Strength: 4
Toughness: 3 Agility: 4 |
Intelligence: 3
Willpower: 3 Fellowship: 2 |
Wounds: 11
Conservative Stance: 2 Reckless Stance: 2 |
Skills (Specializations)
Coordination + Stealth + Weapon Skill + Nature Lore + |
Footwork Flanking Manoeuvre |
Advanced Actions
Whirling Death Shadow's Coil |
In your dreams you saw the realms of men laboring beneath a growing storm, a man in black armor leading his warriors against his brothers who had chosen to serve the gods of Chaos. You see another man in billowing robes, ignorantly trying to draw down the power of the storm at the joining of two rivers in the shadow of a black peak. Released by the man’s actions the storm grew until it swept them all away, but in the storm something called to you and demanded your attention. Unable to discern the source, you watched helplessly as the storm blasted the human realms to ruin and then swept over the sacred forest of Athel Loren. The home of your people, the Asrai, fared no better than the human realms and was destroyed in turn.
The dream repeated until you finally decided to act upon it. Bladesinger Nesryth suggested that the dream could come from Loec himself and urged you to speak with the Shadowdancer. The Shadowdancer took you into the Dreaming Wood, and there he decided that this particular dream was of grave import but could offer only a little further advice. He declared that Loec, capricious and demanding, jealously guards his secrets and would only answer your questions if you acted on his messages and played his game. You would have to go into the realms of men, learn of their barbaric society, in order to discern what Loec wants to reveal to you.
While not hated like their mutated beastmen kin who invaded and corrupted the forest, you and your fellow wardancers had killed many men during your time protecting the sacred glades. Going into their lands was an intimidating prospect and none of your fellows understood the need. Nesryth warned you that you would be labeled an outcast who had rejected the forest that cared for you, but the warnings in your dreams were far more dire.
After crossing the mountains, you began to travel through the forests of the Empire of Man, an alien landscape where few spirits dwelt in the trees and the animals feared all living beings. In the villages you quickly learned to cover your head and talismanic tattoos with your cloak to avoid drawing crowds of gawkers. More than once you were forced to quickly retreat into the forests as armed men with fear in their eyes attempted to subdue you for no reason you could discern.
You saw no other elves until you reached the city of Altdorf. And while the city’s resident seemed to find you less remarkable, these elves were not like you, and instead it was they who stared at you with surprised interest. You found the city and its dense population extremely uncomfortable and were soon on the road again with no new answers. It was not long after this, outside a small human settlement along the forested river, that the vile beastmen found you and Loec finally sang to you again…a song of blood and battle.
Which of the twelve realms of Athel Loren do you hail from?
Why have you chosen to follow Loec and become a wardancer?
Do you have other contacts within Athel Loren other than your troupe’s Bladesinger and the Shadowdancer, or did you leave on bad terms?
The dream repeated until you finally decided to act upon it. Bladesinger Nesryth suggested that the dream could come from Loec himself and urged you to speak with the Shadowdancer. The Shadowdancer took you into the Dreaming Wood, and there he decided that this particular dream was of grave import but could offer only a little further advice. He declared that Loec, capricious and demanding, jealously guards his secrets and would only answer your questions if you acted on his messages and played his game. You would have to go into the realms of men, learn of their barbaric society, in order to discern what Loec wants to reveal to you.
While not hated like their mutated beastmen kin who invaded and corrupted the forest, you and your fellow wardancers had killed many men during your time protecting the sacred glades. Going into their lands was an intimidating prospect and none of your fellows understood the need. Nesryth warned you that you would be labeled an outcast who had rejected the forest that cared for you, but the warnings in your dreams were far more dire.
After crossing the mountains, you began to travel through the forests of the Empire of Man, an alien landscape where few spirits dwelt in the trees and the animals feared all living beings. In the villages you quickly learned to cover your head and talismanic tattoos with your cloak to avoid drawing crowds of gawkers. More than once you were forced to quickly retreat into the forests as armed men with fear in their eyes attempted to subdue you for no reason you could discern.
You saw no other elves until you reached the city of Altdorf. And while the city’s resident seemed to find you less remarkable, these elves were not like you, and instead it was they who stared at you with surprised interest. You found the city and its dense population extremely uncomfortable and were soon on the road again with no new answers. It was not long after this, outside a small human settlement along the forested river, that the vile beastmen found you and Loec finally sang to you again…a song of blood and battle.
Which of the twelve realms of Athel Loren do you hail from?
Why have you chosen to follow Loec and become a wardancer?
Do you have other contacts within Athel Loren other than your troupe’s Bladesinger and the Shadowdancer, or did you leave on bad terms?