House af Sigurdr |
Jarl Sigurdr of Sjaelland
Titles received or held in 867
Jarldom of Sjaelland Chiefdom of Sjaelland Chiefdom of Fyn Chiefdom of Lolland-Falster Alliances and Landed Family in 867 Jarl Bjorn Munso of Uppland - Brother Jarl Halfdan Hvitserk of Jorvik - Brother Jarl Ivar Ivaring of the Sudreyjar - Brother Jarl Dyre Oskyldr of Konugardr - Nephew (Petty) King Aella Northumbria of Northumbria - Father-in-law Liege in 867 Independent |
Wars and Events
871 - The Jarldom of Skaane is added to Jarl Sigurdr's titles at the Grand Blot with the approval of the Chieftains of Skaane. 871-877 - Count Haesteinn's conquest of Jorvik Aggressors: Count Haesteinn of Montaigu Defenders: Jarl Halfdan of Jorvik, Jarl Sigurdr of Sjaelland, Jarl Ivar of the Sudreyjar Result: White peace between Count Haesteinn and Jarl Halfdan Hvitserk 877-878 - Jarl Sigurdr's conquest of the Chiefdom of Gotland Aggressors: Jarl Sigurdr of Sjaelland Defenders: Chieftain Steinn of Gotland Result: Jarl Sigurdr conquers the Chiefdom of Gotland 879-880 - Jarl Sigurdr's conquest of the Chiefdom of Vingulmork Aggressors: Jarl Sigurdr of Sjaelland Defenders: Chieftain Haraldr of Vestfold, Chieftess Thyra of Ribe Result: Jarl Sigurdr conquers the Chiefdom of Vingulmork 882-883 - Jarl Sigurdr's conquest of the (petty) Kingdom of East Anglia Aggressors: Jarl Sigurdr of Sjaelland Defenders: King Eadmund of East Anglia Result: Jarl Sigurdr conquers the (petty) Kingdom of East Anglia 883 - Jarl Sigurdr declares himself Jarl of Jarnamotha, by right of conquest. Chiefdom of Gotland granted to Hasteinn, Champion of Sjaelland and bodyguard to the Jarl. Chiefdom of Cambridgeshire granted to Chieftain Aake Styr of Alfheimar. 884-885 - Jarl Sigurdr's conquest of the Earldom of Huntingdonshire Aggressors: Jarl Sigurdr of Sjaelland Defenders: King Burghred Beornredson of Mercia Result: Jarl Sigurdr conquers the Earldom of Huntingdonshire. Earl Raegenweald of Worcestershire is captured in battle and sacrificed to the gods. 885 - Chiefdom of Huntingdonshire granted to Chieftain Holmger of Bornholm 886 - High Chieftain Aed's conquest of the Earldom of Dyflinn Aggressors: High Chieftain Aed mac Gormlaith, King Causantin II of Alba, High Chieftain Muiredach of Connacht Defenders: Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar, Jarl Bagsecg of Jylland, Jarl Sigurdr of Sjaelland Result: White peace between High Chieftain Aed Neill and Jarl Ivar Ivaring 886-887 - Earl Ubbe's claim on the Earldom of Lancashire Aggressors: Earl Ubbe of Westmorland, Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar Defenders: Earl Eyvindr of Lancashire Result: White peace between High Chieftain Aed Neill and Jarl Ivar Ivaring 887-893 - Jarl Eirikr's conquest of the County of Barcelona Aggressors: Jarl Eirikr of Brittany, Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar Defenders: Duke Bernat II of Barcelona, Count Garindo III of Sobrarbe, Sultan al-Mundir of al-Andalus Result: Jarl Haukr Horthalandi pays reparations in gold to Duke Felip Gellones of Barcelona 890 - Princess Euphrasia Makedon is found strangled in her bedchambers in Wurzburg castle, straining relations between King Ludwig III of East Francia and ... of the Byzantine Empire. Known to have made many enemies in her short time at court, many are suspected. Adding to the mystery are rumors of norse visitors in the Barony that night. 