Ignace Sobel
Current Location - Desoleum Primus Hive, Desoleum, Cyclopia
Inquisitor Sobel, a friend of Laskaris and fellow veteran of the Forge Wars, is an enigmatic figure even within an enigmatic institution. With unknown origins and frequently unknown location, the little on record about Sobel is his service with the 51st Vouxian as a scout and officer, where he accrued significant commendations. He gained brief notoriety within the sector Ordos for arranging the flawless assassination of Lord Arius, declared excommunicate traitoris two decades ago, but presently, his interests are difficult to define. He has been reported traversing many of the stranger and more remote parts of Askellon; often parts that only someone with the Inqusition's authority might access. His goals may be simple exploration or heretical investigation, but all this is speculation.
Being a frequent confidant of Laskaris, and having been recently contacted by him about findings on Desoleum and Novabella, Sobel has expressed much dismay over the death of the Inquisitor. Sharing Laskaris' concern for the discoveries of dangerous alien remnants as well as the influx of xenos artifacts into the under-markets of Askellon's civilized worlds, Sobel is interested in uncovering any relation between the two. He has offered to take custody of any assets Laskaris left behind that might assist him in this endeavor, including personnel. Laskaris would often claim that Sobel was too radical for his own good, but apparently trusted the man as a true servant of the God-Emperor.