Mission 3 - Desolation of The Dead
++Inquisition Documentum – Archive XR-221-A++
++ Log-Entry 54-00B1++
++Segmentum Obscurus - Sector Askellon - Subsector Rubicon++
++Ignace Sobel++
++Rank: Inquisitor++
++Begin Entry++
The passing of Theodore is devastating. A finer soldier or more stalwart friend I cannot name. He will be sorely missed for there is so much to be done, and always fewer who are up to the task. Though he had little hope in the salvation of mankind, he never retreated from the ramparts and his resourceful talents nevertheless furthered the God-Emperor's designs. I have no doubt, even if he could not see it himself.
I am not pleased to see Lady Castellus taking over his investigations within the Thule sector. I do not doubt her ability, but I am suspicious of what opportunity she sees unfolding on Aventine. Similarly, I must move quicker than I had planned regarding this 'Trade Sable.' Rahmaza has already caught the scent, and it looks like he is intent on running the prey to ground on Desoleum. I would hate to see him waste the opportunities these heretics may present us. I am better equipped to deal with this threat than him and I will gently assert my jurisdiction over this matter. Surely I can convince him that there are other foes, more urgent, and more suited to his set of skills.
Interrogator Criid astutely furnished me with Theodore's investigation records and offered additional resources in the form of a team of agents who appear to have caught Theodore's attention. Criid, a bright agent himself who Theodore had high hopes for, will have to be watched. Although he has had an unlucky career so far, he has displayed admirable skill and faith. I would consider taking him on as my own Interrogator, but that option has not been presented to me.
My only resources on Desoleum at the moment are a single rejected initiate from the Templum Vindicare, a replacement for the disastrous Saint Geronius affair, and Theodore's acolytes, currently in custody of the Ordo Desoleum somewhere in the primary hive. If something interesting arises before I can reach the subsector, I may have to rely on this band. I hope Theodore's judgement has not deteriorated since the war...
++End Entry++
++ Log-Entry 54-00B1++
++Segmentum Obscurus - Sector Askellon - Subsector Rubicon++
++Ignace Sobel++
++Rank: Inquisitor++
++Begin Entry++
The passing of Theodore is devastating. A finer soldier or more stalwart friend I cannot name. He will be sorely missed for there is so much to be done, and always fewer who are up to the task. Though he had little hope in the salvation of mankind, he never retreated from the ramparts and his resourceful talents nevertheless furthered the God-Emperor's designs. I have no doubt, even if he could not see it himself.
I am not pleased to see Lady Castellus taking over his investigations within the Thule sector. I do not doubt her ability, but I am suspicious of what opportunity she sees unfolding on Aventine. Similarly, I must move quicker than I had planned regarding this 'Trade Sable.' Rahmaza has already caught the scent, and it looks like he is intent on running the prey to ground on Desoleum. I would hate to see him waste the opportunities these heretics may present us. I am better equipped to deal with this threat than him and I will gently assert my jurisdiction over this matter. Surely I can convince him that there are other foes, more urgent, and more suited to his set of skills.
Interrogator Criid astutely furnished me with Theodore's investigation records and offered additional resources in the form of a team of agents who appear to have caught Theodore's attention. Criid, a bright agent himself who Theodore had high hopes for, will have to be watched. Although he has had an unlucky career so far, he has displayed admirable skill and faith. I would consider taking him on as my own Interrogator, but that option has not been presented to me.
My only resources on Desoleum at the moment are a single rejected initiate from the Templum Vindicare, a replacement for the disastrous Saint Geronius affair, and Theodore's acolytes, currently in custody of the Ordo Desoleum somewhere in the primary hive. If something interesting arises before I can reach the subsector, I may have to rely on this band. I hope Theodore's judgement has not deteriorated since the war...