890-893 - Jarl Sigurdr's invasion of the Kingdom of East Francia Aggressors: Jarl Sigurdr of Sjaelland, King Bjorn of Sweden, Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar Defenders: King Ludwig IV of East Francia Result: Jarl Sigurdr conquers the Kingdom of East Francia. Duke Otto of Angria is captured in the fall of Hamburg and sacrificed to the gods. 893 - Jarldom of Skaane granted to Chieftain Haraldr Akra of Skaane. Duchy of Currezia granted to Count Udalrich Udalrichinger of Breisgau, freeing him and the Swabian nobility from all obligation to Jarl Sigurdr to allow the Jarl to focus on bringing the Saxon and Franconians. Counties of Stendal and Dannenberg granted to Niezamysl, Personal Champion of Jarl Sigurdr. Great Temples of Breman and Stade granted to Barthr, Hofgothi of Sjaelland. Counties of Wolpe and Lippe granted to Sveinn Rammi, nobleman of Sjaelland. Counties of Frankfurt, Mainz, and Erbach granted to Thegn Alfr of Aarhus. County of Wurzburg granted to Meginhard Hammelburg, local Franconian nobleman. Great Temple of Munster granted to Holmfrithr, Hofgothi of Sjaelland. County of Oldenburg granted to Gormr, Champion of Sjaelland. County of Gleichenstein granted to Bruno of Gleichenstein, local Franconian nobleman. County of Luneburg granted to Ida of Luneburg, local Saxon noblewoman. County of Vingulmork granted to Chieftain Olafr Styr of Alfheimar. 893-895 - Jarl Bagsecg's claim on the Chiefdom of Fyn Aggressors: Jarl Bagsecg of Jylland, Chieftain Haraldr Yngling of Vestfold Defenders: King Sigurdr of Germany, King Eirikr of Sweden, Earl Ubbe of Westmorland, Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar, Jarl Ofeigr of Bergslagen, Count Haesteinn of Montaigu Result: Jarl Bagsecg Jute renounces his claim on the Chiefdom of Fyn and pays reparations in gold to King Sigurdr Sigurdr 894-897 - Jaromil's Catholic uprising Aggressors: Jaromil of the Uprising, Duke Poppo of Thuringia, Chieftain Ferdinand of Dessau, Countess Hedwid of Nassau, Count Filips of Kassel, Countess Gisela of Marburg, Prince-Bishop Cuthraed of Coburg Defenders: King Sigurdr of Germany, King Eirikr of Sweden, Earl Ubbe of Westmorland, Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar, Jarl Ofeigr of Bergslagen, Count Haesteinn of Montaigu Result: Jaromil Lodzia sacrificed to the gods by King Sigurdr. All nobles that joined the uprising imprisoned by King Sigurdr. Countess Hedwig Orleans executed by public beheading for crimes of rebellion. 898 - Duchy of Hesse granted to Count Alfr Aarhus of Frankfurt. Duchy of Angria granted to Count Sveinn Rammi of Wolpe. County of Dithmarschen granted to Diederik Gustrow, local Saxon nobleman. Countess Gisela Orleans of Marburg sacrificed to the gods by King Sigurdr for crimes of rebellion. County of Hildesheim revoked from Count Filips Bremen of Kassel, for crimes of rebellion. County of Hildesheim granted to Addila Brandenburg, local Saxon noblewoman. 