Prologue - A day Late, and a Shilling short
Things are developing as you have feared, Prince of Caledor. The descendants of the barbarian king, Sigmar, have maintained their stewardship of the sacred waysites, but everything hangs by a thread. They continuously fight their own and none of them can be trusted to resist the lures of Chaos. I think the greatest protection of our world lies in their ignorance of what they defend, but Chaos is always whispering to them.
The esteemed Teclis accomplished great things by helping the human empire push back the rising tide, but I agree with you: he trusted them with too much. The power they wield is at constant risk of turning against the order that holds all we treasure together. I think your ideas follow the safer path. We must do what we can to end the bloodshed between us and our wayward brethren. The Empire of man is more unstable than ever and now is the time to act if we are to stop the Dark Gods’ followers from engulfing the land. I await your instructions. Envoy to the court of Emperor Luitpold in Altdorf, Vaerun Asyrrillon |
Report for Captain Luccino:
The patrols to the east of Altdorf will be late by up to a week. Rutger’s escort from Marienburg was attacked by beastmen near Kurhafen, and he will not be in fit shape to move for at least a few days. Two coachmen were killed, and much of the property of one Klaus von Rothstein was lost. With the assistance of an elf and a member of the Altdorf colleges, I arrived in time to help Rutger and the merchant escape before more beastmen descended on us. There was a strange dwarf that helped too. He said he was a ‘slayer’ and had his hair dyed orange. I have never seen anything like it. I’ll tell you more when I see you.
I’ll be helping Klaus von Rothstein get what goods he salvaged booked at the Importers’ Guild before I go. The elf had a private interest in the delivery, and I want to double check that everything is in proper order. We can’t have the foreigners thinking that Reikland’s roads are lawless, and I know you said we have had a jump in smuggling from Marienburg.
Birgitta Tageslicht
via Edwin, Scribe for the Reikland Importers’ Guild
The patrols to the east of Altdorf will be late by up to a week. Rutger’s escort from Marienburg was attacked by beastmen near Kurhafen, and he will not be in fit shape to move for at least a few days. Two coachmen were killed, and much of the property of one Klaus von Rothstein was lost. With the assistance of an elf and a member of the Altdorf colleges, I arrived in time to help Rutger and the merchant escape before more beastmen descended on us. There was a strange dwarf that helped too. He said he was a ‘slayer’ and had his hair dyed orange. I have never seen anything like it. I’ll tell you more when I see you.
I’ll be helping Klaus von Rothstein get what goods he salvaged booked at the Importers’ Guild before I go. The elf had a private interest in the delivery, and I want to double check that everything is in proper order. We can’t have the foreigners thinking that Reikland’s roads are lawless, and I know you said we have had a jump in smuggling from Marienburg.
Birgitta Tageslicht
via Edwin, Scribe for the Reikland Importers’ Guild