++End Entry++
++Inquisition Documentum – Archive XR-221-A++
++ Log-Entry 54-0012++
++Segmentum Obscurus - Sector Askellon - Subsector Cyclopia++
++Ignace Sobel++
++Rank: Inquisitor++
++Begin Entry++
The Trade Sable has proven itself an urgent threat. In the wastes outside of Primus Hive, right under the noses of the Sanctionaries and Ordo Desoleum, the forces of the Immaterium were almost unleashed upon one of Askellon's primary population centers. To what end this Ferrue Fayne hoped to wield this unholy weapon might only become clear with time, but it would undoubtedly have led to great death and destruction. Ferrue Fayne's affinity for the powers of the warp is evidence of at least a latent psychic potential of some note, and the rest of the family must be investigated and assumed corrupted as well. The youngest brother, Darnis, is dead according to the Sanctionaries, killed in the initial massacre that so disturbed the Gallowsway's protectors, and Ferrue was killed by Theodore's agents. The only other known living family is the oldest brother, Tormus, who has been linked to a heretical cult and has been missing for at least many months.
These individuals became far more dangerous when given access to a terrifyingly powerful tool, a warp conduit of malevolent intent. The reports of walking corpses suggests that Ferrue was helping demons to cross the veil and inhabit the bodies of the dead. Theodore's acolytes brought this conduit to the Ordo Desoleum, and Steward Pothys has ordered its destruction after inspection. Unfortunately, the artifact was deemed utterly corrupted and too dangerous for further study. I will have to trace its origin by other means. I am confident it was brought to the hands of the Fayne brothers through the Trade Sable.
While I had my suspicions about the initial crime scene and I had hoped to uncover more traces of the Trade Sable, I truly had no concept of the danger I was sending Theodore's acolytes into. They have shown a resourcefulness that is vital for the Inquisition's success, and I think I will have great need of their skill in the coming investigation. Unfortunately, they did not all make it out of the viper nest alive. Pater Castus Metallus, a stalwart warrior and inspiring leader according to Interrogator Criid, was killed in service to the Emperor in the final attack on Ferrue's stronghold and ritual site. His name has already been sent to Terra and will be etched onto the walls of the Hall of Remembrance along with Laskaris. His body will be sent to Ossuar and the Inquisitorial Crypts where we will all someday join him.
Now, I must go to meet the survivors. There is little time to lose, and the enemy does not stop to mourn its dead...
++End Entry++
++ Log-Entry 54-0012++
++Segmentum Obscurus - Sector Askellon - Subsector Cyclopia++
++Ignace Sobel++
++Rank: Inquisitor++
++Begin Entry++
The Trade Sable has proven itself an urgent threat. In the wastes outside of Primus Hive, right under the noses of the Sanctionaries and Ordo Desoleum, the forces of the Immaterium were almost unleashed upon one of Askellon's primary population centers. To what end this Ferrue Fayne hoped to wield this unholy weapon might only become clear with time, but it would undoubtedly have led to great death and destruction. Ferrue Fayne's affinity for the powers of the warp is evidence of at least a latent psychic potential of some note, and the rest of the family must be investigated and assumed corrupted as well. The youngest brother, Darnis, is dead according to the Sanctionaries, killed in the initial massacre that so disturbed the Gallowsway's protectors, and Ferrue was killed by Theodore's agents. The only other known living family is the oldest brother, Tormus, who has been linked to a heretical cult and has been missing for at least many months.
These individuals became far more dangerous when given access to a terrifyingly powerful tool, a warp conduit of malevolent intent. The reports of walking corpses suggests that Ferrue was helping demons to cross the veil and inhabit the bodies of the dead. Theodore's acolytes brought this conduit to the Ordo Desoleum, and Steward Pothys has ordered its destruction after inspection. Unfortunately, the artifact was deemed utterly corrupted and too dangerous for further study. I will have to trace its origin by other means. I am confident it was brought to the hands of the Fayne brothers through the Trade Sable.
While I had my suspicions about the initial crime scene and I had hoped to uncover more traces of the Trade Sable, I truly had no concept of the danger I was sending Theodore's acolytes into. They have shown a resourcefulness that is vital for the Inquisition's success, and I think I will have great need of their skill in the coming investigation. Unfortunately, they did not all make it out of the viper nest alive. Pater Castus Metallus, a stalwart warrior and inspiring leader according to Interrogator Criid, was killed in service to the Emperor in the final attack on Ferrue's stronghold and ritual site. His name has already been sent to Terra and will be etched onto the walls of the Hall of Remembrance along with Laskaris. His body will be sent to Ossuar and the Inquisitorial Crypts where we will all someday join him.
Now, I must go to meet the survivors. There is little time to lose, and the enemy does not stop to mourn its dead...
++End Entry++