896-899 - King Arnulf's claim on the Kingdom of Germany Aggressors: King Arnulf of Bavaria, King Adalhard of Italy, High Chieftain Jaromir of Rab Defenders: King Sigurdr of Germany, King Bragi of Sweden, Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar, Earl Olafr of Westmorland, Earl Jorundr of Linlithgowshire Result: White peace between King Arnulf Karling and King Sigurdr Sigurdr 899-900 - King Sigurdr's conquest of the Jarldom of Slesvig Aggressors: King Sigurdr of Germany, King Bragi of Sweden Defenders: Jarl Bagsecg of Jylland, Chieftain Haraldr Yngling of Vestfold, Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar Result: King Sigurdr conquers the Jarldom of Slesvig 900-901 - King Sigurdr's conquest of the Chiefdom of Lubeck Aggressors: King Sigurdr of Germany Defenders: Jarl Eirikr II of Jylland Result: King Sigurdr conquers the Jarldom of Jylland 901 - King Sigurdr declares himself the first King of Denmark, raising a runestone in Heithabyr to commemorate his victory over the house of Jute to secure his rule over the kingdom. 901-903 - King Sigurdr's conquest of the Jarldom of Jorvik Aggressors: King Sigurdr of Denmark Defenders: Jarl Guthfrith of Jorvik, Jarl Eirikr II of Jylland, Count Haesteinn of Montaigu Result: King Sigurdr conquers the Jarldom of Jorvik 902-904 - Jarl Orvar's rebellion against King Bragi Aggressors: Jarl Orvar of Uppland, Jarl Suni of Upplond, Jarl Thorthr of Smaaland, Jarl Kolbeinn of Vastergotland, Chieftess Iliana of Medelpad Defenders: King Bragi of Sweden, King Sigurdr of Denmark Result: All rebellious vassals imprisoned by King Bragi Sigurdr 906 - Jedrzej's Catholic uprising Aggressors: Jedrzej of the Uprising, Duke Adalbert of Thuringia, Prince-Bishop Armengol of Osnabruck Defenders: King Sigurdr of Denmark, King Bragi of Sweden, Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar, Chieftain Ingimar of Wolin Result: Jedrzej Gniewosz sacrificed to the gods by King Sigurdr. All nobles that joined the uprising imprisoned by King Sigurdr. Duchy of Thuringia revoked from Duke Adalbert Babenberger. Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck revoked from Prince-Bishop Armengol. 906 - Jarl Eirikr II Jute of Jylland swears fealty to King Sigurdr, after betrothal of the king's son, Guthrothr Sigurdr, and the jarl's daughter, Gunnhildr Jute. Jarldom of Thuringia granted to Haraldr Byrrnesson, champion of Denmark. Great Temple of Osnabruck granted to Hofgothi Holmfrithr of Munster. 905-907 - King Sigurdr's conquest of the High Chiefdom of Veletia Aggressors: King Sigurdr of Denmark Defenders: High Chieftain Jacenty of Luticia, Queen Lidia of Polabia, Result: King Sigurdr conquers the High Chiefdom of Veletia 905-908 - Chieftain Ivar's rebellion against King Bragi Aggressors: Chieftain Ivar of Ahvenanmaa, Jarl Hrane II of Vastergotland, Jarl Dag II of Upplond, Chieftain Orvar of Thrandheimr, Chieftess Bothildr of Medelpad Defenders: King Bragi of Sweden, King Sigurdr of Denmark Result: All rebellious vassals imprisoned by King Bragi Sigurdr 908 - Wolter's Catholic uprising Aggressors: Wolter of the Uprising, Duke Reginar of West Franconia, Prince-Bishop Cuthraed of Coburg, Countess Hasala of Halberstadt Defenders: King Sigurdr of Denmark, King Bragi of Sweden, Jarl Ivar of the Suthreyjar, Chieftain Ingimar of Wolin Result: Wolter Stad sacrificed to the gods by King Sigurdr. All nobles that joined the uprising imprisoned by King Sigurdr. All titles revoked from revoked from Duke Reginar Salian and Prince-Bishop Cuthraed. County of Braunschweig revoked from Countess Hasala Ludolfinger. 908 - Jarldom of West Franconia granted to Halfdan Kven, champion of Denmark. Counties of Coburg and Bamberg granted to Alberich Lichtenfels, local Franconian nobleman. 