duchy of Glogow Kingdom of New Norway Kingdom of Denmark |
74906 67153 66500 63700 60778 54025 51154 49125 45600 44848 37000 29612 15900 14824 14780 13864 1000 400 |
5328 9000 8000 9000 5328 9000 5328 9000 9000 5328 8000 5328 5328 |
2664 5600 6400 7800 6984 4100 14736 5600 8880 2664 3200 |
31440 2800 4800 2800 15600 1600 2600 6400 4000 |
1776 1600 1776 4500 1776 1600 1600 |
4500 2664 6400 2664 -4500 -6400 -2664 -2664 |
Score 1 - 1717
Coronation of Emperor Vratislav IV z Podebrad - Age of Revolutions
Coronation of Emperor Vratislav IV z Podebrad - Age of Revolutions
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Scotland Bremen -Trade City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Danzig Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Wenro Federation Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Russia Danzig Hamburg Lubeck Hamburg Denmark Russia English Channel England Friesland Flanders Wien Bohemia Venice Ingolstadt |
Score 2 - 1748
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav VIII z Podebrad - Age of Revolutions
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav VIII z Podebrad - Age of Revolutions
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Scotland Bremen -Trade City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Danzig Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Wenro Federation Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Hamburg Russia Danzig Lubeck Hamburg Denmark Lubeck English Channel England Friesland Flanders Wien Bohemia Ingolstadt Venice |
Session 8 - 1749-1790
Kingdom of Flanders G. Republic of Russia Kingdom of England Archbishopric of Saxony Order of Danzig Bishopric of the Livonians Republic of Hamburg Bishopric of Westphalia Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia U. Provinces of Burgundy Archbishopric of Liege Republic of Friesland Duchy of Scotland County of Gotland Duchy of Glogow Kingdom of Clanricarde Kingdom of New Norway Kingdom of Denmark |
166882 128362 109700 89300 84553 79225 76090 73925 63256 55200 42600 42356 25500 19028 18112 14824 1000 400 |
8496 8496 12000 11200 11200 11200 8496 11200 11200 8496 12000 8496 8496 |
4248 21768 9600 12600 4200 7400 13608 10800 14160 4248 4800 |
70800 28320 9600 1800 2000 6600 2800 9600 |
2832 4752 2400 2832 2400 |
5600 4248 9600 4248 -5600 -9600 -4248 -4248 |
Score 1 - 1758
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav IX z Podebrad - Age of Revolutions
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav IX z Podebrad - Age of Revolutions
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Scotland Bremen -Trade City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Danzig Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Wenro Federation Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Russia Hamburg Danzig Lubeck Hamburg Russia Denmark English Channel England Friesland Flanders Wien Bohemia Venice Saxony |
Score 2 - 1766
Coronation of Emperess Marie Waldstein - Age of Revolutions
Coronation of Emperess Marie Waldstein - Age of Revolutions
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Scotland Bremen -Trade City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Danzig Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Wenro Federation Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Russia Danzig Hamburg Lubeck Hamburg Russia Denmark English Channel England Flanders Friesland Wien Bohemia Saxony Venice |
Score 3 - 1775
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav X Waldstein - Age of Revolutions
Coronation of Emperor Vaclav X Waldstein - Age of Revolutions
(yellow if Catholic) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Scotland Bremen -Trade City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Burgundy Conqueror Konigsberg - Danzig Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Danzig Paris - Burgundy Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Wenro Federation Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Russia Danzig Livonian Order Lubeck Russia Hamburg Denmark English Channel England Flanders Friesland Wien Bohemia Saxony Venice |
Session 9 - 1790-1821
G. Republic of the Netherlands G. Republic of Russia Kingdom of England Archbishopric of Saxony Republic of Hamburg Imp. Kingdom of Bohemia Order of Danzig Bishopric of Westphalia Bishopric of the Livonians Rev. Republic of Friesland Rev. Republic of Burgundy Kingdom of Scotland Rev. Republic of Liege Kingdom of Clanricarde County of Gotland Duchy of Glogow Kingdom of New Norway Kingdom of Denmark |
242874 191774 128900 109800 99162 96552 91353 89125 83725 57748 56800 48700 45600 30216 26724 26008 1000 400 |
15392 15392 4000 6000 15392 8000 6000 6000 6000 15392 16000 6000 15392 15392 15392 |
7680 15784 7200 12500 5760 9600 800 6000 3200 |
48000 19200 6400 2000 8000 3200 2400 |
1920 3840 1600 1920 1600 1600 |
3000 9196 7696 -1500 -3000 -7696 -7696 |
Score 1 - 1810
Coronation of Emperor Monke Waldstein - Age of Revolutions
Coronation of Emperor Monke Waldstein - Age of Revolutions
(yellow if Catholic) (underline if revolutionary) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Scotland Bremen -Trade City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Netherlands Conqueror Konigsberg - Russia Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Livonian Order Paris - Bohemia Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Wenro Federation Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Russia Hamburg Danzig Lubeck Russia Hamburg Denmark English Channel England Netherlands Friesland Wien Saxony Bohemia Venice |
Score 2 - 1821
Finale - Age of Revolutions
Finale - Age of Revolutions
(yellow if Catholic) (underline if revolutionary) Imperial Osel - Livonian Order Rugen - Scotland Bremen -Trade City of Bremen Dortmund - Free City of Dortmund Amsterdam - Netherlands Conqueror Konigsberg - Russia Neva - Trade City of Neva York - England Lubeck - Bohemia Paris - Bohemia Krakow - Bohemia Honniasont - Wenro Federation Montreal - Scotland |
Trade Power
(top three) Baltic Russia Danzig Hamburg Lubeck Netherlands Hamburg Russia English Channel England Netherlands Spain Wien Saxony Bohemia Venice |
Confirmed PLayers - Selection Order
Legacy Placement - placement determined by ranking in player's latest Europa Universalis campaign
1 - William -
2 - dr. decoy -
3 - bottech - tie - 85
4 - morosaurus - tie - 75
5 - badis - tie
6 - blyatt/Wyatt
7 - moneymaker/Braxton
8 - lookatall/Blake
9 - ekcrbe/Erik - tie - 89
10 - iron/Brian - tie - 82
11 - diipy - tie - 58
12 - queen of hatred
13 - bbaron
14 - official mr. scruff/Brad - tie - 77
15 - weldo - tie
16 -
New Placement - placement determined by join order of this campaign
Title-Winners Penalty Box - placement determined by ranking with winner-penalty applied
1 - stanley
2 - too374
3 - cycoboy
1 - William -
2 - dr. decoy -
3 - bottech - tie - 85
4 - morosaurus - tie - 75
5 - badis - tie
6 - blyatt/Wyatt
7 - moneymaker/Braxton
8 - lookatall/Blake
9 - ekcrbe/Erik - tie - 89
10 - iron/Brian - tie - 82
11 - diipy - tie - 58
12 - queen of hatred
13 - bbaron
14 - official mr. scruff/Brad - tie - 77
15 - weldo - tie
16 -
New Placement - placement determined by join order of this campaign
Title-Winners Penalty Box - placement determined by ranking with winner-penalty applied
1 - stanley
2 - too374
3 - cycoboy