909 - Jarldom of Jorvik granted to Earl Hrothgeirr Hvitserk of North Riding. Osric, Champion in the court of Earl Ingolfr of the West Riding, choked to death from poisoned wine in the hall of his lord. Osric was known for having killed the shieldmaiden Alof Sigurdr, daughter of King Sigurdr Sigurdr, in battle less than a year prior, so many point fingers at the king from the shadows. 910 - Prince-Bishop Armengol of Tecklenburg is executed by public beheading for crimes of rebellion. 911 - The courts of Denmark are full of talk about the old King Sigurdr and Countess Radegund Esikonen of Fulda. While never participating in the rebellions against rule from Roskilde, the Catholic countess had long resisted the king's insistence to hand the County of Paderborn and its ancient holy site over to the Asatru hofgothir. However, more recently the countess and the king have been together an alarming amount. It is said that the king has greatly impressed her with his attention and even rescued her from an assailant in her own home. It is known that the countess refers to the king as her 'soulmate' and seems to have renounced the Catholic faith, allowing the hofgothir to enter Paderborn and perform sacrifices to Odin. 910-911 - King Sigurdr's conquest of the Chiefdom of Vestfold Aggressors: King Sigurdr of Denmark Defenders: Chieftess Rognhildr of Vestfold Result: King Sigurdr conquers the Chiefdom of Vestfold 911-912 - King Sigurdr's conquest of the Chiefdom of Thelamork Aggressors: King Sigurdr of Denmark Defenders: Chieftess Guthrun of Thelamork Result: King Sigurdr conquers the Chiefdom of Thelamork 914 - King Sigurdr Sigurdr of Denmark dies of natural causes, passing his titles by election to his son, King Bragi of Sweden. |
King Bragi of Sweden
Titles received or held in 914
Kingdom of Sweden Kingdom of Denmark Jarldom of Uppland Jarldom of Sjaelland Jarldom of Jarnamotha Chiefdom of Uppland Chiefdom of Ahvenanmaa Chiefdom of Gestrikalandia Chiefdom of Sjaelland Chiefdom of Fyn Chiefdom of Lolland-Falster Chiefdom of Slesvig Chiefdom of Jarnamotha Chiefdom of Suffolk Alliances and Landed Family in 914 High Chieftess Maer Rogaland of Estonia - Mother of son-in-law Chieftain Ingimar Kraka of Wolin - Brother-in-law Chieftain Dyri Munso of Naumdaelafylki - Brother-in-law High Prince Knud Sigurdr of Germany - Brother Jarl Guthfrith Ivaring of Lothain - Cousin Jarl Rognvaldr Ivaring of Mon - Cousin Jarl Dyri Ivaring of the Suthreyjar- Dynastic relative Jarl Hasteinn Hvitserk of Jorvik - Dynastic relative High Chieftain Vseslav Oskyldr of Kyiv - Dynastic relative Chieftain Ormr Sigurdr of Vestfold - Brother Chieftain Guthrothr Sigurdr of Thelamork - Brother Chieftain Sigtryggr Ivaring of the Ytri Suthreyjar - Cousin Chieftain Sveinn Ivaring of Ulster - Cousin Chieftain Freyr Ivaring of Argjall - Cousin Earl Olafr Ubbing of Lancashire - Cousin Countess Elin Hvitserk of Leicestershire - Dynastic relative Chieftain Vladislav Oskyldr of Zvyahel - Dynastic relative Chieftess Thorunn Munso of Sodermannaland - Dynastic relative Countess Asa Hvitserk of Westmorland - Dynastic relative Earl Ragnarr II Hvitserk of the East Riding - Dynastic relative Chieftain Bjorg Munso of Thrandheimr - Dynastic relative Chieftain Olvir Munso of Helgum - Dynastic relative Liege in 914 Independent |
Wars and Events
914 - Jarldom of Jarnamotha granted to Chieftain Freyr Hammer of Bornholm. Chiefdom of Ahvenanmaa granted to Olvir, bodyguard of King Bragi. Chiefdom of Gestrikalandia granted to Gandalfr Limburg, local Norse nobleman. Chiefdom of Slesvig granted to Folki Stjarna, local Sjaellic nobleman. 913-914 - Chieftess Thorunn's rebellion against King Bragi Aggressors: Chieftess Thorunn of Sodermannaland, Jarl Flosi Ofeigrsson of Bergslagen, Chieftess Bothildr of Medelpad, Chieftain Sverker of Angermanland, Chieftess Bjorg of Thrandheimr Defenders: King Bragi of Sweden, High Prince Knud of Germany, High Chieftess Maer of Estonia Result: All rebellious vassals imprisoned by King Bragi. All titles revoked from Chieftess Thorunn Munso, Chieftess Bjorg Munso, and Chieftain Sverker Stenbock. 914 - Chiefdom of Aangermanland granted to Refr Solatumum, local Norse nobleman. Chiefdom of Sodermannaland granted to Einarr Tronde, nobleman of Sigtuna. Chiefdom of Thrandheimr granted to Vemundr Authgi, local Norse nobleman. 915 - Jarl Alfgeir II Lusakaupangr of Gulathingslog swears fealty to King Bragi for the protection of his realm. 918-920 - King Broen's holy war for the Jarldom of Jorvik Aggressors: King Broen of Alba, Prince Rhodri II of Powys Defenders: High Prince Sigurdr II of Germany, King Bragi of Denmark Result: King Broen Ailpin pays recompense to High Prince Sigurdr II Sigurdr 918-921 - Chieftain Ormr's Rebellion against High Prince Sigurdr II Aggressors: Chieftain Ormr of Vestfold, King Bragi of Denmark, Chieftain Dyri of Naumdaelafylki, Chieftain Milosz of Dessau, Chieftain Luitgard of Braunschweig Defenders: High Prince Sigurdr II of Germany Result: Privileges granted by High Prince Sigurdr II Sigurdr to all vassals of the Kingdom of Germany 920-921 - King Bragi's conquest of the Chiefdom of Ribe Aggressors: King Bragi of Denmark Defenders: High Chieftain Thorgils II of Prussia, Chieftain Lech II of Tarnow Result: King Bragi conquers the Chiefdom of Ribe 922 - Tivadar Arpad dies from the bite of an exotic spider in Kyiv. The strange death takes place just after his wife, Pereyaslava Oskyldr, returns from a visit to the distant court of Sjaelland, where rumors of her close relationship with King Bragi raise eyebrows and suspicions. 921-923 - King Bragi's claim on the Kingdom of Germany Aggressors: King Bragi of Denmark Defenders: High Prince Sigurdr II of Germany Result: King Bragi claims the Kingdom of Germany 923 - Jarldom of Anhalt granted to Count Floris Gerulfing of Blankenburg 923-924 - Chieftain Vladislav's rebellion against High Chieftain Vseslav Aggressors: Chieftain Vladislav of Zvyahel, Chieftess Rostislava of Dubrovytsia, Chieftain Gostomysl II of Roslavl Defenders: High Chieftain Vseslav of Kyiv, King Bragi of Denmark Results: All rebellious vassals imprisoned by High Chieftain Vseslav Oskyldr. 924-926 - King Bragi's invasion of the High Chiefdom of Luticia Aggressors: King Bragi of Denmark Defenders: High Chieftain Jacenty of Luticia, Queen Lidia of Polabia Result: King Bragi conquers the High Chiefdom of Luticia. High Chieftain Jacenty Hevelli swears fealty to King Bragi. 926 - County of Braunschweig granted to Duke Floris Gerulfing of Anhalt. Duchy of West Franconia revoked from Emma Salian for crimes of fornication. Duchy of West Franconia granted to Countess Dorothea Feuchtwangen of Wurzburg. Jarldom of Westfalen granted to Hothgothi Unwan of Munster. 927 - King Bragi's conquest of the High Chiefdom of Pomeralia Aggressors: King Bragi of Denmark Defenders: Chieftain Jaromil II of Slupsk, High Chieftain Aleksander of Mazovia, Chieftess Halla of Wolin Result: King Bragi conquers the High Chiefdom of Pomeralia. Chiefdoms of Stolp and Ziethen granted to Jarl Unnr Visby of Visby. 928-929 King Bragi's conquest of the Chiefdom of Gdansk Aggressors: King Bragi of Denmark Defenders: High Chieftain Gniewosz of Pplania Result: King Bragi conquers the Chiefdom of Gdansk. Chiefdoms of Stolp and Ziethen granted to Jarl Unnr Visby of Visby. Chiefdom of Gdansk granted to Wlodzislaw Gdansk, a local Pomeranian nobleman. 930 - King Bragi declares himself as King of Pomerania with the support of both the Sjaellic and the Pomerania nobles of the region. Chieftess Halla Kraka of Wolin, gives up her independence in the region and swears fealty to King Bragi and is granted the Jarldom of Nordmark. The Holy Order of the Jomsvikings, hosted by the house of Kraka since its founding, likewise pledges loyalty to the throne of Roskilde. 930-931 King Bragi's conquest of the Chiefdom of Walcz Aggressors: King Bragi of Denmark Defenders: Chieftess Wszebora of Walcz Result: King Bragi conquers the Chiefdom of Walcz. Chiefdom of Walcz granted to Jarl Unnr Visby of Visby. 934 - Jarl Dag II Hede of Upplond disappears at feast in Sigtuna, never to be seen again. Whispers say that it is no coincidence that the jarl and the king had been on bad terms due to a dispute of the jarl's imprisonment of King Bragi's half-brother, Holmgeirr Sigurdr. 933-935 - King Bragi's conquest of the High Chiefdom of Egthafylki Aggressors: King Bragi of Denmark Defenders: High Chieftain Thorgils II of Prussia, High Chieftain Trifon of Pinsk, Chieftess Laima of Trakai Result: King Bragi conquers the High Chiefdom of Egthafylki. Chiefdom of Vestr Agthir granted to Arnfast Skal, local Norse nobleman. 946 - King Bragi Sigurdr of Denmark dies of natural causes, passing his titles by election to his son, Hakon. |
King Hakon of Denmark
Titles received or held in 946
Kingdom of Denmark Kingdom of Germany Kingdom of Sweden Kingdom of Pomerania Jarldom of Sjaelland Jarldom of Uppland Chiefdom of Sjaelland Chiefdom of Fyn Chiefdom of Lolland-Falster Chiefdom of Ribe Chiefdom of Uppland Chiefdom of Austr Agthir Alliances and Landed Family in 946 Jarl Suni II Hede of Upplond - Uncle-in-law High Chieftess Pereyaslava Oskyldr of Kyiv - Dynastic relative Jarl Dyri Ivaring of the Suthreyjar - Dynastic relative Jarl Rognvaldr Ivaring of Mon - Dynastic relative High Chieftain Mstislav Oskyldr of Turov - Dynastic relative Jarl Bjorn Ivaring of Lothain - Dynastic relative Jarl Hasteinn Hvitserk of Jorvik - Dynastic relative Jarl Holmgeirr Sigurdr of Estonia - Nephew Lord-Mayor Sigrudr II Sigurdr of Hamburg - Cousin Chieftain Sigtryggr Ivaring of the Ytri Suthreyjar - Cousin Chieftain Sveinn Ivaring of Ulster - Cousin Chieftain Sigurdr Munso of Naumdaelafylki - Cousin Count Thorsteinn Munso of Rennes - Dynastic relative Countess Ylva Ubbing of the West Riding - Dynastic relative Earl Rikulfr Hvitserk of Lancashire - Dynastic relative Chieftain Guthrothr Sigurdr of Thelamork - Uncle Chieftain Kari Munso of Bothin - Cousin Chieftess Sif Oskyldr of Chernigov - Dynastic relative Liege in 946 Independent |
Wars and Events
946 - Chiefdom of Ribe granted to Thordr Sigurdr, half-brother of the King. 952 - King Hakon's conquest of the Earldom of Nottinghamshire Aggressors: King Hakon of Denmark Defenders: Earl Waltheof of Nottinghamshire, Count Iwo of Puttlingen Result: King Hakon conquers the Earldom of Notthinghamshire 960-961 King Hakon's conquest of the Jarldom of Estonia. Aggressors : King Hakon of Denmark Defenders: King Lembit II of Estonia, High Chieftain Kostja of Ustyug Result: King Hakon conquers the chiefdoms of Osel and Wiek. Chiefdom of Wiek granted to Guthrothr Sigurdr, dynastic relative of the king. 963 - King Hakon calls the Gothi to Roskilde in order to formally address spiritual traditions that the king believes are harming the realm. As a result of these great meeting, Archpriest Kolbjorn of Westfalen is anointed as Fylkir Kolbjorn of the Asatru Fylkirate. Many refuse these reforms and continue to practice Old Asatru traditions. 966 - King Hakon's claim of the Prince-Bishopric of Oversticht Aggressors : King Hakon of Denmark Defenders: King Alphonse of Frisia, King Gauthier of Lotharingia Result: King Hakon claims the County of Oversticht. County of Oversticht granted to Gerolt Zwolle, local Dutch nobleman. 969-971 - King Otakar's Holy War for the Kingdom of Germany Aggressors: King Hakon of Denmark, High Chieftain Bulei of Curonia, High Chieftain of Mazovia 973-975 - King Hakon's Holy War of the Kingdom of Frisia Aggressors : King Hakon of Denmark, High Chieftain of Mazovia, Jarl Frirekr of the Suthrejar, Jarl Guthfrith II of Lothian, Chieftain Sigtryggr of the Ytri Suthreyjar Defenders: King Carloman II of West Francia, King Gauthier of Lotharingia Result: King Hakon subjugates the Kingdom of Frisia. 975 - In Roskilde, King Hakon declares the founding of the Sjaellic Empire at the Grand Blot. Fylkir Kolbjorn presents a new crown uniting the kingdoms of Denmark, Sweden, Noregr, Pomerania, Germany, and Frisia. Hakon is delcared Emperor Hakon of the Sjaellic Empire. 977 - King Hakon's de jure war for the County of Arnheim Aggressors : Emperor Hakon of the Sjaellic Empire Defenders: Count Jochim of Arnheim Result: Emperor Hakon subjugates the County of Arnheim 977-978 - King Hakon's de jure war for the Prince-Bishopric of Nedersticht Aggressors : Emperor Hakon of the Sjaellic Empire Defenders: Prince-Archbishop Eustache Result: Emperor Hakon subjugates the Prince-Bishopric of Nedersticht 977-978 - Nikolaus Lubic's populist Catholic Uprising Aggressors: Nikolaus Lubic of the Populist Uprising, Duke Sicco of Holland, Count Rutger of Guelders Defenders: Emperor Hakon of the Sjaellic Empire Result: All titles revoked from the leaders of the uprising by King Hakon, and Nikolaus Lubic is sacrificed to the Gods. Ijsbrand Amsterdam, a local Dutch nobleman, is granted the Jarldom of Holland and the County of Guelders. 977-979 - Jarl Hraerekr Hysingrsson's conquest of the Duchy of Pomerelia Aggressors: Jarl Hraerekr the Adventurer Defenders: Emperor Hakon of the Sjaellic Empire, High Chieftain Siemomysl of Mazovia Result: Jarl Hraerekr is disgraced and exiled from the Sjaellic Empire 983 - Emperor Hakon grants the Barony of Brakel to the Faithful of Tyr, who chose Knutr Viss as their first grandmaster. The order is tasked with protecting the holy sites of Asatru. |